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I just let a shoe store where a woman had her dog at work. I noticed that the dog was off balance...toward the right side. She was a basset hound and seriously skinny. I said wow...she's skinny and the ladie said yes she has been really losing weight in the past few days. I sat down with the dog and she just layed her head in my lap. Weak, is not the word for this dog. She also had her eyes almost covered with skin/tissue that is normally in the corner of your eyes. When standing her hind foot was turned under...like she couldn't pick it up to put the pad of her foot on the floor.
I volunteered to run the dog to the vet. for her but she said she was trying to get her brother to take her, and she was having a hard time getting in touch with him...but she would make him take her to the vet. I cried for the dog as I left...another customer was kneeled down praying for the dog. What is wrong? Any sugestions...

2007-02-24 06:37:01 · 10 answers · asked by stacie 1 in Pets Dogs

10 answers

Sounds like an owner who can't be bothered, usually rapid weight loss is a sign of kidney failure. She should really get the dog to a vet asap. Poor Puppy.

2007-02-24 06:42:52 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

You are a big hearted person to offer to take the poor dog to the vet. This woman needs to be taking her dog to the vet as soon as possible. The animals very survival could be in question. I certainly would not have a sick animal at work with me. I have taken off time from work, as has my husband when we have had to care for sick children or pets.

This poor basset hound sounds like she has has a stroke, and is experiencing the beginnings of kidney failure. I had a similar thing happen to one of my cats, she stopped eating and dropped weight rapidly, became unsteady and listed/leaned to one side. I had her at the vets the morning of the third day and she had to have some tests done and some meds and fortified food supplements, and she is fine now.

The only reason I did not take her to the vet the very first night she was not feeling well was that the vet wanted us to watch her behavior for one whole day, and they wanted her right in the office the next morning. I pray that the poor fur baby is getting some help. God bless you for worrying about one of His creatures.

The vet never found out what initially caused my cats stroke, and she is an indoor cat, so she couldn't have gotten into anything poisonous, so we really don't know the cause. My vet said that animals can deteriorate in a few hours once kidney failure begins.

I would be very tempted to contact the store and find out if the poor dog is still there. If it is, you could try contacting the local animal control and see what they suggest.

God bless you for caring about one of Gods creatures.

2007-02-24 15:03:36 · answer #2 · answered by Sue F 7 · 0 0

Well the easy answer is ALOT. The weight loss could be from worms, a digestive disorder, or from not being fed enough. The eye issue is called cherry eye and needs to be corrected with surgery if it is that severe. The turned in foot could be genetic but it could also be from an injury or from poor nutrition while the dog was growing. Being off balance could be too many things to mention but my assumption would be weakness due to starvation as well as the rear foot causing a bit of imbalance.

Please call animal control. This woman should have had that dog at the vet yesterday. If you don't want to do that and can afford the vet care, offer to buy the dog off her. Either way, I wish that poor dog all the luck in the world. She needs it.

2007-02-24 14:47:41 · answer #3 · answered by Erica Lynn 6 · 1 0

It may seem that this dog is not being well cared for, but the case may be that this is an old and infirm dog, or a dog with serious health issues that the owner is attempting to care for to the best of her ability. Notice that the owner actually has the dog at her place of business with her, and did not leave her at home alone. That indicates a level of caring that risks public opinion to keep the dog at her side in an attempt to ease her distress.
I would not let a stranger take my dog to the vet either. What if my dog nipped this person when she experienced a sudden bout of pain? Would this good Samaratan then sue me? Does this person understand all the foliables of my dog, like how she might refuse to climb stairs, pee on their car seat (being in ill health), or that she is difficult on the lead since she started hurting? Letting a family member who understands my dog take the dog to the vet, if I cannot leave my place of work, is a better option.
It is good of you to be concerned, and more people like you who are prepared to go the extra mile are what we need in our society. I would just hesitate to make a sudden judgement concerning a situation which may be far different from how it appears.

2007-02-28 14:16:27 · answer #4 · answered by Veronica W 2 · 0 0

This is hard,,, I don't really know what would be wrong but the dog needs to be seen immediately!! She could have worms really bad,, or parvo,,, and may have gotton into something that was very toxic. Prayers are the only thing I could tell you to do at this point. If it would make you feel better go back to the shoe store and see if the lady did indeed take the dog to the vet. Good luck !!

2007-02-24 14:46:52 · answer #5 · answered by nc_debi 2 · 1 0

Could be anything from a severe case of worms, a bad ear infection, cancer or ???. I hope the woman has her seen by a vet soon. Sad...maybe she doesn't have the money?

Or it could be she already knows her dog has something incurable but doesn't want to face it (denial). Please consider that scenario - I had a good friend whose beloved German Shepherd was dying of congestive heart failure. He was keeping the dog as comfortable as possible, and having a hard time making the 'final decision'. The dog was seeing the vet I worked for weekly & being given medicines to deal with the pain as best as possible, but he was gaunt, weak & sunken-eyed. A neighbor (not aware of the situation & who hadn't even talked to him about it) called the humane society on him for neglect! So, be careful where you go with this.

2007-02-24 14:50:52 · answer #6 · answered by mustanglynnie 5 · 1 0

The dogs probably emaciated which would account fo rthe saggy skin and skinnyniss. And since its not eating enough it cant get the right vitamins and proteins and calcium to make her bones strong which is why shes crooked and cant put her paw down. And sice she doesn't have the right vitamins and proteins and calcium then her skins not healthy either. So pretty much its being abused becasue its not being fed and having the right medical attention the owner should give it. I would contact your local shelter or the police to check it out!
Good Luck!

2007-02-24 14:46:32 · answer #7 · answered by it's me 3 · 1 0

there is definately something majorly wrong with the dog.
at least its not that the owner doenst care, but is trying to get the dog to the vet. if the owner didnt care, then that would be a case that you can phone animal care.
but, if you go in, in say 3 days, but the dog still hasn't gone to the vet, then i would talk to the owner, tell her your really concerned for her dog and you would like to offer to take the dog to be checked out.
good luck.
ps. sounds like either a sprain or a pulled tendon.

2007-02-24 14:44:02 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Can't diagnose anything specifically, but it sounds like the dog was seriously dehydrated and possibly showing neurological symptoms. It could be kidney failure, antifreeze poisoning, hepatitis or any of several other things. This is serious and that dog should be in a hospital *now* - your instincts are correct.

2007-02-24 15:31:37 · answer #9 · answered by dukefenton 7 · 0 0

call the humane society. this lady should have taken this dog to the vet long ago.

2007-02-24 14:46:05 · answer #10 · answered by ? 4 · 1 0

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