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I'm interested to see how much diversity we have among us on R&S. Thank you for responding :)

2007-02-24 06:22:12 · 12 answers · asked by Kallan 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

There is no way for me to choose a best answer here, as all paths are valid. I'll leave it up to the voters to give someone 10 pts. Thank you all for participating. Blessings in abundance!

2007-02-24 23:27:38 · update #1

12 answers

I am Asatru. I like it because it gives me a fulfillment in life that no other religion ever could do. Being connected to the Gods who are as close to you as blood-kin, following a Lore that teaches you to be strong and independent, honoring your ancestors and the heroes of before, that is Asatru for me. I like it because the morals fit mine. The Asatru way of life esteems: courage, honor, hospitality, independence (and liberty), individuality (with self-reliance, family and self-responsibility), industriousness (and perseverance), justice (including an innate sense of fairness and respect for others), loyalty (to family, friends and folk), truthfulness, and a willingness to stand up for what is right.

It gives me strength in daily life, it gives me hope that there are actually Gods that care, and that stand with you if times are hard.
Asatru is one of the only religions that doesn't clash with the modern day scientific view on the world, it views the world as it is, a natural place, with many Gods.

2007-02-24 06:28:24 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I was raised Catholic and when I was 18, the priest told the congregation that if you're "pro-choice" you are not a Catholic. I got up and walked out. I knew I wasn't a Catholic at that point. Plus, certain things never made sense to me.

I don't have a certain branch or religion. I like the more nature based relations and don't want to be part of a group. So, I flutter about on my own taking bits and pieces from Buddhist texts and Wicca. I'm probably somewhere in between those two.

2007-02-24 06:41:42 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm a very eclectic Wiccan. Although I've been so for almost ten years now, there are still a lot of beliefs I haven't worked out yet. For instance, I'm not sure if I'm a "hard" polytheist, or if I believe all deities are aspects of one great spirit, or what. But I consider these questions an interesting part of the journey rather than things that "must" be figured out in order for me to have a "real" religion, you know?

2007-02-24 06:34:40 · answer #3 · answered by Huddy 6 · 0 0

On a pure technicallity, I'm on a couple branches. I'm into staying on a single pantheon for worship [Hellenistic], Theistic Satanism [Though I do not see Satan as god like most do, I classify myself as a LHP'er, and take self worship to a kind of new level] with an influence of Thelema [Combining indulgence with a search for the HGA, and crossing the Abyss.] .

I'm a Polytheist with an Monotheistic force [That is a god where everything plays out, but does not act, unless commanded to], and that force is pantheistic, where each thing has a sliver of divinity [Crowley would cal lthat the HGA.]

I'm kinda varied, but I know what I mean.

2007-02-24 08:34:49 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am currently practicing eclectic Wicca, although I've been initiated into an Alexandrian-based Lineage. My initial training was heavily Alexandrian-influenced, and I went through the year-and-a-day Outer Court training for an Alexandrian coven.

I'm not into Wicca because it's "cool" or "trendy" -- I came to the religion before that really became an issue. I'm Wiccan because that's the most fulfilling path to the Divine for me at this time. :-)

2007-02-24 07:26:03 · answer #5 · answered by prairiecrow 7 · 0 0

I am also an Asatruar. I consider myself more of a 'heathen' than a 'pagan' if we must label ourselves.

I especially like that I am responsible for MYSELF in Asatru. There is no 'devil made me do it' or 'it's God's will' BS in Asatru. If only everyone thought that way, the world would be a better place.


2007-02-24 06:33:55 · answer #6 · answered by morgorond 5 · 1 0

I'm kind of a loner. I have my own beliefs, some shared by pagans and some not. I don't like to feel I belong to any religion as all religions have rules which inhibit growth and spiritual development.

2007-02-24 06:28:49 · answer #7 · answered by Velvet_Goth 5 · 2 0

My main influence comes from Old Native Spirituality. I believe it is important to be in harmony with the indigenous spiritual beliefs. It's all centered on our connection with the Earth Mother & Great Spirit (Universal Energy).

2007-02-24 06:29:10 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I'm about equal parts hedge-witch and non-BTW coven trained in a Tradition that is the public practice of many Gardnerians (NROOGD).

Hubby and I practice NROOGD, but I also have some private hedge-witchery that I do.

2007-02-24 08:32:02 · answer #9 · answered by Praise Singer 6 · 0 0

I haven't found any one branch that I totally agree with so I'm kind of on my own path.

2007-02-24 06:30:25 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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