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2007-02-24 05:53:35 · 18 answers · asked by DAR 7 in Politics & Government Immigration

Moody, if we are hurt by people breaking the law (there being reasons for the law,in the first place) it is not 'harrassment' of the lawbreakers to discuss it.

2007-02-24 07:47:07 · update #1

18 answers

While waiting 3 years for life saving surgery I had to share county waiting rooms full of people, 80% of whom were foreign. No, this isn't about their race. They were from other countries, speaking other languages, fumbling to find paperwork they may or may not have had. The Americans were of all races. Of the 20% who were American, less than half were white. If foreigners didn't get the same benefits as Americans, I could have had my surgery 3 years ago and may not have all the horrible permanent damage and chronic health problems that I have. This goes for many other health problems as well.
I'm not healthy and strong enough to stand, lift, squat, etc to do the kinds of jobs I used to be able to do, and besides other women, I had to compete with foreigners for those jobs. Sometimes foreign men and sometimes entire families.
But I'm denied all benefits such as SSI, welfare, etc. I'm denied Medi-Cal every year until I threaten to file a discrimination complaint. Then they're like oh yeah, you're disabled by our rules, whoops, sorry, we found the paper work.
I can't get SSI because, besides the BS of claiming I can lift 20 lbs (leap tall buildings in a single bound etc) and all that other nonsense, they believe I could probably get a light duty job. That an employer would let me sit to do my job and that I could do that at least 6 hours a day. First of all, I can't sit 6 hours a day. Won't go into the details. I've never had an employer that gives regular hours and breaks, honors schedules, or pays much above minimum wage (if they even pay minimum wage). Why would they hire an unskilled, light duty, part time, female AMERICAN worker to sit on a stool and run a register or data entry or collect rent, etc? They'd rather get a healthy person to do that and several other jobs for the same wage. And most of the time the competition is foreign now. Let's say that the competition for jobs at the bottom is the same as the waiting room. If 8 of 10 jobs, per our example, didn't go to foreign workers, isn't it MORE possible I could get a part time light duty job that paid a little more than minimum wage? There'd be less unfair competition, which would increase my chances.
Comparing things at the bottom. My sister works 2 part time jobs, one of which is in exchange for part of her rent. She makes ends meet because of the charity of others. She has no money in the bank. One of her coworkers swears she is broke. She has $20,000 in the bank and her parents, who have returned to India, collect Social Security.
THERE ARE NO JOBS AMERICANS WONT DO. Just jobs employers have replaced with foreign workers.
I hope that answers your question.

2007-02-24 09:32:43 · answer #1 · answered by ? 4 · 4 0

That is a very good question , and I think I can some it up for you.I am in Texas so I will use Texas as an example. In the 70's wage's were still pretty good ,and you could live on 10 dollars an hour. With rent and bill's and all the little thing's that make life comfortable.And there were a few illegal's here but they were not skilled. Well as time moved forward the cost of living went up and the wage followed, but then the 80's came and the president at that time was a friend to large buiness,That is when the wage froze and the cost of living just kept climbing. Well people wanted all the thing's that made life comfortable,so they wanted more money. Well the businessmen soon realized that to run there buisness it took more money, again rent, electricity,the little thing's you need. well the illegal's by this time had moved into helper job's and were not asking for more money and were scared of being turned in to authorities. So, as buisnrssmen they saw that there was an untaped resorce of man power that would work for much less money. That is when the problem started. The employers told the illegal's that were here to bring there friend's back with them if they wanted to work. and they told two friend's and so on and so on. Well after several years of this, the wage was frozen and time's demanded more money for gas , water , electricity. The people at the bottom feel it first, They lose there jobs to the illegals because, The bussinessmen could get the illegal's to work for much less money. And as time went on money was leaving the country but not coming back,the illegal's had moved into better jobs because they replaced the American that wanted to make a living. Then they started wanting rights here, and because there were so many the president our president gave them amnisty. To get re-elected.This is the moment this country was sold out. And this is the short story. But if you use this as a guide, you will see how the illegal's impact this Great Country. They want our money but don't recognize or laws. They bring there rapist and murderers with them because that is there culture.

2007-02-24 06:58:29 · answer #2 · answered by David 1 · 5 1

In the areas where I have lived there has always been some illegals doing certain jobs in agriculture. They were temporary. They came and worked and then left. We cannot survive on a temporary job here but I'm sure it was a windfall when taken back to Mexico to live off of. Those are what I would consider jobs Americans won't do and where maybe we could use TEMPORARY guest workers. Work and then leave. No wives, no kids, work and go. But now they are taking jobs Americans want and need and are pushing other people out of their jobs and lowering standards with the "must speak Spanish". We have jobs available here that are being "held" for just hispanics. Problem is.....not enough are legal to take the jobs so they go unfilled when legal citizens need them. If you didn't have the education and need to work these jobs.....why should you also then be deprived of getting them because you don't speak a specific foreign language? We have educated people wanting jobs and being passed up to take a totally uneducated person just because they speak Spanish. No screening, no background check, non of the other requirements the rest of us has to do. They have long passed doing the jobs Americans supposidly won't do, to taking jobs away and preventing even an equal shot at it for the rest of us.

There are limits for welfare. Not everybody that needs it gets it. It's not fair that so much goes to one specific group because they work under the table and their finances can't be tracked, not to mention ALOT of illegal money making ventures that can't be tracked, and then collect welfare on top of that. So it is preventing other legal citizens from having access to that as well.

We have a public hospital here that was for basicly low income people. They were finally having access to some health care. But now that all the illegals have come....they are millions and millions in debt, so now they are cutting the services that were available to them.

People donate to food pantrys quite a bit here. They had sort of an open market for people to come to and they had pictures in the paper. Illegals just cleaning it dry. I know they were because the article mentioned how the vast majority went to illegals when there are tons more who need it in this area. So many have commented....why bother going.....there's never anything left once the illegals hit.

Attention is drawn from our children who are citizens at school for the extra care required to the masses of illegals children, so they are being lost in the shuffel.

It's also increased the crime in the poorest areas. It lowers the standards for housing which aren't great to begin with. They run our citizens out of the areas with so called affordable housing and degrade it even further.

Many low income people have criminal records of some sort. It follows them.....where an illegal can just change identies and they don't have their criminal pasts in the picture at all.

2007-02-24 07:47:58 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

I'm not sure it does. In California, Illegals are rejecting $10 an hour jobs. I think $20, 000 is the poverty line. This indicates several things. One is that many of those who are in poverty don't want to the jobs illegals do in California. I don't have pity for those. I don't doubt illegal immigrants reduce our salaries, but my main concern is that they reduce our work condition. I think the main erason they are hired is so companies don't have to create a decent work environment. They don't pay workers comp nor do they have to deal with lawsuit when the company does something wrong. I'm not sure of their impact in other states though. I'm sure its different.

2007-02-24 06:03:56 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Um...your math is incorrect. you're able to characteristic the white, hispanic and black numbers. we've approximately 35 million individuals who're formally "undesirable", and probable yet another 10-20 million who're unofficially undesirable via our previous poverty standards. Why are the undesirable handed over? 3 available motives: a million. undesirable human beings have decrease voter turnout expenses than the wealthy and better center classification and are as a result below-represented in politics. 2. the wealthy, company classification wields large means over media and elections, and cares extra approximately its base line than approximately social justice. 3. The bourgeois society encourages the parable that "balloting would not rely" between poorer individuals to reason phenomenon (a million) above. Why try this? via fact of: 4. fixing the poverty subject might tend to make society as an entire, extra enlightened and knowledgeable, which might probable threaten the means and privilege of the amazing few. in case you prefer to handle poverty, the thank you to do it rather is to administration advocates for the undesirable. Martin Luther King Jr. tried this interior the 60s with the undesirable human beings's marketing campaign and it did deliver approximately some advantageous differences.

2016-11-25 21:00:57 · answer #5 · answered by guarnieri 4 · 0 0

The answer it not the impact of illegal immigration on the poverty situation. It is that the illegal people are criminals breaking the law of our land. There are legal ways of coming into this country and a lot of people have and are playing by the rules. So why would all these people who paid hard earned money to come here legally, want to have someone here that breaks the rules, to come here. It is crazy to think that we play by the rules, and get insulted and the criminals are being handed legal status. It is a crazy lost country. I don't know why if this country is so terrible and hated around the world, why are there so many people wanting to come to this terrible unfair country. Why don't they just stay home.

2007-02-24 06:08:29 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Those Mexican Bandits will reap the jobs that would otherwise keep you and I out of poverty! You can thank the greed of corporate America and the Republicans!
What's going to happen or should I say has already happened is those "Mexicans" come here but get real smart overnite! They don't want the $7.00/HR jobs either!
The republicans and corporate America just got it right up the gazoo! Now, they have to carry these people on the public handout roles, government health insurance, and now social security! What were they thinking back then?
Kind of reminds me of the mass exudus of corporate America out of the north and down to the south and beyond! No one stopped to think that "uneducated" people can't support "high tech" jobs! OOPS!!!!!! So now what? We abandon all those newly built plants and head overseas to India and China right?
Wait and see what that brings!
Capitalism in it's present form is a "DOOMED" mission! Watch and see!

2007-02-24 06:06:56 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I would say that it impacts those people directly.
Not only does the influx of unskilled immigrants directly increase the number in poverty, they also compete for jobs directly with the citizens of this country in this group.

They drive down and keep down the wages these other citizens would otherwise be earning.

All of the pro-illegal immigration folks who love paying cheap prices for juice need to remember that those cheap prices come at a tremendous cost, many times to the people that you think you're helping.

2007-02-24 06:02:59 · answer #8 · answered by Rick 4 · 4 1

It affects it because instead of giving money to people that really need it, our country gives it to illegal people who just leach off of our country. It doesn't help either that we have welfare kings and queens running around with the twelve kids, mooching off the system. There are too many LAZY people collecting food stamps and welfare, that are capable of getting a job, and that takes away from the people that really need the money.

Also Illegal people are taking jobs away from Americans. They come in and get jobs and send all of their money back home, and then complain about how much they hate America and Americans.

I don't even really want to get started. My opinions on this ARE NOT PRETTY.

2007-02-24 07:34:13 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

I'm thinking that the actual figures even higher!! There's no way the data could reflect actual numbers. How could they possibly have the information on illegals that are not part of the paperwork system, getting paid under the table---5 families in one house and the like. Even their worst possible employment option in the U.S. pays better than most of the jobs in Mexico. Forcing our workers to compete with illegals--on our own soil--is a disgrace.

Senator Edward Kennedy/John McCain, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce (Crooks) and a bunch of other Republican Hacks are sponsoring Senate Bill 1033 next week which is an OMG WTF are they thinking piece of legislation that is Pro Illegal and Anti-American.

2007-02-24 08:03:07 · answer #10 · answered by scottyurb 5 · 3 1

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