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well i recently got a puppy chow chow thats 10 months and about 10 to 20 pounds i think
and my chow chow keeps doing his business anywhere in the house
i dont know what to do
and plus i have another chow chow thats 1 yr excatly and
he's doing his business in the house ive been trying to point them outside but they just dont listen
i need advice A LOT OF IT

2007-02-24 05:50:08 · 29 answers · asked by Janet 3 in Pets Dogs

29 answers

First have set feeding times and let them outside 15-30 minutes after eating..

Crate training is about the easiest way to train a dog.

Take them outside frequently... and reward them with a small treat when they do anything outside (even a kibble counts, dogs don't care I think is more of the praise that they get then the contents of the treat)

2007-03-03 14:54:55 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Amity b's advice is right on. Was the chow kept outside before you got him? Rubbing their nose in it doesn't disguist the dog. Just makes you look silly. Take a fresh stool sample outside to the area you want him to use. Praise much if he does anything out. If your dogs smell where another has gone in the house, they will also. If the older dog was using the outside, take to that area. Both must be kept in a confined area. Small enough so they won't want to soil it. Some dogs do not like to go on a leash. Do you tie them or are they in a fenced area? Must be consistant and more determined than your dogs. YOU are the boss, leader of the pack. Lead strongly but gently. Use the same motions every day, day in, day out. Good Luck. I have had many dogs of various breeds and never had this problem. Crated or confined from the beginning is the clue. Right outside. No detours.

2007-02-24 14:23:38 · answer #2 · answered by peach 6 · 0 0

Having been a professional dog trainer for along time I love some of the responses. Rubbing a dogs nose in feces or urine isn't going to make the dog stop going in the house, all it will do is make the dog scared any time there is poop or pee on the floor even if it isn't theirs. The best method is to crate train the dog. The dog should be in a crate any time you can't watch them. Otherwise the dog should always been in the same room as you. If the dog starts to go to the bathroom yell No No NO NO the whole way over to the dog, pick them up and take them outside, walk them around until they go potty and praise them. Just throwing the dog outside isn't going to help you have to praise them when they go potty outside.
I would recommend taking the dog for walks a few times a day, and praise them when they go. Training a dog is a very time intensive process, if you can't devote the time needed I would talk to a good trainer and see how much it would cost to have the dog trained.

2007-02-24 16:30:10 · answer #3 · answered by Tom B 2 · 1 0

Hi I'm a Certified Professional Dog Trainer and your problem is simple really. You need to totally and compleatly disinfect your house from top to bottom with a cleaning product called Nature's Miracle or Simple Soultion these products remove the enzymes from your pets messes. You can buy them at Petco , Petsmart. See what happens is you clean the messes up with regular household cleaners that have amonia in them as their main active ingredent which is also unfortunately the same thing thats in your pets waste. so your dogs are still able to smell that even though you've cleaned the messes up thats why they are still going in the house. If you do a thorough cleaning with the Nature's Miracle or simple soultion that should help a great deal.
But also put your dogs on a feeding schedule and keep it the same everyday so that if you know when it goes in you will know when it comes out. also I would get 2 plastic pet crates just big enough for your dogs to stand up turn around and lay down comfortably when you are gone the dogs need to be in the crate then first thing when you get home they go out for a potty break also if you can't supervise your dogs when you are home they should be in their crates. This means at night also see dogs usually won't mess where they sleep and the crate is a safe place for them it will become their modern day den much like the one they would have lived in if they lived in the wild. this will also help with the house breaking because they will no longer have freedom to roam the house you kinda have to think of it like potty training a young child you wouldn't let them run butt naked around the house bythemseves
unsupervised why then do we let our dogs run a muck in our households we need to set rules and limits and stick to them.
Check out That's My Dog!.com it's the training company I work for we are more than willing to try to help you with any other problems you may have.

2007-03-04 01:28:28 · answer #4 · answered by countrygirlanna02 1 · 0 0

You need to go back to basics as if they are 8 week old pups. Take them out every hour and immediately upon waking and after eating. Make sure you are with them when you go out and not just putting them outside and leaving them too it. They are both old enough to go for 2 20 minute walks a day so that should help them go to the toilet.
The reason why they aren't responding to your commands are that they don't really know what they mean.
It's unusual for chows to be dirty they are renowned for being fastidiously clean but it really is a matter of treating them as you would a new pup regardless of their age.
Also make sure that you have thoroughly cleaned where they have gone. DO not use ammonia based cleaners as that can actually attract them use either a steam cleaner or vinegar and water solution

2007-02-24 13:57:23 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I have trained a few dogs in my life to ask about going outside, first is pick a time of day that you can always take the dog outside (a schedule is good) and when you do keep a good eye on it and when it does it's business out side then immediately reward it with attention and take it back inside, this will lead to the dog learning how to get you to let it go out side then it will put 2 and 2 together and know when to go out side is to do the number one and two, you can also let it know you don't like it when, you see it pee in the house but, make sure it's right then when you show a reaction that it doesn't like and reward it after doing it out side.

2007-02-24 14:12:24 · answer #6 · answered by puddog57 4 · 0 0

this is very unusual for chows,the two I have had were like most chows born housebroken.Put your dogs in a room with newspaper on the floor and do not let them out.Get the commercial spray at the pet store that you spray on paper to encourage them to use it.Leave them in this room till they go there every time,praise them when they go .I had females,I do not know If both dogs you have are male,If so and they urinate inside,you have a problem.The young dog is doing what he sees the other dog is doing.Keep them outside if you have a yard,give them plenty of time to go.If you have to walk them this is going to take time.Do not let these dogs have the run of the house,until they are housebroken.I wish you luck .Have patience,they are seeing how far they can go with you do not let them!If it is cold where you are,that may be some of the problem,I live where it never snows,so dogs always have a place to go.

2007-02-24 14:22:42 · answer #7 · answered by Gloryana 3 · 0 0

We just got a new puppy, and immediately started house training it. What we do is we keep her in the kennel whenever she doesn't use the bathroom outside. Three times a day we give her a reasonable amount of food, and wait five minutes. Immediately we take her outside until she goes. We had one accident this week, and about four the first week we had her. We've had her four weeks in all, and it's definitely working. When she does go outside, we let her roam around the house, but she sleeps in the kennel, and if she doesn't use the bathroom outside when we take her she goes back in the kennel until we take her out at least an hour later.

2007-02-24 13:53:56 · answer #8 · answered by Akarui 3 · 1 0

You need to start crate training. Also using a enzymatic cleaner like Nature's Miracle will help as will white vinegar. Rubbing your pups nose in the mess will not help. You need to start crating your pups anytime you can not be right there with them. Start taking them outside and then if they potty outside praise them like its the first time they have done it. Treats and pets and high pitched voices go a long way with house training pups. If your pup doesn't potty outside, bring it inside and crate it again. Take him out in 30 minutes. Persistence and consistency is the key. If you cant watch them they need to be in their crates. They will learn that their crates are their "dens" and these will be a safe place for them as they get older. Good luck

2007-02-24 13:55:30 · answer #9 · answered by Amity B 1 · 1 0

Do not rub their faces in anything. The basic key is to keep a close eye on them in order to “catch them in the act”. Contrary to popular belief by people who refer to animals as “fur babies” dogs do understand yelling and gentle correction, I’m not advocating anything more serious then a little tap with your open palm to get their attention. Dog are not babies, they are animals, like the ones we eat but they just happen to be our friends. Anyways, catch them in the act, maybe give them a little grab by the scruff of the neck and growl “no” as nasty as you are able while escorting them outside. You can start off a little nicer and gradually increase your mock anger until they are trained. Or, you can live with a dog that craps inside.

I don’t think your going to train a 10 month old dog using high pitched baby talk.

2007-02-24 14:14:40 · answer #10 · answered by Wesleystock 2 · 2 0

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