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I hate sports televised, I think they are a waste of time. But I understand it is big business and many people find it entertaining. But I cannot stand when the pastor talks about a game from the pulpit. I come to Church to get away from worldly distractions, not to hear about them.


2007-02-24 05:39:43 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

17 answers

I agree!

I understand the reasoning, though. It gets (common) men involved in church. Since most christian faiths meet on a Sunday Sabbath, the church might even be a direct competitor with sporting events; this could be a problem for the church or the family relationship.

When got engaged to my former wife, I approached her father for permission. He said he wanted to get to know me better, so I went with him to Promise Keepers.
Imagine if you will, a church event held in a football stadium and only using sports metaphors. The only thing that made it bearable was the fact that her dad did not like football either.

2007-02-24 05:47:30 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I'm not a big sports fan either. But with regard to your pastor's messages that incorporate sports, I think you ought to just try and be more tolerant. You are only one person of however many are in your congregation. For some it may help to illustrate the pastor's point in a way that a different reference would not. There's an old saying I heard when I was in grad school and it was with regard to lectures in classes and the saying is "chew up the meat and spit out the bones". I think it applies here as well.

2007-02-24 13:48:12 · answer #2 · answered by mustihearthis 4 · 1 0

We're called to be in the world, not of it, but that doesn't mean you can isolate yourself from the world and what's happening in it. You might be the only chance someone has to learn about salvation, and if you close yourself off to what's happening around you, they might miss that opportunity.

Lighten up – televised sports isn't the issue here. You having a problem with the pastor is a more pressing issue to examine.

2007-02-24 13:44:41 · answer #3 · answered by artboy34 3 · 1 0

It doesn't bother me. Pastors are people too and there is a saying that you don't want to be so Heaven minded that you are no Earthly good. Remember that Jesus prayed for us because we were in the world but, he also expressly told his Father that he did not want to take us out of world but, just sanctify us while we were here. We have to bring God into all areas of life and that means past times too. I kind of enjoy it when a pastor uses something that many people can relate to to make a point about a religious thing and also it endears people more fully to their pastor when they can think of him as a regular person too. They aren't so afraid to talk to them about their problems.

2007-02-24 13:55:51 · answer #4 · answered by Midge 7 · 1 0

I am not a big fan of televised sports either, but a lot of other people (in the congregation are)..Pastor is human, and it hlp parishoners know that church does not have to be entirely serious all the time....Even God has a sense of humor..

2007-02-24 13:45:22 · answer #5 · answered by maimatt7 3 · 1 0

using an analogy related to sports is ok if most of the congrgation could be expected to understand... our pastor is a fisherman... most of us know about fishing... so a lot of fishing stories are tied to the sermon... but... The Word of God always comes first and is not overshadowed by the "stories"... a pastor should keep the stories and analogies relivant to the theam of the sermon... and to a minimum regardless of the subject.

2007-02-24 13:45:07 · answer #6 · answered by idahomike2 6 · 1 0

Beign a CHristian isn;t about getting away from the problems. It's about beign IN the world (not of it-think thats a song). If it gets the point across hes tryign to make no it doesnt bother me at all, althoguh I dont like most sports-period!

2007-02-24 13:43:29 · answer #7 · answered by Betsy 7 · 2 0

They need to use worldly experiences to preach. It would get pretty dull if all they did was read straight from the book. Things back then where different then now so to get to more people they need to put it in todays perspectives.

2007-02-24 13:44:44 · answer #8 · answered by jc102800 2 · 1 0

if he talked about something you liked at the puplit im sure you wouldant mind to hear it. church is a place for fellowship not to complain about what the preacher says god made sports as well im not a sports fan eather but just because they do something you didint like dosent mean its wrong

2007-02-24 13:50:37 · answer #9 · answered by Rusty 3 · 1 0

My opinion is that a true faith is not divided from everyday life. Sports are often used as analogies in all aspects of life. They can help get attention and explain ideas

2007-02-24 13:47:20 · answer #10 · answered by Mr. Bodhisattva 6 · 1 0

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