Your vet can prescribe Cosequin to help her feel better. It helped my cat quite a bit. It's a good idea to take her to the vet for a senior checkup & blood tests to make sure she's otherwise healthy and there isn't another reason for her slowing down. If problems are caught early, many health conditions in senior cats can be treated to improve their quality of life.
Aspirin and other human pain medicines aren't safe for cats, but the Cosequin is very safe & helps a lot, though it may take a few weeks of use before you see results.
If you can find a veterinary acupuncturist in your area, it may be worthwhile to give that a try too. My vet performed laser acupuncture (no needles) on my cat for her pain from arthritis and bone spurs in her back, and it helped her tremendously.
2007-02-24 05:48:10
answer #1
answered by Bess2002 5
I have cats 13, 14, and 17 who show no signs of arthritis so i don't think you can just make that assumption based on her age.
My old cat (22 and 1/2) years old was severely arthritic. She received shots from her vet regularly for a few years. Then I felt it wasn't really helping her that much. The vet approved my using the homeopathic remedy Rhus toxicodendron at a 6C dosage and I did see that she became more fluid in her movements. She was extremely hard to "pill" however and I discontinued it as she was nearing her end and there were a lot of other health issues to be dealt with.
Two months ago I got some Rhus toxiocodenron from a homeopath for myself. I take three 200C pills twice a day and the pain relief is amazing. I no longer take aspirin or other prescribed NSAIDS which were doing a number of my stomach.
The beauty of the homeopathic remedies is they are not toxic at the low levels available in health food stores and can be of great help for some common ailments.
You would be putting your cat in no jeopardy by trying a 6C or even a 30C pill once or twice a day. Start with one for a few days and see if you notice a change. I would certainly give it a try and watch to see if it improves her mobility. If it doesn't you discontinue it and look to another reason she seems "achy".
I would not go to a higher dosage than 30C or more than twice a day without consulting a homeopathic veterinarian or a veterinarian homeopath (and there is a difference).
Aspirin and NSAIDS that humans use can destroy your cat's liver in a heartbeat and should never be used with cats.
2007-02-24 06:17:19
answer #2
answered by old cat lady 7
Do not give your cat people aspirin. You need to find out what the vet would recommend for cat, I'm sure they have a medication that will make her more comfortable.
2007-02-24 07:01:16
answer #3
answered by Kitty Mom 4
You could try giving her one teaspoon of cod liver oil each day, as many humans take this to ease aching joints. Most cats seem to like the taste of it, just put it on a saucer and she'll lap it up like milk It also gives their coat a nice shine.
If that doesn't help, then you should take her to the vet as they are the only person qualified to prescribe medicine for your cat.
2007-02-24 05:36:04
answer #4
answered by Michele the Louis Wain cat 7
Achy joints is common in older cats. Your vet would probably prescribe Cosequin (a glucosamine supplement) to help rebuild joint and connective tissues. I give it to one of my cats and it does wonders. I just mix into some canned food every other day.
2007-02-24 05:33:18
answer #5
answered by herogoggles 3
Aspirin no, Aspirin can kill a cat. A vet can give you the medication formulated just for cats.
2007-02-24 07:06:33
answer #6
answered by Classy Granny 7
Talk to the veterinarian. Human drugs are not for pets. Don't take a chance on your cat's health.
2007-02-24 06:14:11
answer #7
answered by Gone fishin' 7
. Aspirin is a known killer of animals,please check with your vet.I killed a precious puppy when I was a teen thru ignorance,trying to help .Please please do not give your pet aspirin,Glucosimine in right dose is inexpensive and will help your pet,check with vet for dosage.He also can give you a safe pain killer to use.If in doubt give your animal a gentle massage,and easy access to heights.Glucosimine can be purchased in the drug store,it is also in most good cat food,but not strong enough as vet recomendation for your problem now.
2007-02-24 05:45:36
answer #8
answered by Gloryana 3
The vet has meds you can put her on. Alos look at Good Luck!!!
2007-02-24 05:35:45
answer #9
answered by Married and loving it!!!! 3
I don't think there is a cat asprin, but I usually crush up two baby human asprins and feed my cat that. Trust me, it works, and it takes away the pain.
2007-02-24 05:52:16
answer #10
answered by rosemary 2