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All right i'm a christian i believe in Jesus and the Bible but what do you think about it all?

2007-02-24 04:15:56 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

20 answers

Yes, i do strongly believe in Jesus Christ. I mean, why would someone make this up!? God sent his one and only son to rid the world of our sins (john 3:16) i mean I go to church, and i dont think my life would make much sense if i didnt have jesus in my life, you should never question his existance, he will soon return. i mean nobody wastes time to right a bible about the son of God if it isnt true =) God Bless

2007-02-24 04:22:31 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No. If you've done any honest (non-partisan) research into the subject, you know that the entire religion was constructed from fragments of older pagan cults, amalgamated with the legendary life story of one or more Jewish fundamentalist "prophets" whose sayings had been collected and preserved by his followers. The divinity of Jesus, and many other points of Christian theology, were famously decided by vote at the Council of Nicea, 300 years after his death. Add to that the fact that the Christian religion has been an engine of oppression and tyranny for practically the entire span of its existence: witness the Dark Ages, the Crusades, the Inquisition, the Witch-Hunt, etc etc. If you say "But those people weren't really following the teachings of Christ," reflect that they would've said exactly the same thing of you - and, historically speaking, the preponderance of evidence is with them! The fact is that people HAVE found warrant for all sorts of atrocities in the "Good News" of the Gospel; and the modern conception of the religion is only due to the progressively liberal softening of its interpretation.

To subscribe to this religion at its "face value" today is to make yourself an accomplice in 2,000 years of fraud.

2007-02-24 12:32:53 · answer #2 · answered by jonjon418 6 · 1 0

I dont get you. You say you believe in jesus and bible and ask our opinion about it. YOu want to believe something go ahead, why do you want to know what I think about it? That means even you like all other christians have a doubt in your mind whether what you believe is right or wrong? Am I right

2007-02-24 12:25:40 · answer #3 · answered by mamakumar 3 · 2 0

I believe Jesus was probably a real man living in the time we believe him to have lived. I believe he was a good man, a good teacher, with a great set of moral values and a willingness to teach. I believe when (if) he said he was the son of God, he meant it metaphorically, not literally. I do not believe he was divine or a prophet.
I think his small life (more than of any other person) has been blown all out of proportion by religious bureaucrats and thieves.

2007-02-24 12:21:15 · answer #4 · answered by Clarkie 6 · 0 0

yeah Jesus is cool but I dont know if he is the son of God I mean wouldn't that make it 2 Gods and then there is the Holy Spirit which makes 3 and the current total, and isn't Christianity supposed to be a monotheist religion? I dont get it my self. By the way I am a christian myself.

2007-02-24 12:21:03 · answer #5 · answered by Speak freely 5 · 0 0

He may have been real at some point, and was no doubt kind and loving and deserving of respect--however, I don't believe he was the son of God. I also don't believe he rose back from the dead.

"Why would someone make it up"? Probably for the same reason J.K. Rowling made up Harry Potter. People can exaggerate things, and they can make them up entirely. The silly thing is, is that there are people that think Harry Potter is real, just like people think the Bible is real.

2007-02-24 12:30:17 · answer #6 · answered by Stardust 6 · 2 0

Jesus can't be just a good man. He was either a crazy man trying to pass himself off as God or else He really was God as He proclaimed He was.

I believer in Jesus because through prayer and study of the scriptures I have come to know that He really exists.

2007-02-24 12:30:06 · answer #7 · answered by Jean E 2 · 1 0

I think considering how many of the Messianic prophecies he FAILED (according to the very testament written about him, the NT)... the man probably existed, and probably was a moral teacher, and his followers utterly blew him out of proportion.

Jesus never once in the entirety of the New Testament asserts divinity. Not even in the visions to Paul or John of Patmos.

This is a good thing, considering G-D is very specific that he is one, not three-in-one or one-in-three. "Shema Yisrael, ---- eloheinu, ---- echad!" "Hear, O' Israel, The LORD is G-D, The LORD is One!"


Laurel G:

Why did David Koresh's followers 'make it up'?
Why did Jim Jone's followers 'make it up'?

If you believe something, you'll act as though it's true even if you know it isn't. Sucky aspect of our human psychology. Intelligent design my @$$.

2007-02-24 12:22:54 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I believe that he was a great man, but I don't buy the other stuff. I know that the church later added him into the books as being divine. I know that he was not born to start a new religion. I know that the church came up with that.

2007-02-24 12:18:49 · answer #9 · answered by Justsyd 7 · 0 0

I belive in Jesus Christ, he is my Savior.
Why? I prayed, and I studied, and I got answers to my questions and I felt confirmation in my heart

2007-02-24 12:20:20 · answer #10 · answered by Matticus Kole 4 · 0 0

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