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what is a jew?
what is jewish?
and what is judaism?

because jesus is the truth, the life, and the way, based on the christian bible- does that mean jews like Anne Frank went to hell because they didnt believe jesus is the son of god??

do jews even believe jesus is the son of god? im 14-i just feel bad knowing they died for their belief and might not go to heaven. but i might be wrong cuz i dont think what im saying about jews believing jesus isn't god's son is correct.

dont yell at me

simple answers not THERE IS NO GOD

2007-02-24 04:06:35 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

18 answers

I'm a Christian though I believe there are many tough questions that will never be answered in our lifetime. Understanding how God views unbelievers isn't so clear cut. I know the Bible deals in many absolutes such as, "...I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. " But Jesus also describes, in detail, what it means to "love him" and nurture a relationship with God - basically to follow His commandments. Namely to "love the Lord, Your God, with all your heart." Second to that is to love our neighbor. So one can conceivably challenge the notion that all non-Christians are condemned to hell in the sense that knowing/obeying God has very outward actions associated. Not that salvation is attainable through our actions, but rather knowing Christ is our gateway. And knowing Christ is a matter of the heart and, in my opinion, is far more complicated than John 3:16.

Making such statements will likely attract assaults from other Christians. However, the best advice anyone can give you is to simply read your Bible and discover for yourself what it means. Everyone has their own interpretation which is why it's important for you to personally sort it out. No one can tell you how to think. In the end it's YOU who is accountable to God.

A good chapter to read is John 14 in the new testament. Jesus is talking to the disciples about following in his footsteps as he prepares to go back to heaven. These parting words are some great hints into the mind of Christ and what salvation means.

It's great that a 14-year-old like yourself is asking such questions. It shows you have conviction and a desire to understand the nature of our God. But be assured in this - He is a loving God whose sense of justice rises above our own interpretation of His goodness. Seek the answers fervently - and go directly to the source as much as possible.

Best of wishes in Christ

2007-02-24 04:40:06 · answer #1 · answered by Mr Brando 2 · 0 1

What is a Jew?

A Jew is a person who is a follower of the Jewish faith or anyone with a Jewish mother. One could also be ethnically Jewish, meaning that they are descendants of the ancient Israelites. Even non-religious Jews can be Jewish.

Many people have the common misconception that Judaism is a race. It is not. If it were a race, then all Jews would look the same. But there are all kinds of Jews of different colors and creeds. For example, I am dark haired and dark eyed and have darker skin. My mother is blonde and blue eyed and has pale skin. My entire family is Jewish. There are also Etheopian Jews and Egyptian Jews, Brazilian Jews, etc.

What is Judaism?

It is a religion that believes in one G-d and one G-d alone. That is, no back up squad. Our bible is called the Torah and it is what Christians call the Old Testament. We believe that all of G-d's people are sons and daughters of G-d and not just one above the rest. The Jews are G-d's chosen people because we were chosen to hear the 10 Commandments and at Mt. Sinai above all the other peoples of the world. Jews also follow 634 other commandments that non-Jews don't. In Judaism, there is no hell. There is only Gehenom, or purgatory and is more of a cleansing of the soul to get rid of a soul's sin. There is a heaven where everyone, as long as they are good, whether they are Jewish or not, will go to and join G-d's energy.

Want to learn more? www.askmoses.com

based on the christian bible- does that mean jews like Anne Frank went to hell because they didnt believe jesus is the son of god??

According to your religion, yes. Good non-Christian people will not go to heaven. And that is precisely why I am not a Christian. That kind of god of yours scares me. I don't want to worship a god who sends good people to hell just because they don't worship him.

do jews even believe jesus is the son of god?

Nope. Like I said, Jews believe we are all sons and daughters of G-d, no matter what faith or ethnicity we may be, and we are all equal before G-d's eyes, as long as we are good and moral people.

You seem like a good person. And Christianity, despite the whole hell thing, is a good religion. Just try and be open-minded and remember that we are all G-d's children. No need to hate or feel angry.

2007-02-24 04:40:52 · answer #2 · answered by Ashley 2 · 1 0

Well, a Jew and Jewish are both words to describe someone who follows Judaism, which is their religion. Christ was actually a Jew. He was raised with the Jewish traditions and Jewish law. The Jews believe in the old testament, and the old Hebrew law. The follow the traditions of Abraham, Isaac and the other prophets in the old testament. Most are very devote in their religion, and there are different sects of Jews, just as there is in Christianity. There are the very devote Jews, and they hold to all the old commandments and rituals of the scriptures, up to the old testament. I'm adding a link that will explain the differences in the different sects so you can see what they are.

I don't think that Jews are going to hell. They hold to the same ideas and principles as the old prophets did. They do believe that there will be a savior, just that Christ wasn't it. I think some believe he was a prophet, but not he Messiah. I think that as long as you follow your religion, no matter what that religion is, that is what you will be judged on, not just if you accept Christ. No, they don't believe Christ was the son of God. I think to some of the people who were there when Christ was alive, it was hard for them to say they believed because of the persecution they would go through in saying they believe in Him.

In the time of Christ, the leaders of the Jewish community were called the Sanhedrin (Sp?). They were the ruling body, and some, thou not all, were corrupt. They tried at every turn to prove Christ wrong. There were some that believed in Him. But try going against over 40 other men who say he isn't the Messiah. It would be hard for anyone.

I don't understand the Jewish faith totally, but I would like to learn more just to understand better about the people, and customs associated with them. I'll post the link and you can read it and take what you want from it.

2007-02-24 04:25:03 · answer #3 · answered by odd duck 6 · 1 0

A Jew is a person of the Jewish faith, which is the parent faith of Christianity. Judaism holds that there is one God, and Moses was His highest prophet. Jews do NOT believe Jesus to be the Son of God. Some high him in high regard as a teacher and rabbi whose beliefs were distorted by his followers. Jewish holy texts contain a number of laws about what Jewish people are allowed to eat, for example. Jewish holy texts are written in Hebrew and Aramaic.

Throughout history, Jews have been one of the most persecuted races. They have been routinely persecuted by Christians and Muslims, and have been kicked out of a number of countries. Because of this, Jews are widely dispersed across the globe.

Jews don't go to hell. That's just your beliefs. It is also just your belief that Jesus is the son of God. Jews don't believe that at all, neither do most of the world.

2007-02-24 04:12:43 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I am glad you are delving into Religion at the age of 14 because you have an inquiring mind.
Jewish religion is based on the Hebrew version and does not recognise the New Testament in Christianity. They do not believe in Jesus Christ being the son of God.
Personally, I believe that whichever Religion is chosen, its teaching is believed by its followers who, in turn, believe they will go to Heaven if they are good prople and to the other place if not.
Going to extremes by misinterpreting other Religious views is very dangerous and I will not expound on that.
So a Jew is a person who believes in the Jewish Faith.
Being Jewish is what it says.
Judaism is the learning of the Holy Book and following its example.
I hope this helps.
P.S. I'm not Jewish but have friends who are.

2007-02-24 04:18:51 · answer #5 · answered by MANCHESTER UK 5 · 1 0

Jews are the Chosen people of God. The old testament of the Bible documents their whole history, i suggest you read and study it as a christian because it is the foundation for our faith. Jews do not completely believe that Jesus was the messiah because he has not taken the world into a new kingdom/saved us---because the second coming has not occured that will do just that. They practice judaism which has its roots back to the old testament days.
Technically- they are still waiting for the messiah so they do not bellieve he is the son of God.

2007-02-24 04:18:15 · answer #6 · answered by Nicole P 1 · 0 0

Very far right and strict Christianity believe everyone not believing in Jesus and accepting him as their personal Savior is going to hell. It's very much like fundamental Islam: no difference in self-righteous and very arrogant attitude. I don't necessarily believe that as much of the Bible is still subject to personal and intellectual interpretation; and still done today.

Jew and Jewish are basically the same. Judaism is the religion. However, a person can have Jewish ancestry and not be Jewish by identification nor religious-wise.

2007-02-24 04:15:30 · answer #7 · answered by Sick Puppy 7 · 1 0

I am not a Christian so I won't answer the questions you ask that you want answered from the perspective of your religion but I will answer the one question you asked about what Jews believe...

Jews do NOT believe that Jesus was the son of G-d

or....we do believe it, but only how we believe that all people are sons and daughters of G-d....Jesus, if there even was a Jesus, wouldn't be any different than the rest of us....and he certainly wouldn't be a god himself

2007-02-24 04:12:17 · answer #8 · answered by Rhymes with Camera 3 · 0 0

Im a catholic, and personally I feel that everyone can go to heaven. I dont think it matters whether your a Jew, a Muslim or a Buddhist,etc. If you live a good life and believe that there is a more powerful being out their, whether it be ala, yahwew or Jehova, he will let you into heaven. jesus never said that your all going to burn in hell if you don't follow me. somewhere in the bible he descends into hell and pulls all of the good people that lived before he did out of hell and into heaven. christianity would be a bunch of ****** up bull **** if it didnt believe that their God wont accept everyone.

2007-02-24 04:27:04 · answer #9 · answered by hexa 3 · 1 0

Christians are basically Jews that believe Jesus was the son of God. Jews do not believe he was their messiah, and are still waiting for theirs to come.

And yes, to Christians, no matter how good a life you live, you're going to Hell if you do not convert to Christianity. Even Ghandi went to hell by their accounts. Isn't that ridiculous?

2007-02-24 04:12:40 · answer #10 · answered by dmlk2 4 · 2 0

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