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2007-02-24 02:26:05 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Travel Australia Other - Australia

8 answers

It was a combination of things which includes white european settlers killing off the Aboriginal people in way of massacres as to the white settlers they were savages and only way to get rid of what they perceived as the problem was to kill them. Another huge problem which still exists today is the introduction of diseases that the Aboriginal people had not come across before and therefore had no immunity to such diseases. Aboriginal people today can expect to die 20 years earlier then there white counterparts. Another Govt policy which tried but failed to make the Aboriginal people extinct was the White Australia Policy. Where White men were to breed with Aboriginal people and these children who were identified as half castes were taken from their Aboriginal Mothers and placed in white Institutions and were forced to live and work as the white people did and again expected to breed with white men and so on and so on until there was not a hint of blackness. These Aboriginal people became as what we know today as the Stolen Generation. To the qld travel guru the Aust Govt made the Aboriginal people welfare dependant by handing out money and not educating them as hey they do not want educated blacks it scares the hell out of the Govt so by giving them the welfare cheques they hope that the blacks will just eventually kill one another or die due to their poor health anyway. To the racist renee em your so called South American friend has an identity problem and frankly she is one that the Aboriginal people could not give a F*CK about. I am Aboriginal and have worked in the most desolate of Area's with the most Traditional Aboriginal people and yes I would still call you a Racist. The Aust Govt has a lot to be sorry for and they know it. I do not want an apology for the wrongs that have occurred they and the rest of Australia can shove it. John Howard hit the nail on the head when he acknowledged the past wrongs that had occurred to the Aboriginal people even though he did not say sorry he at least acknowledged that yes it was white Australia that bought all their diseases that the Aboriginal people had no immunity to that they were massacred because they were believed to be savages by a bunch of criminals mind ya. I am not a lower class citizen as you put it and being in the health profession just as many white people come through the hospital doors addicted to drugs, alcohol,are on the dole. Screwed up people come in all races. OK so you say you worked in indigenous communities what has the govt done to help solve these problems im talking real solutions not just bandaid solutions in way of $$$$. I will tell you what NOTHING and why is that?? as they do not want Aboriginal people to get ahead. Sorry to tell you honey despite all the barriers Aboriginal People are moving Forward. Tell your South American friend she probably enjoyed getting Abstudy whilst studying to get to where she is was not South Anerican then (that is if she is not on the dole.

2007-02-24 13:25:08 · answer #1 · answered by Desperate Mummy 5 · 0 0

OK first- Screw saying sorry for the crimes of our ancestors- really why should we be accountable for the crimes of the past? Are white americans still held accountable for the massacre or native indians or better yet are the indians still being held accountable for the slaying of general custer and co- no then screw and appology you wont get one from me.

ok that off my chest here goes

1. The current day aboriginals are not the original inhabitants of australia- these were in fact the pygmy aboriginals theat densly populated areas such as the atherton tablelands in far north queensland- these people were wiped out by the current "aboriginals" (no appology there i guess??)
2. The present aboriginals were wiped out by the white australia policy, illness, disease, alcoholism and other general social problems, none of these was more substancial than disease closely followed by the white australia policy.
3. Dont call me racist etc- I have lived in torres strait and aboriginal communities for 19 years and have seen it all, frankly I have more of a clue on aboriginal culture than any of these city aboriginals, I have see first hand the desructive nature of a government funded aboriginal communinty as well as the rewards that the true aboriginal culture has to offer.
4. Aboriginal number will continue to grow over the coming generations- with some luck the government will stop being racist by singling out aboriginals for special payments and treatment. This only breeds resentment from the rest of australian society. And if they are made to stand on their own two feet instead of being a welfare dependent ethnicity then chances are aboriginals in general will by percentage increase to substancial contributing members of our society,

I have know some wonderful aboringal and torres strait islanders, I have know some absolutely horrible ones too, in general this is a reflection on their society more than anything, I certainly have never seen any other group of people who are so damaged physically and mentally from the ravages of alcohol and drugs, it can change them from the nices people to some of the worst people you have ever met.

anyway there is my rant, I expect thumbs down- but hey I am telling it first hand what it is like- if you can not accept that then your loss not mine.

2007-03-01 14:34:37 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

There is 458,520 Aborigines in Australia as of 2001. The combination of disease, loss of land and direct violence reduced the Aboriginal population by an estimated 90% between 1788 and 1900.
Some reasons for the dwindling numbers are:
poverty (low income)
poor education
substance abuse (smoking, alcohol, illicit drugs)
for remote communities poor access to health services including immunisation
for urbanised Indigenous Australians, social pressures which prevent access to health services
cultural differences resulting in poor communication between Indigenous Australians and health workers.
exposure to violence
Aboriginals are very suseptable to diseases such as diabetes type 2 etc and are more likely to have renal failure.
And due to these things their life span is 17 years less then the average white Australian.

2007-02-25 12:16:26 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There were probably about a million Aboriginal Australians at the time of the arrival of the First Fleet. A hundred years later, disease and wanton killing had reduced the numbers to 10,000 - 50,000. They have increased in number over the last hundred years. There were at least 250 different languages 200 years ago, fewer than half of them survive and only about 50 are spoken regularly.

Things are improving for Aboriginal Australians and will improve further later this year when the current xenophobic, racist government is swept out of power.

2007-02-24 08:21:00 · answer #4 · answered by tentofield 7 · 2 2

There are many Aboriginals living in Australia still- they were wiped out a bit but that was hundreds of years ago.

I am going to come across as racist now but many Aborigines now in Australia are wiping themselves out with drug abuse, alcoholism, etc. There are some nice, working class ones but frankly they are hard to find. A friend of mine is Aboriginal and yet she tells others that she is from a South Amercian background as she is too embaressed to say that she is Aboriginal.
It seems to be a cultural thing as so many of them make up Australias lower class society, they are a very messed up group of people who unfortunately rely on alcohol, drugs, sniffing petrol, stealing and physical abuse of others to get by. Hopefully in time many of the contributing factors to this will diminish and change and they will become more contributing citizens of Australia and I hope that one day we can be proud of them again.

*** Until you have lived in Indegenous areas of Australia you will believe that I am racist and you will not understand what I have mentioned above

2007-03-02 17:45:04 · answer #5 · answered by renee.emily 4 · 0 1

A lot where wiped out in the early years, either shot or through disease.
Some people would like our Federal Govt. to apologise for these happenings, which is very unfair, as they where not in power then.
The British were a law unto themselves, as history as proved, if anyone should apologise, it should be the Brits, as they sent the white people here.

2007-02-28 21:33:24 · answer #6 · answered by grasshopper 3 · 0 0

Unlike the American Indian, there are a lot more than there were after European settlement. It costs a fortune in social security to keep them.

2007-02-24 09:59:32 · answer #7 · answered by Ranjeeh D 5 · 1 1

The white European settlers killed them, especially in Tasmania, where the aborigines were completely wiped out by whites.

The current Australian federal government in Canberra refuses to apologize for any crimes committed against aborigines in the past, making any kind of reconciliation between blacks and whites harder. This is, of course a disgusting state of affairs and typical of the arrogance of the current Australian government.

2007-02-24 07:08:53 · answer #8 · answered by alienaviator 4 · 1 7

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