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I have been studying for about 5 years and I don't attend meeting regularly. I know what it takes to get babtized and Im not doing anything wrong as far as smoking, drugs,sex etc...Iwant nothing more for my children to grow up and be a Jehovah Witness. They love it and have been raised with it pretty much thier whole life.5,8,10. I see the peace and love in the congregation. Here's my problem I can't get it togethor. I just can't be consistant with our meetings. We haven't celebrated holidays in years either so what should I do. Should I move on with my life or keep up this confusing struggle of "being a study and not celebrating" or just throw in the towel. Okay and I know alot of people don't believe in this organization and it does have some differant things about them and Im struggling with all of it. So please don't leave a nasty comment. thanks in advance

2007-02-24 01:36:51 · 21 answers · asked by borednomaha 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

21 answers

Joyfilled gave a good summary of the answers so far. But there's a big problem with the sound advice to listen to the prompting of the Holy Spirit. As a JW (baptised or not) you have been told you do not have the anointing of "holy spirit". You have been told you can only have a measure of "holy spirit" according to the amount of time you study (Watchtower literature) and devote to door knocking etc. I bet non of the JWs who have encouraged you to stay in the JW fold have the anointing of "holy spirit" themselves. So who are they to offer advice? They are not anointed! They are only repeating the advice of their leaders - the Governing Body.

Now, the GB do claim to be anointed with "holy spirit". But, ask yourself: "Why do they seem so keen to insist they have 'it' but that you cannot? Who are they to limit the indwelling of the Holy Spirit?" They will say that's what the Bible says. It is NOT! God does not practice spiritual apartheid, giving richer blessings to a tiny minority, and lesser blessings to the vast majority! In John's gospel we are told, "For the one whom God sent forth speaks the sayings of God, for he does not give the Spirit by measure". (3:34) According to Romans chapter 8 (1st half) people either have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, by whom they cry "Abba! Father", or they do not. Those who do not, do not belong to Christ! It's as simple as that. If you belong to Christ you know his yolk to be easy, and his burden light. I urge you to turn to Christ alone, and seek him. He gives the Holy Spirit to all who ask - and not by measure, but abundantly - overflowingly! (Mat 7:7-12)

2007-02-26 08:52:55 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 5 5

Hi there,
There's obviously something holding you back. You need to do a self-examination & really think to yourself what it is that's stopping you from attending the meetings regularly etc. Could it perhaps be fear of man? Or something else? Think hard about it.
You said yourself that there's nothing you want more than for your children to grow up & be Jehovah's Witnesses. To do this then you really need to evaluate your relationship with Jehovah.
Your children need your good example.
Jehovah obviously sees something in you that he likes because he's drawn you close to him. That's why you have given up the bad things (smoking etc)
The elders are there to help, tell them exactly how you feel (much better than asking for advice on here) & try your best to associate more as the brothers & sisters are encouraging too. They can't encourage you if you're not there.
Take little steps in the right direction, dont overwhelm yourself and rely on Jehovah & I'm sure you'll make it.
All the best!

(I'd be more than happy to keep in touch via email or IM, just give me a call)


2007-02-27 01:47:52 · answer #2 · answered by New ♥ System ♥ Lady 4 · 1 2

First of all, Please DON'T GIVE UP!! You know from your study how truly important it is for you to keep gaining accurate knowledge (John 17:3) Where else can we gain this knowledge? Think for a moment who would be the happiest if you decided to just 'give up'? I know you would rather follow Proverbs 27:11. If you didn't love Jehovah, you would not be having a difficult time with this...you would just quit. But the fact that you are "struggling" with this means that you want to do what is right, you want to make Jehovah's heart rejoice.
As far as meeting attendance, you obviously understand the importance of meetings, which is fabulous. Meetings are where we receive the strength we need to make it one more day in this system (Hebrews 10:24,25). I'm sure you agree that on those days when you have a hard time getting to the meeting, but you make it, you are so happy to be there, am I right? The reason for this is found not only in Hebrews but also at Matthew 18:20 and Romans 1:11,12.
There are several things that you might find helpful. First, pray.
Jehovah can help you get things sorted out (I find it neccesary for me to pray like David did at Psalms 25:4,5--"Make me know your ways, Make me walk in your truth"...Make me more regular at the meetings...). Next, sit down, make an honest self examination and figure out what is really holding you back. Is it work, is it just the pressures from this world, are you scheduling other things in place of the meetings.... Then, start by choosing one meeting a week and make it your priority to attend it no matter what. Once you have that as a routine, add another meeting. In no time, you will succeed. Remember, we have to walk before we can run. Also, remember, we can accomplish anything with Jehovah's help (Phil 4:13).

I hope you have found this helpful. Hugs from me to you. :0)

2007-02-24 05:19:20 · answer #3 · answered by izofblue37 5 · 11 3

Dear Bored,

If ever a new YA category for 10 Best Answers were needed the answers to your question qualifies.

It seems to me that at least 10 maybe 12 people have told you that the Holy Spirit is talking to you in what you are experiencing. By all means listen!

Let me share with you an unrelated experience where I listened to the Holy Spirit.
I was a college student, married with 2 children. My son was a senior in high school when I was in my last year of college. I had been praying throughout my time in college but things were still hectic as I tried to prepare for my own final exams with college applications and financial aid forms to prepare for my son. My auditing teacher had told the class that the final exam would NOT be cummulative but I was just too numb and exhausted to study what she told us to study for the exam. ALL that I could manage to do was to review the exams from throughout the semester. It turned out that the exam ended up being cummulative because somethings had prevented the teacher from making up a new exam. It turned out that I was the only one in class to get an A on the final exam. The next highest grade what a C.

So listen to yourself. You are not throwing in the towel but rather you are saying "Speak Lord, for your servant is listening."

Edit: This is in response to your last comment - "So please don't leave a nasty comment. thanks in advance." As I read through all of the responses I noticed that the nasty comments ONLY came from the members of the organization you are asking about.

2007-02-26 08:01:57 · answer #4 · answered by JOYfilled - Romans 8:28 7 · 3 2

Perhaps because your soul is being tugged at by the Holy Spirit. Perhaps deep down you dig deep into the religion and see the lies and deciet. Perhaps Jehovah is trying to tell you something.

Correct me if I am wring but as a Jehovah Witness you do use and believe the bible right? Perhaps it is time to put down all the other books and focus on the Bible?

Perhaps you have studied so much you are seeing the the truth and are subconscionsly refusung to admit it?

I have known several Jehovah Witnesses and they all strugled like you are. A few eventually admitted the peace and love was not real but a facade because the leaders would allow nothing less. It is not a religion where you can openly question the mandated "truths" is it?

A few of them studied the bible in it's entirety and learned a new and true peace and love like no other. It is through Jesus. Try it. What harm could come at this point?

2007-02-24 02:12:51 · answer #5 · answered by reallyconfuzzled1 3 · 4 5

It is my hearfelt prayer that you will earnestly ask Jesus to enter into your life and that you will look to Him (not any organisation) for guidance and direction. He will never turn anyone away who seeks Him. Take this matter up in prayer, brother, persist and do not be discouraged.

One of the single most telling things about Christians who have found the Lord is that they rejoice in Him. It seems to me that you have not found this love, this peace, this joy that comes when you are born again. It seems to me that this organisation is oppressing you and this cannot be right because perfect love (God's love) drives out fear - "There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. We love because he first loved us." 1 John 4: 16 - 21

I used to be a Jehovah's Witness and I understand what it can be like to feel trapped, with no way out. Take it up in prayer. You will not be alone. We will be praying for you also.

2007-02-27 05:38:41 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Hi, I'm a JW for 3 years. Congratulations on wanting to learn about your Creator and serving Him! As for "not getting it together" don't worry, that understanding will come with endurance and patience. It's a test to you to see if you really want to serve the True God, and Satan is testing you. Don't "throw in the towel" for you will be going back to "the dog's vomit" and the world has nothing to offer except "get what you want now and don't care about tomorrow"...so in reality, you'd be going back to the world that is ruled by Satan and following his personality...selfishness, greediness, violence, etc. The truth has to reach your heart...it's not just the knowledge that makes you acceptable to God, it's the applying it afterwards...remember...you are held accountable once learning the accurate truth about Jehovah.

Just keep asking the elders and the people you study with to assist you in keeping in the faith and to keep your strength up. That's what they're there for...to help you on your endeavour to serve our loving God...tell them how you feel and remember...the Apostle Peter said to Jesus "Where will we go to, Lord, you have sayings of everlasting life". Does the world offer you that?

2007-02-25 10:16:57 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 4 3

Well if you really be a Jehovah Witness and your have trouble not going to the meetings and not celebrating the holidays. You could move closer to the kingdom hall so it is easier to go to the meetings, and as for celebration instead of doing that you could have a family night and do that instead of celebrating holidays.

2007-02-24 03:05:55 · answer #8 · answered by jetthrustpy 4 · 6 3

You should make every attempt to get to all the meetings and you need to pray for help and Jehovah will guide you (and by the way you might not want to ask advice from these idiots on this website they are misguiding.)

2007-02-27 00:26:39 · answer #9 · answered by Tyler 4 · 2 2

i have been dealing with same thing with my jewish faith, my kids are 5 and 6, and i don't want to have dragged them into this whole conversion thing just to take it away from them. they love it, and i love the actual basis of the faith, the holidays, etc. it matches perfectly what i have believed since before i found judaism. but there is only one synagogue near our town, and it is full of people who are just as hypocritical and judgmental as the christian communities we left behind. a jewish community is a huge part of the jewish faith, and it's been hard for us to get consistent with study and rituals on our own. sometimes i think we should just suck it up, and go back to the synagogue, but i don't want to become so disgusted with, or worse, so caught up in, the drama there that whole faith starts to crumble for me and i lose everything that i have learned. judaism means so much to me personally, but like the jehovah's witness faith, it is definitely not meant to be done on your own.

my kids really miss going to the synagogue. maybe we are both just being selfish. even when they beg to go, sometimes i just can't do it. or won't to be more honest. guess we should either work it out, or be honest that we are not going anymore, so that they are not left to think that spirituality matters so little that it can be put on hold until we feel like dealing with it.

okay, you go first. tell me how it works out! lol!

sorry, i know that probably was more question than answer on my part, just really wanted to let you know that you are not alone. hopefully that helped a little. seeing your question certainly helped me.

take care

2007-02-24 02:12:14 · answer #10 · answered by mommynow 3 · 1 4

Well of course my personal feelings are following Jehovah is worthwhile, but that is me. I suggest you talk with the Bros. and Sisters at the Hall explaining your situation. I know how incredibly FRUSTRATING it is to feel you are spinning your wheels. One example of relative success I have is my nephew's mother. She struggled for more than a decade before recently making progress. I hope things work out for you.

2007-02-24 12:45:56 · answer #11 · answered by Ish Var Lan Salinger 7 · 4 3

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