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When we discover what He thought, certainly we´ve discovered the reason of our lives. Is there anything hidden for us? Get serious, please.

2007-02-24 00:53:20 · 30 answers · asked by L U K E 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

30 answers

According to my faith god is thr is eveywhr. So I try to ask my own heart what might have god thaught when he crated the universe. Was it for fun? if it was then certainly god wd be the most evil entity that exists. Then what could be the purpose.

I think although our perception of god is the one who governs everything, but probably it is not true, true god created all of it. Living and not living entities. Which work in a mysterious coherence. If one takes a move it affects the rest of it. One bad day with my wife, make me kick a stone on the road, disturbing it frm its original space, a shout at my junior affects his temperament and his work, which in a chain reaction starts affecting evrything. God perhaps is a very great mathematician, who has created a superb equation in form of universe whr each entity has a power to attain and bring absolutnesss to rest of the variables or enities of the equation. The fun is thes variable although are dependent on each other but have immense power to alter everything, and perhaps he is waiting to see if his eqation works,weather his created enitites attain and bring value to each of the variable or end up becoming null entities i.e. a big zero.
I am not sure if u wd understand or agree with what i say as the answer to this question does not start frm me or god or any one but urself, and WHAT U THINK U ARE HERE FOR?

2007-02-24 04:13:04 · answer #1 · answered by alterego 1 · 0 0

Let me take the last question first - Is there anything hidden for us? Yes. We don't know the thoughts of the Creator God. We get a glimpse of God's thoughts when we read the Bible and we understand that we have been created in God's image. "For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known." Paul was looking forward to meeting his Creator God. He was talking about "the most excellent way" - the way of love, God's love. We shall not know what God thought when he created the universe till we meet him.

This, I suspect, is not what you might want to hear. It is light years removed from what John Lennon wrote when he penned 'Imagine'. Nonetheless, this is my serious response to your question.

2007-02-24 06:14:42 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

LUKE, I don´t "think" that GOD "thinks" in the way we, humans, "think".
HE is SPIRIT so He doesn´t have neurons nor brain.
We can´t understand GOD at all, with our limited intelligence. He made us in His likeness, but certainly it means "spiritual" likeness.
But He let´s, His beloved, know His reasoning all the time.
So, taking this into consideration, and observing how He acted soon after He created the Universe, I believe that He was spreading His joy, His LOVE and He created man and woman to share this marvelous joy, wonder and Love.
There is nothing hidden!
All the time I think, I look, I admire, I see, I hear, I taste, I embrace,..., I feel this awesome sharing with Him!!!
THIS is the reason of our existence, the meaning of our lives.

2007-02-24 01:13:52 · answer #3 · answered by Vovó (Grandma) 7 · 0 0

WOW, you must have thought about your question for months ! Now that's DEEP!
People like you can't even think about what God did and would do - NO ONE CAN!

The reason of our life will be found during our life, if we know HOW to understand the reason!

"religion is Spiritual fraud" - Jesus Christ
"religion is the Worse invention of humanity" - Jesus Christ

Create a private, personal, direct, divine relationship with Our Creator and save your Soul from religion.

Only with Our Creator's Love and Peace will we be Truely Free!

Without God, there is No Love; Without religion, there are No Wars!

Now - you need to get serious, about finding out the reason you're here - OK !

2007-02-24 00:59:56 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

sure, imagine about it. He existed for eternity (from now backwards to infinity), with actually no longer some thing to do for fantastically a lot all of it. No time. No area. No ordinary. no count number. No life. no longer some thing. in any respect. For eternity. I m positive He ought to were extraordinarily bored. for this reason the universe. Say what you'll about people yet one element the universe is unquestionably no longer, is boring. per chance God did that on objective; make some thing infinitely thrilling to make up for his earlier infinite boredom.

2016-12-04 21:24:36 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I believe this what Wakan Tanka --- The Creator Wish Would have Happen!!!

Each morning upon rising, and each evening before sleeping, gives thanks for the life within you and for all life, for the good things the Creator has given you and for the opportunity to grow a little more each day. Consider your thoughts and actions of the past day and seek for the courage and strength to be a better person. Seek for the things that will benefit others (everyone).

2. Respect. Respect means "To feel or show honor or esteem for someone or something; to consider the well being of, or to treat someone or something with deference or courtesy". Showing respect is a basic law of life.

3. Once a council has decided something in unity, respect demands that no one speak secretly against what has been decided. If the council has made an error, that error will become apparent to everyone in its own time.

4. Be truthful at all times, and under all conditions.

5. Always treat your guests with honor and consideration. Give of your best food, your best blankets, the best part of your house, and your best service to your guests.

6. The hurt of one is the hurt of all; the honor of one is the honor of all.

7. Receive strangers and outsiders with a loving heart and as members of the human family.

8. All the races and tribes in the world are like the different colored flowers of one meadow. All are beautiful. As children of the Creator they must all be respected.

9. To serve others, to be of some use to family, community, nation, and the world is one of the main purposes for which human beings have been created. Do not fill yourself with your own affairs and forget you’re most important talks. True happiness comes only to those who dedicate their lives to the service of others.

10. Observe moderation and balance in all things.

11. Know those things that lead to your well-being and those things that lead to your destruction.

12. Listen to and follow the guidance given to your heart. Expect guidance to come in many forms; in prayer, in dreams, in times of quiet solitude, and in the words and deeds of wise Elders and friends.


2007-02-24 00:59:09 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My dear

When I look at the ocean, I always think about Good. That wonder could only be created for inspire us, as the nature and the love.
What is hidden must not be discovered in these time that we live here in earth. Certain misteries should not be discovered. I belive that life is a gift. Let´s do it right, make it worth!!! Thanks

2007-02-24 10:54:48 · answer #7 · answered by Ka Olhos Verdes 3 · 1 1

Well, He created the universe that is so vast and then created human being that is the smaller version of the universe. A complete small version. This human was made to appreciate the universe and explore it and once the universe is explored they very naturally come to explore themselves.

2007-02-24 01:11:37 · answer #8 · answered by sanctuary 2 · 0 0

when God think about something, those thing will become in existence. God have not to do it physically herself. so u can now understand how the universe r created by God.

2007-02-24 01:06:37 · answer #9 · answered by Difi 4 · 0 0

"Should I put evil, diseases, natural disasters and other horrible stuff in the universe? Hmm. Well, why not?"
"Should I leave behind some evidence? Nah, too much evidence will just confuse them."
"I created the universe in six days, but I'll make the fossils look like they're millions of years old just for the fun of it."

2007-02-24 01:04:49 · answer #10 · answered by greenbottlemage 2 · 1 1

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