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just curious


would you reccomend it to meat eaters?
what is your favorite dish?
do you constantly get asked the same question about it? if so, what is it?

2007-02-23 12:42:03 · 13 answers · asked by Koko Butta Kream 4 in Food & Drink Vegetarian & Vegan

13 answers

1....- I want to live a life of peace.
1.5.- I don't need meat to survive or be healthy, and it is therefore a luxury. No one should have to suffer/ be slaughtered so I can have a luxury.

2. I would, but I can't. Vegetarianism/veganism is a choice a person must make on her own; that's the only way it works.
Though, I think in a perfect world, everyone would be a vegetarian/vegan.

3. I love tofu. I make lots of Chinese food at home with tofu, sauce, rice and veggies.

4. "If God didn't want us to eat animals, then why are they made out of MEAT?" They don't seem to realize that we are made of the exact same meat.

4.5. "Oh, don't you care about people? " This is annoying because people act like you can only help people OR animals. I think we should try to help anyone/thing we can. This is often a sign of apathy too because these people don't help people either. They just don't want to feel guilty.

I teach, work with children, help friends in need, buy things that go to children's organizations and various charities, and I don't eat animals.

Thanks for asking

2007-02-23 13:55:09 · answer #1 · answered by Squirtle 6 · 1 1

Why am I a vegan?
Well, I think it was under my parents influence. I was a vegan from small and my mum said i have never eaten meat(I don't know whether it's true)

would you reccomend it to meat eaters?
No because if they really want to eat meat, you can't stop them but I will try to do it.

what is your favorite dish?
I love vegetable curry and toufu.

do you constantly get asked the same question about it? if so, what is it?
Yeah. They ask me what are the benefits of becoming a vegetarian and isn't it hard that you cannot eat meat(because I don't take meat and daily products and egg)?

2007-02-24 00:45:31 · answer #2 · answered by Andrea 3 · 0 1

I'm a vegetarian because I find it gross and unethical to eat animal flesh.

Yes, I would recomend it to meat eaters. I feel healthier now that I've gone veggie.

My favorite dish is these stuffed pasta shells from a vegetarian magazine. OMG it's soooo good but I don't have the recipe on me right now.

I constantly get asked "why" and "have you ever had meat"? Well, yes I have had meat before. I whent veggie about 5 months ago. Everyone found out when I wore a shirt that said "cut class, not frogs" to school. No one evr asked me why I ate meat when I was an ominovore so I don't really get why it's such a big deal now.

Another thing that really bugs me is "don't you miss those juicy steaks and hamburgers?" I don't really. I was never a big meat eater.

2007-02-23 20:53:30 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Why? Because of hormones in most meat, plain and simple. I'm not a hardcore, strict vegetarian, but I just want to be mindful of my health. Also, sadly, I really disagree with a lot of animal rights activists, and I abhore PETA. That and I think that if the meat is raised correctly, then the right type is a GREAT boost to a diet. I won't keep my children from eating meat, and I'll probably eat it moderately when I'm pregnant. But average, day to day consumption, I just don't think it's wise to consume most of the meat that's sold here.

My favorite dishes---well, anything! I eat a lotof Korean and Japanese food, so being vegetarian really works out for me. For meat eaters, I reccomend that you scale back and eat more fish. TOO MUCH RED MEAT WILL KILL YOU. Plain and simple. However, vegetarianism isn't a sticker you use to say that you're more aware and humane than other people. Do it for your health, not for your ego.

2007-02-23 20:50:48 · answer #4 · answered by Tasha N 2 · 0 1

I'm vegetarian because I love animals and don't want them to suffer just so I can eat. I also know now that it's unhealthy. I was never a big meat eater anyway.

I reccomend it to everybody. The world would be a wonderful place if we were all vegetarian, and maybe even get everyone to go vegan.

My favorite dinner is "chicken" nuggets and french fries. I try not to eat fried foods that often but it tastes so good!

When I was in high school all the kids kept asking me why my mom would let me be a vegetarian and I would answer back, because she's one too! That just blew their minds. When I went to my friends' graduation parties they didn't know what to feed me. They just looked at me and said "Uh, we have hamburger rolls and potato chips you can eat." Now that I'm in college it seems to be more accepted and people don't ask me a lot of questions about it. Probably because it's a bigger place than my hometown. A lot of people in my high school live on farms or were related to someone who did, so cows and chickens are really big and no one can understand why I wouldn't want to eat them.

2007-02-23 21:32:43 · answer #5 · answered by Poobug 2 · 0 1


As I explain to meat eaters, I won't eat anything with a face or that cares for its young. Truth is, I don't eat any flesh foods (other than organic free-range local eggs) including seafoods - but it does make it easier for the meat eater to work it out. It just feels wrong and over the years I have only ever said that I'm so glad that I'm veggie, I've never regretted the decision. My health improved dramatically after becoming vegetarian (13 years ago). There are environmental reasons, health reasons, humanity reasons. I believe if you can't kill, skin and gut it yourself, you shouldn't eat it.

I'd definitely recommend vegetarianism to meat-eaters if they asked and were truly considering it, but I don't impose my views if unsolicited. That's just bad manners (but watch out if a meat-eater starts up at me ;o)). That said, 4 of my girl-cousins, 3 of my girlfriends and 1 male friend are vegetarian now and they directly attribute it to me! Which is a massive honour.

I love food in general so I can't think of a favourite food. I'm not into pasta or creamy stuff at all, and definitely not into fake meat products (that's just freaky). I love mexican chilli beans, moroccan chickpea and vegetable tagines, marinated tofu stir fries, mushroom-filled dumplings, nut roasts, big crazy salads, mutter paneer (yummy Indian dish). I especially love converting meat recipes into vegetarian dishes.

I do occasionally get asked stupid questions, such as "what's left to eat if you don't eat meat?", "don't you miss big juicy steaks". I keep answers simple and I don't patronise because sometimes these questions are asked honestly (some are only to attempt to get a reaction). I think this is why people end up listening and considering it as an option.

2007-02-24 03:08:30 · answer #6 · answered by HerbGal 4 · 0 1

I live in california and its pretty easy to be veg. I've found that travelling is harder in foreign countries, but it is ALWAYS manageable.
To be honest, at first I was vegetarian because my parents are. They were completely okay with me and my sister eating meat, but anyways thats what started it.
But now, its very different. I think its wierd to eat an animal. Like eating a human... it was once alive and thinking and feeling.
i would recommend it to a meat eater who wanted to be vegetarian and was willing to give it a shot. It probly wont be easy depending on how motivated you are, and how much you like eating meat.
I like pasta!! Manicotti and spinach pie and mashed potatoes and fondue and anything with CHEESE!! MMMMM lol Basically anything carby and cheesey.
I dont really get asked a question. Sometime people ask if it is hard becasue they want to try. Its not hard. Just have the right foods so you are not tempted.
Try eating Morningstar products (they are fake meat like things). They are actually REALLY YUMMY!! The buffalo wings are the best!

2007-02-24 00:52:32 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

"Why are YOU Vegan/Vegetarian?"

1. Meat is full of toxins, hormones, and chemicals that have been proven to be detrimental for health. So, I don't eat it because it's bad for health and vegetarians have shown to have better overall health due to their no-meat diet.
2. I don't like the cruelty towards animals that takes place at farms. Animals are beaten, tortured, abused, and inhumanely killed in the most possibly painful way.
3. The animal farming business is bad for the environment. I try to do what's best for the environment and by not eating meat, I'm not giving my money to some selfish, greedy, Earth hating, farm mogul.

"would you reccomend it to meat eaters?"

Yes, I would. Why? For the reasons above.

2007-02-23 21:56:48 · answer #8 · answered by LaissezFaire 6 · 0 1

I became a vegetarian because I love animals and I really dont like eating animal flesh. And it so so sad and terrible to see what animals go threw just so we can enjoy meat. I love pasta and I have been trying so many new foods. Becoming a vegetarian makes you a much healthier person.

2007-02-23 21:18:54 · answer #9 · answered by Chritsy 3 · 0 1

I'm a vegan because of how unethicly they treat animals these days. And How they pump drugs through their systems to make them fat.
And how meat is quite fatty. [NO OFFENCE]

My fave meal? Would have to be pasta still, oo and poptarts =]

I always get asked either "how do you do that?" Or "Why are you so stupid".
But I do get nice people

But No offence to meat eaters. I ate meat for years.

2007-02-23 23:10:09 · answer #10 · answered by Halle? 2 · 0 1

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