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if Islami is about love and peace how do you explain stonings, sharia law, abuse of gays, family honour etc?

How come its only in islamic cultures that the legal system allows stoning or girls for sex outside marriage?

Things like honour killings or forced arranged marriages.

Separates men and women or imposes evil laws against girls like not allowing them to drive, forcing female genitla mutilation, not letting them show their face etc.

if it was peace and love how come they all dont act like hippies at a klove in all equality and making out and peace and no need for executions or floggings etc?

But folk handing out flowers with a cuddle?

2007-02-23 08:12:56 · 43 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Thank you zombie below for confirming how savage islam is with you okaying all this savargry as though its nothing... Bet you would not be so balse if you were on the recieving end of it.

This is what I mean zom saying well its a normal punishment for kill or flog as is says its harm.

Funn those into human sacrifuice thought it no big deal either

2007-02-24 02:07:33 · update #1

43 answers

The bible and the Quran have been translated into English and other languages, for people who do not understand the original. Each translation differs from the original.

There are three main translations of the Quran into English. Let us compare how they translate Sura 4:89, dealing with how to treat the infidel:

YUSUFALI: They but wish that ye should reject Faith, as they do, and thus be on the same footing (as they): But take not friends from their ranks until they flee in the way of Allah (from what is forbidden). But if they turn renegades, SEIZE THEM AND SLAY THEM wherever ye find them; and (in any case) take no friends or helpers from their ranks.

PICKTHAL: They long that ye should disbelieve even as they disbelieve, that ye may be upon a level (with them). So choose not friends from them till they forsake their homes in the way of Allah; if they turn back (to enmity) then TAKE THEM AND KILL THEM wherever ye find them, and choose no friend nor helper from among them.

SHAKIR: They desire that you should disbelieve as they have disbelieved, so that you might be (all) alike; therefore, take not from among them friends until they fly (their homes) in Allah's way; but if they turn back, then SEIZE THEM AND KILL THEM wherever you find them, and take not from among them a friend or a helper.

The comparison is most interesting. We must choose between seizing and killing the non-Muslim, taking and killing the non-Muslim, and seizing and slaying the non-Muslim.

2007-02-27 21:10:14 · answer #1 · answered by Ivri_Anokhi 6 · 2 1

No easy answer here, my friend. This is my take: There is nothing nice and fluffy about interpreting religion to debase or denigrate other members of society or indeed any cultural "other". The idea of religious toleration in modern political thought is a relatively modern one; it originated in 19th century Europe. It is a product of secular modernism. The problem is that secular modernism has not really taken root in the Islamic world. It is still struggling to come to grips with concepts like the separation of Church and State , religious tolerance and a vibrant civil society and a free press, things which are taken for granted in the West. The result is sometimes reactionary and fundamentalist as a means to assert their cultural or religious heritage. It is quite difficult when people use a pre-industrial code like the Sharia to govern their lives in the 21st century. It will not work. So I would not describe traditional Islam as fluffy or modern or even as a religion of peace. The religion is still going through a process of self-examination in view of the challenges of the modern world.

2016-05-24 03:15:04 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Most of the so called "Islamic" practice you see around the world is really cultural based and has nothing to do with Islam. just because the person or persons doing it claim to be muslim doesnt mean its something God ordered us to do. Most people, regardless of their religion, put their own desires ahead of God.

There is no mandate from the Quran ordering stoning for sex outside of marriage....thats man made.

No on can be forced into marriage....thats man made.

Honour killings are not ordered by God...they are man made due to mans pride.

Complete separation of genders is not ordered by God either(God says maintain modesty in behavoir, dress, and thought at all times) thats man made....and does nothing to prevent sex outside of marriage or any other problems non muslim countries suffer.

Ban on females driving is man made.

Female mutilation is man made and cultural...not in anyway religious.

Covering the face is not ordered by God...man made too.

Use your brain and read...I promise it wont hurt.

To the poster below me...God is referring to the enemies fighting against the prophet and his followers. The ones trying to spread animosity and hate among the people and get them all stirred up for war. God says fight them and kill them if necessary (same thing and country does against dissidents) until peace is restored. God also says(read further) that as soon as peace is restored stop fighting and live peacefully. If the enemy asks for peace you have no choice but to give it and you cannot start a war unless there is no other option. You shouldnt take a small part and present it as the last and only word on the subject. You must take the whole set of ayas that relate to the same subject and also understand the context of the subject being discussed. We muslims know the Quran is referring to because we study the history of the prophet, arabs, islam etc. Non muslims just present a few words and claim thats proof islam is a violent religion. Like I said...read, I promise it wont hurt.

2007-02-27 20:53:09 · answer #3 · answered by coolred38 5 · 0 2

All the various 'bibles', 'korans', can be misinterprated!
all the various religions have their fanatics, zealots,crazies, preachers and teleavangelists.
Religion is meant to be about peace, love, happiness, tolerance, learning and moral codes, a guide to living a good life. All the answers to this question show how imbalanced and how differently we all think. That is why religion will always be the cause of hatred, wars,contemp, intolerance and fear!!
Welcome to

2007-03-03 04:19:43 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Islam is about love and peace for the community first, and the individual second, but both the community and the individual have rights of their own. Don't you agree?

In Islam, sex outside marriage is a Great Sin, as it leads to children having no responsible parent. And children without adults taking care of them would grow up without guidance. Therefore Islam says that if two unmarried couple have sex, they should be whipped (if they can be proven to have committed the sin) in public, and if the person who committed the sin is married, then he/she should be stoned to death by the community in public. Find out what the rulings on "whip" and "stone" in Islam means.

Honour killing (I think your typo referred to this) is not Islamic. It is practiced by communities that have thousand-years-old roots in tribal and caste allegiances. These include the Indians, the Turks, and some Native Indian cultures. The Indonesians, the Bosnians, the Central Asians, and the French do not practice this killings. It has nothing to do with religion.

Again, you pointed out that girls were forced to have sex (rape?) outside of marriage, which is obviously NOT Islamic. Where did you get these facts from?

Islam allows women to ride on camels, donkeys, horses, bicycles, motorbikes, skateboards, scooters, Mercedes, Porches, aeroplanes, USS Entreprise, aircraft carriers, and even piggy-back. It is culture that subjugates women, as only the Saudi culture does not allow women to drive. 50++ other Muslim countries have no problems with women driving a vehicle.

Forced female genitalia mutilation is also un-Islamic as the Prophet never told anybody to practice it. It is cultural, and only practiced by some cultures in Africa, whether Christian or Muslim.

Islam does not allow Muslim men to show their knees up to the navel to women outside of the family. And women are told (and the women themselves are willing) to wear the hijab @ headscarf. The veil is worn only by some women throughout the Muslim world, maybe about1-2% of the entire Muslim women. Why aren't you allowing women to be modest, however they choose it?

Muslims do have hippies, we call them "sufi"s. Find out about these guys. But they are not the type like the Western hippies; unproductive and bane of the society. Sufis are talented artists who are very religious and loving to people and the environment. They are also very productive and like to travel. In fact, Indonesia and Malaysia got their first encounter with Islam through these travelling artists @ hippies.

Hope that helps.

2007-02-28 14:51:05 · answer #5 · answered by farhansallehin 3 · 1 2

Ok first pre marital sex is haraam and a sin in Islam. ALLAH intended for sex to be for marriage only. Normally if you fornicate you are whipped however many times the court decides. Stoning to death is only for married men and married women who have sex with people other than their partners and is also good for people who commit adultery. Honor killings and forced/arranged marriages are against Islam and are forbidden. Homosexuality is against Islam as is bi sexuality and when found are killed. Some Muslim countries also throw them in jail for a long time or make them pay a huge fine. Female circumcision is not allowed in Islam. Men and women do not mingle because it creates problems and can lead to children born out of wedlock and fornication and also because Islam respects the modesty of men and women and that can only be guarded with men and women being separated in public places like gyms, restaurants, etc. Women aren't allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia I know that. The Qur'an states that all believing Muslim women and girls are to cover everything except the eyes and is even backed up in a Hadith. Also a woman's beauty is sacred so it shouldn't be revealed to anyone except the husband, father, sons, and other close male family members.

2007-02-23 08:25:56 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

I agree with The Oak. Every religion has it's moderates and it's crazies. I think it's because it envokes such passion in people that they seem to lose the true meanings as they search maybe too deeply for more and more relevance in every little sentence of whatever their 'good book' is. And as the years pass and times change each religon begins to evolve (which can be good aswell as bad) but also some of the original meaning can get completely lost in the fog.

2007-02-23 08:21:42 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

It's about gaining power by holding the society together. They feel weak at the moment that's why they think that every deviation from the right way will sweep away the true islamic belief. Only a strong consciousness in conviction/Weltanschauung can tolerate different opinions and ways of life.
Tight control of women and their wombs and accumulating of this human ressource by converting alien women is crucial in the strife of Islam to power in the world.

See here my question in this regard:

2007-02-25 03:45:58 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Plain and simple, islam is about lies. I have heard from ex-Muslims that they were told just enough to get caught up in it. Once they started living islam they learned the truth and got out. The truth is that allah is not God. allah is not love, but deceit. Woman are considered as low as dogs, even lower than some dogs. Most woman are going to Hell according to Muhammad. They are tools of the Devil. They interfere with prayer. How anyone (especially women) could believe in this false religion is totally beyond me. Muslims are allowed to lie to infidels and they do every time they say islam is from God and is about peace and love. If you want to know the truth about islam do some research. Learn history and you'll see that islam was always spread by violence. This is not new.

May God Bless you.

2007-02-23 08:36:29 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Islam has not lost its originality, it never well.

Its people / Mankind that have lost their ways.

What you witness today of Islam on your TV screens, Newspapers is not ISLAM.

Its a breed of corruption and misguided uneducated people who truly do not know the reality of Islam.

Everyone that jumps the gun and is quick to put it down is not too far different from those who are the reason why islam is given a negative name.


People should be just to their own selfs and take time to truly find out what the Real muslims, the real people of peace & love are like, find out what the true teachings of Islam are b4 blindly hateing that which they do not truly know or understand themselfs.

2007-02-23 08:45:12 · answer #10 · answered by Sabreen 2 · 0 2

Your confusing the religion with the goverment. Yes, they are muslim countries but the main problem is that they continue to add laws and keep traditions that are not Islamic. And I would like to strongly point out the female genital mutilation is NOT NOT NOT from the quran. It is a horrible practice and the people who practice it are in the wrong. It is a cultural practice and has nothing to do with Islam.
The limitations put on women in these countries are again, not from the quran. Obviously the quran doesn't contain anything about cars, it is strictly the governments decision. And we are allowed to show our face. Women have the choice. And many women, including myself, choose to wear head cover. It is noone elses business what we look like and if you don't like it then tough.
If you really wanted to know what the true islam was like you would look for the info yourself(the quran). Islam is the best religion for equal rights, look it up.

2007-02-23 08:24:54 · answer #11 · answered by Chelle's Belle 4 · 1 4

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