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It's about time we the good people of this once great country made our voice heard. How is it the government have no control over these gangs, who are controlling us by no one doing anything to stop them. Because they are stopped by these bloody politically correct do gooders. Why don't we have a bad lads army? Then when they are fully trained, send them to war zones such as Iraq and afganistan to let out their frustrations, as that is what they are hell bent on doing to this country, making this a war zone. How many of you agree?

2007-02-23 06:16:23 · 25 answers · asked by letitbe 4 in Politics & Government Military

We are the majority, Why are these do gooders getting it all their way? As for the teddy boys back in the fifties, they were not thugs. I grew up in that era. Drugs and guns, also killing on the streets and muggings were unheard of as there was a deterent. HANGING. LET THE M AJORITY SPEAK.WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH.

2007-02-24 18:01:11 · update #1

First of all, read my question properly.I said a bad lads army not the real military, until they have had all that cockiness knocked out of them. Then put them in war zones. emrit4 you are totally wrong.you another do gooder?rowdy you say go to these places and hang out it works, I don't think so. The kids you meet are not the drugged up gang members I'm talking about . The ones you come across are probably just young people who hang around together, and get up to the usual annoying pranks that they have always got up to. S1 has got it right on target, apart from gassing the little bstrds. I'm afraid I couldn't go that far.

2007-02-25 17:32:17 · update #2

I have found it hard to choose between francis f and s1 as both were great answers.

2007-02-27 03:01:53 · update #3

25 answers

i have said all my life with total conviction that gangs are worse then any war this or any country could ever face.
we do need to have the military on the streets we do need marsall law for a time . we do need to declare war on gangs. we do need to arrest and convict the gang members with little or no court intervention . we may even need to gas thousands of them . sounds awfull but what worse let them kill oh say 20 people a day with guns and about 2000 a day with drugs or we kill them all now and be done with them . i say spare a life kill a gang member.
as for putting them in the military no. thats not a good idea
a real military prison set up could be used to house them crack them that is the youngest ones at least after 16 we may as well gas them .
oh some pc *** will come along and say but they didnt get to go to school or life is too hard for them . boo whoo. lock them up too they are doing great harm to the earth as well.

2007-02-25 14:56:55 · answer #1 · answered by s l 2 · 1 1

Please do not think that these 'thugs' are something new. Before the 2nd world war there were gangs called'The race gangs'. You must of heard of the Teddy boy gangs of 1956-59 or the Mods and Rockers.
They all beat up other people other gangs and may completely innocent people.
The same cry went up 'Put them in the armed forces.'
I am an ex serviceman and I can tell you National service didn't change anyone. If they went in as a tearaway the army would teach them how to channel that aggression into a killing machine and they came out a fully trained tearaway.
I have served with men taught to kill in far worse ways than with a gun. What is needed is to teach these young lads the folly of their ways. Show them footage of what a body that is hit by a armailite bullet looks like, let them work in a morgue, then they will see all the dead they will ever want.

2007-02-23 09:05:15 · answer #2 · answered by colinpeter 1 · 0 1

This is exactly what we have been debating the last few days. If these kids want to go around shooting people, get them doing it for real, trained properly and given bigger and better guns, the armed forces are struggling as it is with all the deployments overseas so could use the extra heads and it would sort the little shits out for starters, would'nt be so brave then either without their beloved hoods
They'd go out there as kids with asbo's, and come back men with experience and military training, and being a credit to society and not a thorn in the side

2007-02-23 06:25:43 · answer #3 · answered by SunnyDays 5 · 2 0

This argument has been raging for years. Putting them in the army's a no go. Why should the army be saddled with them? They've got enough to do. It's up to the good people to take back the streets, go and occupy the places where the thugs hang out, use the town centres, sit on the park benches, stand outside the newsagents for a chat, face them out. It's what I do and it works a treat.

2007-02-25 09:21:30 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Yes, however i think they should get a smaller budget untill they have done at least 1 year of service, most are to rebelious to follow any types of orders and 99% can't fire a gun properly and insist on tilting it sideways as though that somehow made it cooler.

The libs would have a field day fighting for the right of the "poor abused minoritie gang members" and insist they get more rights than regular americans.

2007-02-23 06:28:33 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

soldiering is all about discipline and with all the do gooding going on in the military at the moment these thugs would only become thugs who know how to handle weapons properly, its a sad fact that our armed forces are not allowed to train young soldiers as they should anymore.
the good old days of corporals and senior nco's being feared have gone because little johnny told his mum the big bad corporal shouted at him for not checking he had put the safety catch on his weapon and she complained to whitehall who jumped to conclusions normally wrong ones and told us to tone it down!
i left the british military two years ago because the recruits being sent to us had the why factor, everything you asked them to do," why do i have to do it" whereas when i was told as a young recruit you didnt question you did it and straight away! unless the government are willing to hand more power back to the men training these tearaways then no i really dont see the point, i do realise thugs can be turned round but its like dominos once one thinks he can swing the lead everyone else follows.
and the last thing we really need is these rogues patrolling the streets of basra shooting anything that looks at them funny. soldiering is about adapting to enviroments understanding the people and taking a step back and assessing situations not just letting rip because you think theyre al queida.

2007-02-26 23:15:03 · answer #6 · answered by francis f 3 · 1 0

How many times does this same old question come up.....
Send them to some island in the middle of nowhere or just shoot them.....But the Army doesn't need them you cannot discipline sh*t they are a liability do we need Yanks on both sides....
Great Idea as they are all hard men gang bangers why not send them too Brazil I'm sure they'll get on well with the gangs over there....

2007-02-23 14:05:10 · answer #7 · answered by 284561 3 · 0 1

This Army already exists. It's called the French Foreign Legion. Great outfit that will give anyone that can cut it a new identity. Really tough training and very disciplined.

2007-02-23 06:27:56 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

How do you define a bad lad? Cos you'd better be pretty dam sure you'd got the right lad if you're going to ship them off to Iraq.

More generally young men join gangs for a number of reasons, partly because of the inherent aggressive and competitive tendencies of young men, but more to do with social and economic factors.
The vast majority of these kids come from poor backgrounds, are poorly educated and have little prospect of getting work other than minimum wage jobs in the service sector. Many have less than ideal home lives. With little else in their lives to give them self-respect it is small wonder they turn to a group which promises them respect and a feeling of belonging.

It seems callous to simply write 16 year old kids off as destructive and worthless when they have been denied so many of the opportunities given to others, and it is this dismissive attitude which feeds the alienation and resentment they feel.

2007-02-23 06:28:46 · answer #9 · answered by Rafaman 2 · 0 3

good idea but this country dont have the balls any more all our lads fought and died 4 in world war 1 and2 woz 4 nothing if u ask me this country has gone 2 S H 1 T

2007-02-27 01:05:35 · answer #10 · answered by venom 1 · 1 0

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