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I havent eat meat for 1 month now because of how gross it looks raw and how animalas are treated unfairly.. milk has puss in it, yuck. eggs are unborn chickens, ewww. how do i know plants are being hurt when we kill them. Then i think of all the preservitives. I am hungry all the time. What kinds of things can i eat or change my thinking. Help no appettie??? the thought of how food is made..

2007-02-22 02:46:22 · 15 answers · asked by owned by a siberian husky 4 in Food & Drink Vegetarian & Vegan

15 answers

You may need to see a therapist before you starve to death because if you think too much about any food and where it comes from and how it eventually got to you, the thoughts will be unappetizing.

I once had such a problem and reading your question has again made me feel queasy. For me it was more about food handling practices and germs. I first overcame it by cooking everything for a long time to kill the germs. Gradually I could handle taking just normal precautions. With the help of a competent therapist, you will find something that works for you.

2007-02-22 02:51:55 · answer #1 · answered by babydoll 7 · 1 0

Then don't eat meat. Use soy milk, or "organic milk." If you can find milk that says "no BST" "no growth hormones" or "no BGH" buy that. Don't eat eggs if you don't want to.

I've been a vegetarian since 1984 and I know where you're coming from. But I don't get as worked up about it as I used to. If I accidently bite into a piece of meat I spit it out into a napkin and go rinse my mouth out with water, but I do my best to be polite to other people and not make a big show out of it. If I eat something and find out later it had meat products in it, it makes me a little sick and kind of grosses me out, but I just decide not to eat at that restaurant again, or to not eat that paricular food offered by the same person again.

I like to buy organic food when possible, but it's more expensive and I don't make very much money, and I'm not always sure if they're telling the truth anyway.

Just try to do the best you can, because some things are beyond your control.

2007-02-25 15:37:07 · answer #2 · answered by majnun99 7 · 0 0

Plants have no nerves, no brain and no heart. As long as the farming prcatices for the plants are sustainable I on't know why you would have a problem eating them.

Really if you are that worried then I would look into your area for a CSA (community supported Agiculture) Farm in your area.
These are farms where they don't sell to the public, only members. Most are natural/organic. What you do is you pay a yearly fee to join and you get a fair share of EVERYTHING that the farm grows. usually they deliver it to you also. One week you may get a basket full of beens and the next 5 eggplants.
To find some near you then check out here.

However I really suggest you just start learning about the farms in your area. Not everything is factory farmed. Look for local brands in your store, or fruits and veggies grown locally and see if you can look them up on the computer nd learn a little about them. Take a weekend drive out (usually about an hour) and you will probably start to see the farms that are around. A lot of farms will give you a tour even and you can see which ones are good and which are bad.The website above actually lists farms all around the united states. Want to find some farms near you?? check it out!

I would aalso try to buy organic, studies have shown organic food to have lower pesticide residue levels (though they still usually have some because of whats in the enviroment.) But also research the brand you are buying still.
(I would not reccomend safeway, horizions or aruora farms products because they are factory farmed on organic grain..but if you are goign vegan this wouldn't matter.)

Then i would suggest you go to your local book store and pick up some cookbooks, most have a great section on vegetarian/vegan cooking.

2007-02-22 14:41:44 · answer #3 · answered by slawsayssss 4 · 0 0

Oh im sorry, but you must realize that everybody eats, like when I watch an animal enjoy food I realize that eating is natural and should be enjoyed, if you want to eat vegan to make you feel better thats good. Just wash your fruits and vegetables and rest assured that they are safe to eat, thats what the FDA is for, making sure your food is safe to eat, don't worry, relax! How do you know plants aren't being hurt? Because it is proven that plants have no nervous system, thats what causes any sort of physical feeling or pain. If you had no nerves you couldn't feel either, so if they have no nerves obviously they cant feel. Learn to enjoy your food, make it pretty if it makes you feel better, add lots of colorful vegetables. Enjoy it!
You need to eat to live although not live to eat!

2007-02-22 11:09:59 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Eat grains (harvested after the plant has produced the crop, the plant is finished and the grain is the product), or Fruit (harvested when ripe off the plant (tree or vine), the plant is not injured at all, it is the purpose of the plant to produce a fruit - if the fruit is not picked then it goes to waste on the ground) or Vegetables like carrots, turnips, potatoes etc that are there for the purpose of producing food (if it is not harvested then it again goes to waste). I understand your concern for animals, eggs, milk etc, try the grains, fruits and vegetables.

2007-02-22 10:54:55 · answer #5 · answered by wineduchess 6 · 0 0

Eggs are not fertilized, so they couldn't become chickens no matter how badly they want to be. Go to an eating disorder clinic, they could help you eat again, but you have to forget the thoughts that haunt your food preferences, plants are inanimate objects, yes, they have living cells, but they do not have nerves, so they cannot feel the pain. Go to Whole Foods, they don't have preservatives, and the things that do are natural preservatives.

2007-02-22 10:53:33 · answer #6 · answered by Exhibit A 2 · 0 0

Buy organic and lighten up. You ate all the nasty stuff for years and now you have brainwashed yourself toward starvation. Start looking at food as a gift to nourish yourself. Get a few cookbooks and take care of yourself! Go to www.veganoutreach.org and read "how vegan." People don't die of puss in milk, they just get a little phlegm. Don't get hysterical about plants. Nuts, fruit, and seeds fall off of the trees- eat them for goodness sake. Get a bread machine and make loaves of untainted bread. "Behold I have given you every seed bearing plant and for you it shall be food." God's words, not mine.

2007-02-22 17:33:25 · answer #7 · answered by Joyce T 4 · 0 0

This happens to me sometimes too. If you are obsessing over where your food comes from you'll never eat again. You have to consciously put it out of your mind. I love to eat so this has not affected my overall eating patterns but has made me leave the table early a few times. If you read the vegan propaganda - and it is mostly propaganda with gross exaggerations of reality - you'll probably never eat again. If that is the case then you need more help than we can provide here - see a therapist. People have been eating as long as there have been people. There is nothing wrong with your food supply. Put it out of your mind and enjoy a jelly donut (see, nobody got hurt in the making of the jelly donut!)

2007-02-22 11:01:41 · answer #8 · answered by PRS 6 · 0 2

First off, eggs are not unborn chickens. They are not fertilized so unless the hen mate with a rooster, those eggs will never and can never be baby chickens.

Regardless of that..switch to whole foods like legumes, whole grains, veggies, fruit, nuts etc.

2007-02-22 11:05:03 · answer #9 · answered by KathyS 7 · 0 0

yea, first relax, don't worry about how food is made, we all eat it so er stop.

you can drink fresh homemade juice from fruits and veggs, if you don't have appettie, it's just juice, it'll give you some energy but it won't make you full, so you have to eat some nuts, and seeds, like peanuts and sunflowerseeds, pumpkin seeds, the nuts and seeds will give you protein and lots of carbs and fills you up

2007-02-22 11:42:52 · answer #10 · answered by mikedrazenhero 5 · 0 0

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