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Yesterday, I have what I believe to be a Chancroid/solf chancre on my pen*s, it looks like a blaster, or a bag filled with water. It was right on right pen*s head. The color was a lil white-ish.
I checked online, freaked myself out because it could have been Chancroid, Syphilis or Herpes Complex Virus (HSV).
But this morning, its.. gone.. and I dunno how or why ?

If someone have experienced this before, please give me some advice.

P.S. I believe I might have caught STDs from an unprotected BJ and I'm very scared right now, please check my other question for detail

2007-02-04 13:41:20 · 3 answers · asked by Laugh-n-fart 3 in Health Diseases & Conditions STDs

3 answers

Chancroid is VERY rare. It causes PAINFUL ulcers on your genitals.

Syphilis chancres are painless, and they last for weeks at a time before they progress to secondary syph.

Fluid-filled blisters are more indicative of HERPES infection. You can get them through unprotect oral sex. If you still have blisters, go to the doctor and show him/her so you can get a diagnosis. Blood tests are available for herpes, too. Ask about that.

2007-02-05 07:57:52 · answer #1 · answered by Gumdrop Girl 7 · 0 0


2016-12-25 02:50:32 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Chancroid: warning signs warning signs regularly happen interior of 10 days from exposure. They hardly strengthen before than 3 days or later than 10 days. The ulcer or sore starts off as a young, extra suitable bump, or papule that turns right into a pus-crammed, open sore with eroded or ragged edges. it relatively is gentle to touch (in comparison to a syphilis chancre this is puzzling or rubbery). The term gentle chancre is regularly used to describe the chancroid sore. The ulcers might nicely be very painful in adult males, yet women persons are regularly ignorant of them. simply by fact chancroid is quite often asymptomatic in women persons, they're in many cases unaware that they are contaminated. Painful lymph glands (or lymph nodes) might happen in the groin, regularly in basic terms on one area of the physique. in spite of the incontrovertible fact that, they might each so often happen on the two the left and the superb option components. Genital Herpes: • The “classic” warning signs that maximum persons go mutually with genital herpes are sores, vesicles, or ulcers – all of which is additionally referred to as “lesions.” (The scientific literature on herpes makes use of the term “lesion” to describe any destroy or irregularity in the floor.) those classic lesions of genital herpes in many cases resemble small zits or blisters that at last crust over and finally scab like a small shrink. those lesions might take everywhere from 2 to 4 weeks to heal totally.

2016-10-01 10:46:42 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

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