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My friend is taking steroids and he said his warts are getting a lot worse. Is there any connection between the two?

2007-02-04 12:53:54 · 1 answers · asked by mrcarl92807 3 in Health Diseases & Conditions STDs

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2007-02-04 14:20:56 · update #1

1 answers

steroid are immunosuppressive that means they suppress the cells in your body that fight infections. Warts are caused by a virus...so yes steroids will probably make them get worse and your friend is probably more likely to get other infections as well....on the other hand...docs don't hand out steroids for nothing so it is probably really important that he continues to take the steroids and go to his doctor about the warts...his doctor can help.

2007-02-04 15:20:07 · answer #1 · answered by 2Bs 3 · 0 0

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