That does not sound to good I advise you to go to the doctor and have that checked.
2007-02-04 10:08:20
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I am guessing your vagina is sticking out because it has been itching and you have been scratching it something terrible. It has a nasty odor because you contracted STD. Go see your doctor immediately. Let’s hope that it is something they can cure. No matter what anyone tells you, you can't wash, perfume or powder away STDs. People around you will always smell your nasty vagina no matter how much perfume or douche bags you use. I agree with your boyfriend for being scared of you right now, you are scary and worry some. Your boyfriend also needs to see his doctor because I am quite sure by now he already has whatever it is you got. Listen, after you get fully cured, do not get back into sexual relations with your boyfriend until he gets fully cured. Because, if you go back to him before treatment, your vagina is going to smell nasty again within the next seven days after getting back with him. Once you get treated, the swelling in your vagina will go down and your vagina won’t stick out any more. Good luck.
2007-02-04 10:29:46
answer #2
answered by 2020 1
What do you mean by sticking out? Do you mean that your labia minora sticks out past your labia majora? If that is the case, then it's just the way you are. It's not a disease. Some men refer to them as 'meat curtains'. Some men like meat curtains, some don't.
If you don't know what I am talking about, here is the anatomy...
If there is brown discharge, see your doctor, that is not normal.
If it is feces, wipe your butt thoroughly after you poop. You can even use a baby wipe to stay clean and fresh afterwards.
If your boyfriend is afraid of AIDS, then both of you should be tested for AIDS and other STD's. Then both of you would know your heatlh status and won't pass diseases to each other, if you had any. Use condoms when you have intercourse to protect yourself from diseases. Keep in mind condoms are not 100% effective against diseases or pregnancy.
2007-02-04 18:32:49
answer #3
answered by funandsun20 3
I don't really know what you mean be "sticking out" but if your drawers are brown after one day I would start using pantie liners everday to save your panties from being recked....odour problem start to shower or better bath more ofter and stay away from< bubble> bath as leads to irritation,use salt for the bath and cleanse down there as much as possible, there are portable wipes that you can carry in your purse for quick wipes, when away from home, and after sex when you can not clean up properly,,,if yeast infection is causing spotting drug store has pill durafuilm something like;s a pill for yeast infections1 pill instead of the plunger type,,me don;t like these they hurt when installing,,,buy douce and cleanse this way at least once a week,,if still presists go see a doctor,,might need antibiotic fore your problem,,,remember clean and bath ofter for freshness..
2007-02-04 09:17:56
answer #4
answered by lisadivirgilio 3
I would go to the doctor first. If you have good hygiene but are still experiencing bad odor, chances are you may have some sort of infection and it's imperative that you get it checked for your own reproductive health. And if the boyfriend is more concerned about your sexual past than giving you good health advice, can him.
2007-02-04 10:22:03
answer #5
answered by Taddy 2
Huge volumes of vinegar will help you out with the nasty odor.
Make sure you wipe from front to back, not side to side when finished with your "brownload download" to avoid skidmarks.
An AIDS test with you and your partner is suggested.
I am sorry about your protruding vagina. Sounds painful.
2007-02-07 04:14:22
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Hi Gurlyy,
I would like to recommend that you starting cranberry capsules, one every night before you go to bed and drink cranberry juices as often as you can or like to, the cranberry will help fight nasty odor due to yeast infection and other infections.
2007-02-08 05:36:40
answer #7
answered by Lil bit 3
Sticking out? what?
Go to a DR, a stinky vagina with brown discharge isn't normal.
2007-02-04 13:50:49
answer #8
answered by Daughtry-luver 5
You probably have a live infection , so you should go to infection disease doctor and let him run some STD TEST.
Sorry to say this" when people have reached to these level of challenge .definitely They must have done some thing wrong to some one intentionally"
2007-02-04 11:52:42
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
i do not locate them nasty, under no circumstances, I only does under no circumstances EVER pick to positioned my junk interior one, or contact one, or flow close to at least one. Lol yet all jokes aside, i do not locate them nasty, they only are not for me :)
2016-11-25 01:39:17
answer #10
answered by hamman 4