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I hate my asthma. I've only had it for about 6 months, but it really brings me down and I can't do things I used to be able to do before without taking breaks and using my inhaler. Now I have to use 2 different inhalers and it makes it more confusing. I just want to get rid of it so I can be back to normal.

2007-01-24 16:52:31 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diseases & Conditions Respiratory Diseases

10 answers

no. there is no way to get rid of asthma. had all my life so far. it does limit me but i still try to push that limit farther. don't let asthma drag you down.

2007-01-24 16:57:23 · answer #1 · answered by Kevin 2 · 1 0


2016-07-28 01:15:43 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Asthma is an allergy and is triggered by something. The best non medication treatment for asthma is learning your triggers and avoiding them. Common triggers are smoke, dust, mold, mildew, plants, dust mites, pets and grass/weeds.

If you can not figure our your triggers, you may need to see an allergist and have allergy screening done. This may point out your triggers.

The National Asthma Prevention Program and the Expert Panel of Diagnosis and Management of Asthma both agree if you have to use a prescription inhaler such as albuterol more then two time per week, your asthma is NOT in control and you will need a prescription controller medication.

Controller medications are steroids (Asthmacort Asthmanex, Flovent, Pulmocort), Leukotriene modifier (Singulair, Aculade, Zyflo) or mast cell stabilizers (Cromolyn sodium, Intal, Tilade).

You may want to talk to your doctor about several strong controller medications and maybe Xolair shots.

If you want a proven, all-natural way to cure your asthma, without having to pay for useless medications with harmful side-effects, then this is the most important page you'll ever read.

2016-05-14 12:54:13 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I exercise 2x weekly, this has greatly reduced my asthma attacks

i use Sipriva and Asmenex in the AM and carry an albuterol inhaler
I have used the inhaler one a month for the last 3 months.

From Mar 18 '05 to MAr 18 '06 I was in the hosptial 5 times for SOB From Mar 18 '06 until now I haven't returned

When I started rehab, i could use the treadmill at the lowest setting
for 10 Min. I now do a mile in 25 min

You never get rid of it, you learn to control it.

2007-01-25 04:47:53 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You can reduce the frequency of symptoms by getting regular exercise, eating lots of fruit and veggies, and limiting your intake of sodium. Some new studies have also shown that getting a few minutes a day of sunlight exposure can also reduce the symptoms.

And there are medicines like Advair, Singulair, and Pulmicort that can prevent attacks. But you should carry your rescue inhaler anyway, just in case.

2007-01-24 17:08:28 · answer #5 · answered by Emmy 6 · 0 0

I know several cases where people excercised regularly, lost weight, and their asthma dissapeared. It is my understanding that asthma is not always caused by being overweight, but that in many cases regular aerobic excercise is the answer.

2007-01-24 17:01:51 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

OK..this sounds crazy but my mother swears that the chiropractor cured my little sister of her asthma. Couldn't hurt to try.

2007-01-24 17:00:43 · answer #7 · answered by lovemy2babies 4 · 0 2

ive heard the sauna helps. also, swimming. i dont know why but i have a friend with asthma and that has helped him.

2007-01-24 16:55:33 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Some folks grow out of it as it can be allergy induced; others not.

2007-01-24 16:56:08 · answer #9 · answered by Tiger by the Tail 7 · 0 1


For most people, asthma is triggered by one or more factors. What causes an asthma episode in one person, however, may not bother another person who has asthma. Common asthma triggers include:

Allergens. Some people’s immune systems overreact to specific allergens that normally are not harmful to the body, such as dust mites, molds, pollen, or animal dander. The immune system’s overreaction is called an allergy. For some people, the allergic reaction to a specific allergen can cause an asthma episode.
Infections. Bacterial and viral infections are common asthma triggers. Viral infections, such as a cold or the flu, tend to trigger asthma episodes more often than bacterial infections, such as strep throat or sinus infections.
Irritants. Asthma symptoms are also aggravated by irritants such as smoke from tobacco or wood, air pollution, and various fumes and fragrances. Some of these irritants may trigger your asthma, although others may not.
Exercise. Aerobic exercise, such as jogging or cross-country skiing, sometimes causes asthma episodes—especially exercise that involves continuous movement over a long period in cold, dry air.
Aspirin and other NSAIDs. Aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) act as triggers in a small percentage of people with asthma. Because aspirin-induced asthma can be severe and come on very quickly, you should avoid taking aspirin and other NSAIDs if you have aspirin-sensitive asthma.
Emotions. Excitement, stress, fear, and other emotions may trigger asthma episodes in some people. However, the emotions themselves are not the direct triggers. The asthma episodes occur as a result of rapid or heavy breathing brought on by crying, laughing, or feeling anxious.

Although asthma is common, its symptoms vary from person to person. Most people who have asthma develop their first symptoms while still young. About half show symptoms before age 10, and another third before age 40. But anyone can develop asthma at any time. Asthma can range from mild and intermittent to severe and persistent. Your symptoms may range from mild shortness of breath, coughing, and wheezing to severe shortness of breath, chest tightness, difficulty speaking, and gasping for air.


The key to managing asthma is understanding your symptoms and what triggers and relieves them. A good asthma management plan should be able to reduce the severity and frequency of asthma symptoms and prevent unscheduled visits to the clinic or emergency room.

Peak-Flow Meters

A peak-flow meter is a good tool for assessing and monitoring asthma. It measures the maximum speed at which air can be exhaled from the lungs. During an asthma episode, the peak flow slows down because the airways are constricted and partly blocked. Your breathing capacity may begin to drop up to 24 hours before asthma symptoms appear. The peak-flow meter can detect this drop so you can start taking medications before you begin to wheeze or cough.


There are many different kinds of asthma medications. The type of medication your doctor prescribes will depend on how severe your asthma is. Many people with mild, intermittent asthma do well with quick-relief medications alone. However, most people who have frequent asthma episodes or persistent asthma take at least two kinds of medications. One medication provides quick relief during an asthma episode, and one long-term control medication prevents or reduces asthma episodes.

Long-term control medications. The best way to control an asthma episode is to prevent it from beginning. Several types of medications are used for long-term control of asthma. Anti-inflammatory medications, such as inhaled corticosteroids, cromolyn sodium, and nedocromil, prevent mucus production and airway swelling. Other types of long-term control medications include long-acting beta-agonists, theophylline, and leukotriene modifiers.
Quick-relief medications. The common types of quick-relief medications you can use at home include beta-agonists, anticholinergics, and oral corticosteroids. Beta-agonists and anticholinergics relax the smooth muscle of the airways, making it easier to breathe. Oral corticosteroids help control the symptoms of asthma by reducing swelling, inflammation, and mucus production in the airways.
Asthma Action Plan

One way many people manage their asthma is by using an asthma action plan. An asthma action plan is something you and your doctor develop together. It can help you recognize the early warning signs of an asthma episode and outline the steps to follow for relief.

Your asthma action plan will outline a medication program based on both symptoms and peak-flow readings. Usually the first step in an action plan is to avoid asthma triggers and to take long-term control medications to prevent episodes. The second step involves the use of fast-acting medications to relieve asthma symptoms when an episode does occur.

Keep a copy of your asthma action plan in your purse or wallet and at home or at the office. Parents should provide a copy of their child’s plan to the child’s day care provider or teacher and to the school nurse. Although the asthma action plan can help you avoid unnecessary visits to your doctor or the emergency room, never hesitate to get care if you need it.


The following self-care steps assume you have seen a doctor and have the right medications for managing your asthma. If you have coughing, wheezing, or chest tightness that has not been diagnosed as asthma, see your doctor.

Become an asthma expert. Read about asthma and attend patient information sessions and asthma support groups.
Follow your asthma action plan. Know the warning signs of an asthma episode. Make sure you have written instructions for what to do in an asthma emergency. Keep a record of your episodes, medications, peak-flow readings, and responses to medications.
Manage your medications. Know the kinds of medications you should take, how much, and how often. Know the possible side effects and what you can do to minimize them. Make sure you know which medications should be taken first, and follow the instructions carefully. Learn the correct use of an inhaler with a spacer. Don’t run out of your medicines. Ask your doctor or pharmacist to check all new medications for possible interactions with the asthma medications you are taking.
Keep daily records of your symptoms and peak-flow readings, so you will be able to reduce the number and severity of asthma episodes.
Identify and avoid triggers. Your record keeping will help you determine what triggers your asthma episodes. If inhalants such as dust and animal dander are high on your list, take steps to keep your living areas free of these triggers. Steer clear of irritants, cigarette smoke, and car exhaust fumes.
When an episode occurs, follow your asthma action plan; stay calm, stop your activity, take a few relaxed breaths, drink extra fluids, and use your inhaler. Treat symptoms within minutes of their onset. It takes less medicine to stop an episode in its early phase.
Stay physically fit. You should be able to control your asthma so you can exercise.
Keep good records of your medications and dosages, and make sure someone else in your family knows where to find this information in an emergency.
See your doctor regularly for exams.
Special Concerns for Children

Asthma causes more hospital and emergency room visits than any other chronic childhood disease. Children with well-controlled asthma, however, should be able to participate in any activity or sport they choose.

Children too young to use an inhaler are often treated with a machine called a nebulizer. This device uses compressed air to turn a solution of liquid medication into a fine mist, which the child breathes in through a mask or mouthpiece.

Many children outgrow asthma symptoms, although the underlying condition—extra-sensitive bronchial tube lining—remains throughout life. About half of children with asthma outgrow it by age 15. Smoking may trigger the return of the problem.

2007-01-24 17:00:36 · answer #10 · answered by harley w 4 · 3 0

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