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I have finally decided to quit smoking on Monday. I have bought my patches, boiled sweets and a good book etc. I am absolutely sh1tting myself as I have never tried to quit before, but I know I need to do this.

Any tips or suggestions for helping me get over the worst habbit ever!

pls people I really need to do this!

2007-01-23 01:32:03 · 23 answers · asked by EMA 5 in Health Diseases & Conditions Respiratory Diseases

23 answers

Hey same here hun!! its my first day without cigs today, and im doing ok!! Lollipops do it for me. If you don't succeed, dont panic, I found it really helpful to cut down lo9ads before going cold turkey, im doing good, don't even want one!!

Also, keep telling yourself 'i don't smoke' - it helps! Try to program yourself to hate cigs and find some gross pix of smokers lungs to look at, itll put ya off big time!!

Good luck!!!!

2007-01-23 01:40:10 · answer #1 · answered by Tiger18 2 · 0 0

I stopped several times, my longest non-smoking record is 4 years!!! In my opinion, quitting is easy, in fact the pain of craving is so big that it gives you a sudden energy (which will fade once your body is not craving anymore) so you become ready to jump at anybody's throat and the likes but you can use this energy to spring clean your house. In my opinion the hard thing is staying quit after you've spent some months non-smoking. With me (and we are all different) it's that mentality that it is so easy to quit and I can do it so it doesn't matter because I'll be able to do it again. It's staying a non-smoker forever is the hardest. Forever is a very long time! If I was a non-smoker and I had a way of finding out that on a certain day I'll be run down by a bus I'd start smoking again, because I haven't got that long to live and I just want to make sure I'm not suffering. Anyway, best of luck!

2007-01-23 01:44:52 · answer #2 · answered by Luvfactory 5 · 0 1

I quit 2 weeks ago and am doing OK. You have to take it one day at a time. What keeps me smoke free is the thought of going through this again and again and again. And I'm going to be 50 this year. And I've smoked since I was 16. At £1200 per year, that's £40,800 up in smoke.

Stay strong and you will do it.

2007-01-23 01:44:35 · answer #3 · answered by MinaF 3 · 0 0

since you smoke that much everyday, your body got adjusted having these poisons running ur body. That's why people with more serious drug problems can actually die by quiting abruptly. You hav to take decrease your amount of cigarettes maybe every few weeks or whatever you're comfortable with. The reason why you were coughing and stuff (tryign to not smoke) was because your body was so used to having 2-5 cigarettes a day. So each week you should decrease slowly from 2-4cigarettes, then another few weeks, 2-3, then so on.

2016-03-14 22:40:19 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

congratulations, hope everything goes ok. I've decided to quit as well, but not till Feb 8th.

When I tried to quit before, I failed because I thought I'd have no problem in going up the pub. Where there's alcohol there is smoke(at the moment).
If I was to give one bit of advice, stay away from alcohol, atleast for a few weeks after quitting.

good luck!

2007-01-23 01:39:59 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I was a very heavy smoker about 50 a day and smoked for almost 15 years I tried allsorts of cures patches, accupunctue, hypmotism but I did stop 3 years ago with the help of zyaban which you get on prescription from your doctor you still need willpower but the zyaban helps I know 5 other people who started the treatment the same time as me and only 1 of them is back smoking good luck it is hard to stop but worth it

2007-01-23 01:48:05 · answer #6 · answered by 7bayl 2 · 0 0

During my regular smoke breaks I used to leave my desk and chew gum. Just one stick for about 7 minutes. I made me not miss smoke breaks as much. I can still be found doing that almost a year later.

In situations where you normally smoke, like at home watching TV or on the computer, have a cup of tea. Having something to sip does wonders for keeping your mind off smoking.

2007-01-23 02:57:58 · answer #7 · answered by smedrik 7 · 0 0

Hi Ema,

good luck hun its the best thing you will ever do.

I gave up 3 months ago,i tried all different things and what did it for me was "the easy way to stop smoking" by Allen Carr.

I read the book in 4 hours,tore my ciggies up and havent had one since,no patches,nothing.

Its wonderful,it has got a very high success rate.

I feel 100% better for giving up,ive not used my asthma inhalers since i stopped,and I had a cold last week and was over it in 3 days instead of the usual 7 plus chest infection when i smoked.

2007-01-23 01:46:09 · answer #8 · answered by Pat R 6 · 0 0

When the need for a cigarette creeps up, and it will try doing something else. The craving doesn't last long and will pass. Set goals for yourself, a day, one week and treat yourself to something nice if you achieve the goal. If you fail in your first attempt, DON'T GIVE UP! Don't be too hard on yourself. If you want to achieve your goal you will. Try again if you fail. You will get there if you truly want to. Quitting smoking is not easy. It is probably the hardest thing I have ever done.But you can do it! Millions of people have

2007-01-23 02:55:28 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

More than anything you've got to REALLY want to quit.

Also, it's hard to go out with friends that still smoke, so you'll need to be extra strong then.

Break you habits and you'll soon be on your way. But don't beat yourself up if you slip up. You're trying and that's a great start.

2007-01-23 01:37:01 · answer #10 · answered by Wafflebox 5 · 0 0

I have a bit of advice however it completely contradicts the first answer and considering this is the first and last of many attempts that i am go-in to succeed, i would understand that you may not wish to take it. But here it goes: Yes you do have to know that u want to quit. But what is truly important is that you brain/sub-consiance knows what smoking really is and the facts that you do not enjoy it. this may sound simple but its not! Your subcon is a suborn beast and it will need constant reminding of these facts and a true in dept knowledge of them. One good way I'm my op pinion to do this is to read the book "the nicotine trick" or visit the website. I wish good luck to you and i hope u do the same to me :P as its a long haul and in the grand scheme of things... i have also only just begun. (1 month in feeling strong)

2007-01-23 01:54:42 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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