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Shes had it for 4 weeks, seen the docs 3 times, been through 2 bottles of cough mixture.Im at my wits end, she doesnt sleep well at night because of it and ive tried every home remedy too. Ive tried honey with warm water/milk, turmeric in milk,vicks on her chest at night, sleeping on extra pillows and everything i can think of....any suggestions??
We both need a good nights sleep!! Any suggestions appreciated

2007-01-22 22:29:36 · 18 answers · asked by HappyShopper 2 in Health Diseases & Conditions Respiratory Diseases

18 answers

there is a cough mixture that you could try that has always worked for me when i've had a cough that i can't get rid of, but there is a downside, it tastes absolutely DISGUSTING so you may have a bit of work getting your daughter to take it, it's called Pulmo Bailey and it's usually only available if you ask for it at a chemist, not on the shelves. it acts as a sedadive as well so you can get a good night's sleep but has a kind of chemical taste, almost like TCP. i'm sure you may have tried to find out if she's is allergic to something new in the house or in her bedroom or maybe a new food? but if not try that as well, good luck to you both!

2007-01-22 22:39:56 · answer #1 · answered by Dave O 2 · 0 0

If she had a cold within the past 4 to 6 weeks, there is a chance she has a sinus infection, which normally follows a respiratory illness. The drainage from the sinuses in the back of her throat could be causing her to cough.

Pneumonia could also be a cause. In addition to the cough, she would have extreme fatigue.

If she hasn't had a cold recently, has no fever or other symptoms, I would suspect asthma. Some children do not show symptoms until age 4 or 5 and one of the predominant symptoms in young children is a cough that grows worse at night.

Either way I would seek a second opinion, as four weeks is a long time to have a cough. In the meantime, you could give her Mucinex. I'm in the medical field and not fond of cough medicines that suppress a cough. If mucus in her chest or sinuses is causing the cough, this will dry it up and stop it.

2007-01-23 02:03:09 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

First of all, you're NOT a failure as a mother - you're trying your best, and that alone makes you a better mother than a huge segment of the population. Second of all, the not eating has got to stop ASAP, since it's going to be life-threatening. Since summer is coming up soon, if she's still not eating, a residential eating-disorder treatment program might be a decent option. Don't give in to the phone issue, though - if she doesn't eat for long enough, just load her in the car (she won't have the energy to resist) and make it clear if she won't get her nutrition by eating like most normal people, she'll get it through an IV in her arm. As far as school, if her grades are bad enough, enroll her in summer school, maybe get her a tutor (preferably on Friday afternoons or weekends) or supervise her studying yourself. Tell her that if she refuses to learn while she's in school, she's going to have to do that learning during her non-school free time. Also, talk to her teachers and the administrators at her school - is it possible they could mail the progress reports directly to your house, or even make a backup copy so you can About the clothes and shoes: If she looks like she crawled out of a trash dumpster... well, honestly, at this point her looking stupid is the least of your problems, and won't cause any lasting harm. Simply don't buy her new ones, and if she literally gives all of them away and has almost nothing left, go to Salvation Army or some secondhand place like that and either make her pay if she's got money or make her do chores to 'earn' the 'new' clothes. Here the aim is just to make sure she has clothing so you're not legally neglecting her, you have no obligation to make sure it's clothing she likes. And, you've said you're 'nice in regards to her friends'. Well, unfortunately, it sounds like you have to stop being so nice. Basically, grounding her and only allowing her to see friends at your house under supervision, and then only as a reward for goof behaviour, should be effective. I know she's seeing a counselor, but perhaps you could talk to that counselor since she's a minor? Or maybe some 'family counseling' that involves the two of you would be a better alternative?

2016-03-14 22:35:24 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

4 weeks of having a cough is FAR too long for anyone, let alone a 4 YO.
Is the cough worse at night and can you hear a rattling sound or wheeze in her chest when she breaths. Is the cough productive, is she coughing anything up and if so, what colour is it.
If it is just a dry tickly cough, she may have an allergy to something.
As a Qualified Herbalist I would give her some Marigold Syrup. It's easy to make and should do the job.

2007-01-22 22:44:07 · answer #4 · answered by The Alchemist 4 · 0 0

4 weeks is a long time to suffer from such a persistent cough.

I agree that a 3rd or even 4th trip to the doctor is in order to rule out serious illnesses.

I can think of three possible "minor" sources.
Allergies. If you have a cat or even a new laundry detergent, she may be becoming congested, which can drain into the chest and cause a cough.

Day Care. Kids pick up and pass germs around constantly in day care environments. They constantly reinfect themselves with the same cold.

Smoking. If an adult is smoking in the household, th child can be more prone to ear and respiratory infections.

A lot of "home remedies" for coughs involve sedating the child. Some involved mixing whiskey, honey and lemon and giving a teaspoon of it to the patient. I never tried this "cure" and don't recommend it...

2007-01-22 22:49:24 · answer #5 · answered by chocolahoma 7 · 0 0

I would take her back to the doctors and insist that they do a chest x-ray. I know that some of these viruses can cause a cough for a long time, but it shouldnt keep you up everynight. Does she have allergies? My daughter went through coughing fits late at night, and we done a allergy test and it came back positive. I would definitely call the doctor again today. Something must be going on. Good Luck!

2007-01-22 22:36:46 · answer #6 · answered by pebbles 6 · 0 0

You may have to invest in an Humidifier. It worked for my children. But you must be careful where you place it, not too close to the bed or your child, but somewhere safe where it won't get knocked over. Instead of cough mixture, try a little water. Also, if you think your daughter is feeling hot and clammy, take off a layer of clothing. I found that my children coughed more when they were hot.

2007-01-22 22:40:19 · answer #7 · answered by jammer 6 · 0 0

My son had the same problem a few years ago . After countless trips to doc i insisted on a second opinion. Turned out he had whopping cough . Unfortunately there is no cure for this and it lasts for up to a year but it does get easier. Get the poor mite seen again and insist on a proper and thorough examination. Good luck hope she better soon.

2007-01-23 02:47:59 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

if your doctor has seen her and isnt overly worried then just keep using the cough mixture for a little while longer.

my daughters - all three - have at one time or other had a cough which drove us all mad for weeks at a time.

i took them into the shower room/bathroom and sat with them in the steam created by a hot running shower/bath for about 15mins to half hour.. reading stories... it helped their breathing and let them have a reasonable nights sleep and seemed to help clear their lungs a little.

its very hard i know to go through this and see a child so uncomfortable and not to get sleep yourself. it will go away. just doesnt seem like it right now.

all the best xx

2007-01-22 22:46:14 · answer #9 · answered by Cubangirl 3 · 0 0

I would find a different doctor! That should have been gone long ago. He obviously doesn't care. Get another one. In the meantime, try standing her in a shower of steamy air. That may help to lubricate her throat. That's what I do to help my kids along with meds.

2007-01-22 22:35:09 · answer #10 · answered by Shari 5 · 0 0

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