I think it is OK to mix in some circumstances
I like penne and rigatoni and angel hair
and I LOVE Gnocchi
I mix pasta some times when I am making a big "lazy lasagna" - I use penne &/or rigatoni &/or macaroni, coat with sauce, layer with cheese and bake. YUM!
2007-01-21 08:02:38
answer #1
answered by Poutine 7
Hard to pick just one favorite - penne is great, but so are spaghetti, rigotoni, orechetti, radiatore, lasagne and so many others. Guess it depends on how you're planning on serving and/or saucing the pasta.
As for mixing, you'd have to be careful in cooking it or use multiple pots - either way is a big pain. And, having a plate of, say, rigotoni mixed with linguine would not only be difficult to eat, it would be hard to sauce it effectively. The only times I think mixing is acceptable are (1) in pasta salads (where variety can be cool), (2) in dishes where pasta isn't the featured ingredient (pasta e fagioli or other soups, for instance), or (3) in baked pasta dishes.
2007-01-21 08:02:16
answer #2
answered by GMoney 4
I Like All Pasta Shapes Freshly Made, You Can Mix Them Up To Your Hearts Content Darl! I Forget All The Different Names But Vermicelli Is Great With A Simple Egg Bacon And Fungi Sauce And A Liberal Sprinkle Of Parmigiana Reginae & Fresh Black Pepper!
Have A Gooday And A Beaut 2007 Darl!
2007-01-21 23:00:50
answer #3
answered by Paul R 5
I like sprials, but it all depends on the recipe. Typically, pastas that are hollow are for sauces. That way, the sauce goes into the hollow sections and makes it more tasty. Spirals are used when it does not really matter if the pasta has too much or too little sauce.
I would not mix pastas, as sometimes the different consistency could result in some cooked, undercooked and overcooked.
2007-01-21 07:59:59
answer #4
answered by Carry-go-bring-come 2
Orecchetti-little ear shape pasta-it holds sauces well and holds little vege's or chopped up prosciutto or pancetta.As for mixing pasta-some shapes are different sizes and thickness so cooking could create some problems with keeping all of it uniformally cooked. I don't mix unless I don't have enough to complete the meal. Buon Appetito
2007-01-21 14:59:49
answer #5
answered by gregg s 2
I like orzo, the little rice shaped one.
I don't like to mix different types of pasta. If I'm eating rigatoni, it would be weird to come across a stray penne.
2007-01-21 07:59:40
answer #6
answered by Julie6962 5
It is elbow macaroni and it depends on if it was for some thing specal or not ,. And it is really not a good idea to mix them because some cook at a faster rate and temp as well so you can end up having some over cooked and some under cooked as well .
2007-01-23 12:32:26
answer #7
answered by ? 2
I like penne too. Read each package since some shapes cook faster than others. You have to add them to the pot in the right order to have everything come out cooked in the end.
2007-01-21 08:07:10
answer #8
answered by Barkley Hound 7
Ilike angelhair pasta because it is delicate. Yes it is ok to mix, when cooking anything goes. Makes eating fun for kids
2007-01-21 08:00:29
answer #9
answered by corinne_29_ 3
It's not against the law to mix noodles. I mix all types of noodles. Angel hair, Spaghetti, Spemetti, Humpetti...
2007-01-21 07:57:43
answer #10
answered by aSchway 3