Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is the de facto standard for e-mail transmissions across the Internet. Formally SMTP is defined in RFC 821 (STD 10) as amended by RFC 1123 (STD 3) chapter 5. The protocol used today is also known as ESMTP and defined in RFC 2821.
2007-01-16 00:07:31
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
POP3 (Post Office Protocol) is the most commonly used format for sending Internet mail. IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) and SMPT (Simple Mail Protocol Transfer) are utilities used to implement POP3 mail.
2007-01-16 00:09:48
answer #2
answered by dewcoons 7
SMTP is the protocol for sending mail. POP3 and IMAP are protocols for retrieving mail from mailboxes on a server.
2007-01-16 00:19:35
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
It depends what you are asking. Are you asking whether the English word "god" has a meaning; and if so what is it? Or are you asking whether "God (the Creator" has meaning in who He is and what He does? The first question about the Eng word "god"; well to be honest, I do NOt know what is the origin of the word. I guess I can check online, but that would be me just regurgitating what someone else has written. I tend to think of the Eng word "god" to refer to "a or the Creator". When used of the biblical God, then I would refer to "God" as meaning "the uncreated Creator who is full of power and might; a king who has the right and ability to judge, but is not confined to a physical form" As for whether the God of the Bible has meaning... I would say that the question is the wrong way round: the God of the Bible is the means by which ALL else has meaning. No thing can have meaning unless the God of the Bible is truly who He says He is. I understand then that this implies that one has to accept that the God of the Bible - 1 - Exists 2 - Can be experienced by mankind 3 - The Bible is an accurate account of God communicating with mankind (in its original language) I guess what could help answer the second question is "Why should anything have meaning?" Or better still "Why are humans looking for meaning in things?" across ALL cultures throughout all of recorded history... Hope this helps
2016-05-24 22:38:30
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
they are different protocols.
Pop = Post Office Protocol
IMap = brain farting this one.
SMTP = Simple Mail Transfer
2007-01-16 00:04:48
answer #5
answered by Ryan W 2