Hanging is known as the "Regret-er's Choice" because it frequently leaves time to regret before the end. It's typically not a piece of cake.
www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org or
1.800.SUICIDE (784-2433) Suicide Prevention Hotline.www.hopeline.com
or 911
2007-01-15 21:27:06
answer #1
answered by ... 7
Sometimes yes sometimes no, there used to be a law that if executed by hanging and the person did not die they were either let go or retrialed or something trust me it's not always quick and painless sometimes it doesn't work and dangling there suffocating and struggling could be quite painful and horrible if your thinking of quick easy ways to end your self why not consult a therpist first what you may be dealing with could have a solution that if you ended it you gave up the chance of having good things again in life when my mother was a teenager she tried to commit suicide by jumping off bridge but she managed to survive a man found her and she was sent to a mental institution (which oddly enough was a very good experience for her she met some amazing people there) and through all the years she has accomplished so many great things she lived and she's very grateful, things change in life there are rough patches but sometimes you have to get through them because the good ones will come even if it doesn't feel that way
2007-01-16 07:14:20
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
No it is not immediate. The only times that death are immediate is when massive trauma happens to the head. For example hanging does not always break the neck, so you either suffocate or wait until the lack of oxygenated enriched blood is stopped long enough. Even getting you "neck broke" does not even guarantee death.
Immediate death would be explosion, nerve shot (bullet in the "t-zone"), beheading, or in some cases car wrecks.
They use the phrase "Hang until dead", meaning that in the old days you would stay there until you were dead. Little kids would swing from the bodies to help speed up the process.
2007-01-16 04:45:02
answer #3
answered by EATTHEAPPLE 3
According to CNN:
Here are some details on how the process of hanging should work.
* Hanging is the suspension of a person by a cord wrapped around the neck, causing death. Throughout history it has been used as a form of capital punishment in various forms. The method used in Iraq is modeled on the 19th-century method of execution used in Britain, which formed the Iraqi state after World War I.
* Four types of drop have been used in hanging: the short drop, suspension, standard and long drop. In all but the last, subjects can remain conscious for minutes and eventually die of strangulation and/or loss of blood to the brain.
* The 19th-century long drop through a trap door is intended to be more humane, generating enough force from the tightening of the rope and the twisting of the noose knot under the jaw to break the neck. A calculation is made based on the convict's weight, height and build of the drop needed to break the neck. The distance is typically 1.5-2.5 metres (5-9 feet).
* When the neck breaks and severs the spine, the subject immediately loses consciousness. Brain death follows in minutes. But if the drop is too short, the subject can be strangled. If it is too long, the subject can be decapitated.
2007-01-16 04:34:12
answer #4
answered by KGJ 5
It's suppose to snap the neck severing the spinal cord. At the same time your blood vessels are cut off completely cutting off the circulation. The rope around your neck causes so much pressure instantly that your head basically shuts off as soon as it tightens.
2007-01-16 04:36:02
answer #5
answered by ucla bruin fan! 4
No, it is not always immediate. if it is not done just right the victim will slowly choke instead of having thier neck snapped. Since this question is posted in "mental health" I wonder why you asked this particular question. if you are thinking about hurting yourself please call 1800- 273- 8255 or dial 911! please, there is help and people who care!
2007-01-16 04:40:29
answer #6
answered by imderanged 4
it depends on if their neck breaks. if ur thinking about killing urself by hanging, u can probly assume ur neck wont break cuz it's hard to get the right height for it to, so then u die by strangulation, kinda like if u put a plastic bag over ur head or whatever, which is a pretty slow and not fun way to die.
2007-01-16 05:30:48
answer #7
answered by shadow of a girl 2
In most cases, I believe so. But there are cases where it is not.
2007-01-16 04:41:56
answer #8
answered by Sheri 2
yeah, pretty much... execution style it is at least. your neck snaps in a split second so you dont really feel any pain.
2007-01-16 04:33:48
answer #9
answered by trainwreckBud 2
yes it is right away.
2007-01-16 15:36:47
answer #10
answered by debbigeri 3