Bi-polar disorder can be classified as Manic-depression. However it is impossible to "really" give a definition that fits all people, as the condition varies greatly from individual to individual.
For example: One person may experience a huge "manic" episode in which their energy level is off the charts, they feel little or no need for sleep, engage in reckless behavior, such as Driving WAY too fast, Being promiscuous, and overspending, Then a few hours, days or even weeks later "CRASH!" The person then feels the weoght and pain of everyday to an extreme. They lose interest in things they once enjoyed, Sex drive becomes nil, sadness is overwhelming or maybe the Depression manifest as anger, they lash out at the people around them and seem to be looking for a reason to fight all the time.
WARNIG: during the depressive stage it is vital to monitor the person and provide support without seeming to show pity. During this time, the risk of suicide is greatest and the support caring and understanding that you show could mean all the difference.
The most important thing to remember about bi-polar disorder is that even though when the individual is going through these stages, they may not seem to be the same person that you have come to know and love, they are still People and they deserve the all the love and caring that you can give them, sometimes even more than you feel like giving.
2007-01-15 16:50:39
answer #1
answered by whois 2
BIPOLAR DISORDER is A chemical imbalance in your brain.
Classic symptoms are mood swings,but it is much more than that. These mood swings run in cycles.Seven days,then seven days or 14,14. It is not so much A mood swing but is anger based. The person suffering from bipolar disorder goes from turning the anger inward to turning the anger outward.The depression is actually the better of the two the maniac episodes are very damaging and terrifying for those who love the person with the disorder.Depending if the bipolar on set was prior to puberty or after modern medicine has made some wonderful advancements.Bipolar prior to puberty I'm afraid there isn't as much help for.MAOI's are about the best treatment.These drugs come with some VERY serious side effects and should only be used as A last resort.
It is often easier to be the person with bipolar, than to be the person who loves them.Some one with this disorder,can rip through other peoples lives like A tornado,and much like A tornado.Never even take A backward glance.
Which ever situation your in Be kind.
2007-01-15 16:20:03
answer #2
answered by foreversmilingirish 2
If you know what a manic-depressive person is, then you know what a bipolar person is as well. They're the same condition, but much like multiple personality disorder went through a change in name/characterization, so has manic-depression.
It involves extreme mood swings between mania, which is an "up" feeling, and depression, with periods of "normal" moods lasting no longer than a few months at a time. Swings can last anywhere from hours to weeks to months between cycles.
There is also a "new" form of bipolar disorder classified as bipolar II, which essentially is the same except that the mood swings are not quite as extreme, resulting in hypomania, a less severe form of mania, and less severe periods of depression.
2007-01-15 16:07:17
answer #3
answered by J C 2
It is impossible to describe because it is different for everyone.. Here this might help:
Emotional highs and lows are part of life for everyone. But for someone with bipolar disorder, these ups and downs can be so extreme they can interfere with daily life. Sometimes they can even be dangerous.
One day a person with bipolar disorder may feel so depressed that they can't get out of bed. Work may seem impossible.
On another day that person may feel great, full of endless energy and creativity. But other people might think that their actions are reckless and out of control.
Bipolar disorder is a lifelong medical condition that can be confusing and unpredictable, but it's nothing to be embarrassed about. Learning more about bipolar disorder can be helpful in managing this medical illness.
2007-01-15 16:06:10
answer #4
answered by Mommadog 6
"bipolar disorder" is the new, politically-correct name for what we used to call manic depression. It's a serious illness that causes dramatic mood swings from overly "high" and/or irritable to sad and hopeless, and then back again, often with periods of normal mood in between. It is very treatable with a combination of medication and psychosocial treatment.
2007-01-15 16:08:29
answer #5
answered by CJ 4
Its a matter of going from an extreme emotional 'high' to an emotional 'low' without external factors playing much or any role. Its like being on a rollercoaster, but the highs and lows could last minutes, or hours, or weeks, and its not something the person can control.
2007-01-15 16:08:18
answer #6
answered by ♫ giD∑■η ♫ 5
Formerly known as manic-depression. With bipolar disorder experiences extreme mood swings that can last for minutes to months. Mood changes of this nature are associated with distress and disruption, and a relatively high risk of suicide.
2007-01-15 16:04:56
answer #7
answered by Nuthouse 4456 5
depression is classified as bipolar disorder. Also people who have a low lithiam level can be classified as bipolar
2007-01-15 16:04:50
answer #8
answered by fgsg1234 1
a mental disorder characterized by episodes of mania and depression.
it's like when you could be happy& then like the next minute you are depressed or mad.
2007-01-15 16:02:01
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
you can go from happy to sad very fast, sleep alot or be awake a long time. focus on one thing but yet be miles away. It's very confusing to somebody who has it.
2007-01-15 16:07:10
answer #10
answered by michelle 2