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I have always been VERY anti-amnesty...anti-illegal. I mean to the point that I wrote and called my senators...congressmen...and governor. I joined an organization that is forming a march in DC in June. I mean you name it...if it was a way to fight illegal immigration, I was all over it.

Then I thought to myself one day...maybe there is just too much hate involved in all this. Maybe this is giving me ulcers that I really don't need.

So, I took a step back...and TRIED...Lord knows that I tried to be compassionate and understanding...thinking that maybe they really ARE here for a better life. I don't know.

And you know what I got...slapped right in the face.

I was told by a coworker that "They (Mexicans) are taking over" and I should get use to it.

In class, a woman was talking about how her illegal husband had to spend 3 days in the desert...and how she has 3 kids with him and is still on state assistance...IOW...WE paid for her kids...

And it goes on and on.

2007-01-15 15:28:55 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Immigration

I honestly tried I really did...

But, it didn't work. All I did was find reinforcement for my belief that they all need to be deported!

2007-01-15 15:29:44 · update #1

My question is...


2007-01-15 15:36:16 · update #2

24 answers

Yes. My next door neighbor was an old lady for almost 3 years. I never had a single incident with anyone in the neighborhood during that time.
Then the little old lady moved away and her family sold the house to a mexican couple and their 2 kids. ( she is legal im sure but I am not sure about him )
At first I thought well they seem ok, they arent loud and seem clean. well that was before her husband moved in.

Right away the husband ( who rarely leaves the house and doesnt appear to have a job ) hung up a mexican flag playing mexican music alot. there is a park entrance near the house and kids walk by alot at all hours. He chased some kids into the park with a drill one night ( it looks kinda like a gun in the dark )
got them mad and they vandalized his house and .. by mistake .. my truck got both tires slashed as they thought it looked like his truck ( his wife even admitted she thought that as well )

Then we wanted to put up a better fence in between houses. he had 2 rottweilers and the old chain link fence couldnt keep them in. He wanted to keep the chain link for some damn reason ( he collects junk his whole backyard is filled with it )
So we said fine, you take the fence down and you can keep it.
He sent his wife over to try and get me to haul the fence posts away. When we said no he got all aggressive about it and threated to throw junk in our yard. after the cops came, all of a sudden he couldnt speak english anymore and the cop got frustrated and just told him to stop causing trouble.

I have had 2 tires slashed, my license plate stolen, drivers window broken out, and my truck door tagged with a hispanic gang sign (ser 13 ). All since he has been living next door the last 2 1/2 years. I never had any problem whatsoever for the 3 years previous to that.

So yea, I wanted to think oh they seem like decent people. But they proved me wrong.

2007-01-15 17:16:06 · answer #1 · answered by sociald 7 · 3 1

I have tried to understand, but I also see what's really going on. I am so tired of people saying that the illegals are willing to do the jobs that Americans refuse to do. That is crap! I read someones comment the other day that said landscaping is one of those jobs. I am as American as apple pie and my family has lived and WORKED in the U.S.A. for almost 2 hundred years now. I do landscaping for a living, have for the last 10 years. The only problem is there are large numbers of illegal imigrants that also do landscaping and they do it so cheap that it cuts way down on the amount of work I am able to get. I can't do jobs for pennies like they can, I have to pay TAXES and workmans comp. So for those of you that think the illegals are over here doing us WORKING Americans a favor, yeah right. You need to wake up! They are basically taking the food out of my childrens mouths.

2007-01-15 23:53:27 · answer #2 · answered by sublime1973 4 · 4 1

A year ago, I was not as anti-illegal immigrant as I am now. What I have learned both here and in the news over the past year has firmed my resolve against illegal immigration. My daughter and I disagree on this issue as she has friends who are hispanic illegal immigrants and of course she had one who was her boyfriend who was deported and her little heart was broken. She went on a holiday to see him in Honduras and his plan as he told her was to return here very soon, again illegally, of course. She waited for him, talked to him on the phone frequently, then one day his cell phone number didn't work and she never heard from him again, after a year of "waiting" for him. Finally, she learned from another illegal from Honduras that he has a 16 year old girlfriend living with him and his parents (he is 34 years old) in Honduras. He is scum - exactly what I had been trying to tell her all along. He used her and she wasted two years of her life on him (she is now 24) and a lot of money on phone calls and a trip to Honduras. Even still, she still feels for these people. I have learned that they have learned how to use people and the social systems and they are very selfish and think only of themselves. My daughter has a soft heart and I wouldn't want to change her for the world, but I would like her to not be taken in by these selfish users. Hopefully, she won't be again. So, over the past year, I am even more adamant than ever that amnesty should NEVER be granted and we need to never stop trying to force our government to start strictly enforcing our immigration laws and deport these people, no matter how long it takes or the cost. We need to build that wall and cut off all social benefits to illegal immigrants and also remove the anchor baby loophole in our laws. We also need to consistently and firmly charge and convict employers of illegals. If all these things were done, I believe the illegal immigration problem would be resolved before all that long as if there were no jobs for them, no more anchor baby enticement, no more free social benefits, there would be nothing for them to come here for. Many of them would leave on their own and we would not even have to deport them. Their own countries would be forced to fix their own problems and look after their own poor and uneducated people. We should never waver in our resolve about this!

2007-01-16 03:18:26 · answer #3 · answered by Daisy 6 · 2 0

Dont give yourself more ulcers. What you feel so strongly for that it will give you peptics doesn't necessarily happen so often. Clear your mind, focus on how you think the problem can be handled in a clear manner, and exert the enrgies that you have in that direction. Let go of those extreme feelings, coz its also a political question and all illegals can never be deported at the same time. In politics, there are no constants, so what is very bad now, may not neessarily seem so tomorrow, it may be tolerable.

2007-01-16 02:23:13 · answer #4 · answered by onelife006 3 · 0 3

I have never strayed from the idea that illegals are just what their name is ILLEGAL! They need to go home! They are a huge drain on our economy. Our taxes are going up because of them. Why should we have to pay? Nobody paid my ancestors way here? My ancestors had to apply to come here! They came on a boat with the full knowledge of the American government. Instead of waving a flag of a different country when coming through Ellis Island, they sang "God Bless America" in English when they caught first sight of the Statue Of Liberty. There were no food stamps and Section 8 housing, no free medical care, no free education waiting for them and their children. Those things did not exist in those days. They were glad to learn English and loved what America stood for. They were honored to be called Americans. If my ancestors had to come over legally, why should anyone be allowed to thumb their noses at the laws of our country and run over our borders? Then they expect our country to support them while they wave a flag of a different country, refuse to speak English, and demand rights that they are NOT entitled to? Would they do that for Americans in Mexico? Would any country on earth put up with it? The answer would have to be NO! Then there is the national security problem, we do not even know who is coming over our borders. They are stealing social security numbers. Many are criminals who bring in drugs and disease. Who pays to jail these people?We do! We PAY, PAY,PAY!!!! I am tired of paying more school taxes. property taxes, increased taxes for social services!!! The last thing any illegal should get from this great country is a ride back to the border via military escort! Lets make sure the government hears the voices of Americans once again! Do not tire of writing and calling our lazy and cowardly elected officials! If they want to come here, make them do it like everyone else has to. Or else, we are going to get the kind of people we are already seeing, the kind that breaks our laws and thumbs their noses at our country and ends up being a burden instead of making a contribution to our country! ILLEGALS, you are NOT wanted in America! If you come here legally, fine! If you are here Illegally, go home! If you want to become American....do it legally or not at all!

2007-01-16 00:16:23 · answer #5 · answered by Marie 7 · 3 1

We (American citizens) and the illegals are all the little guys in this big game we call nationality. Understand that the lines that divide our countries from each other are made-up in the imaginations of men. The same men who control the immigration flow. If we really wanted to end illegal immigration, it could end tomorrow. But it doesn't because there are powerful people who value from it (Republicans and Democrats alike). The flow of cheap labor keeps prices down, and keeps the competition for low wages active. Without a flow of new "illegal" blood, citizens would get paid more, but prices would also go up. Imagine paying somebody $8 an hour to pick tomato's instead of $3!

Look I don't mind Latin Americans, but wouldn't be great if the whole thing was just legitimized? Work it out on paper so it works out fair for everyone. We will never stop the flow, but we can make it clean and in the light so we can see what is really going on.

We supposedly eliminated slavery some years ago, but it seems to me that we eliminated it in name only. Poor people all over the globe "slave" to make our good (shoes, clothing, plastic gizmo's, etc.).

Lets call a spade a spade. If they want to live here and receive benefits, than they should pay for them along with the rest of us. But what are we supposed to do just hand out green cards?

We should have some kind of guest worker program. They come in, we know who they are, they pay taxes, and when they are done they go home. If they want to stay than they should pay for it.

Many Americans are descended from indentured servants. You work like a slave for ten years, than you are free and legal. My Great, Great, Great something had to do it, why not them too. At lest we would know whats going on and it would all be on the table. It is what is going on anyway.

Or what about a law where you can hire them, but you have to pay them a lot of money, that way it would be cheaper to hire a citizen? OK dumb idea, but there are good ideas out there too.

But let us not get racist and nationalistic about the whole thing, that just ugly. You know what I mean, where people make snide comments about "wetbacks" and "beaners". Then it really does become about hate, and racism. Lets grow up and move away from that.

This is not a black and white problem; there are many possibilities and view points. Just don't ally yourself with the bigots.

2007-01-15 23:59:51 · answer #6 · answered by stupidity_of_pride 4 · 2 4

Yes I have also tried. I have always prided myself on my ability to see both sides, to morally reason what should and shouldn't be.
I was in Mississippi during the busing. I learned then that many Blacks did not want to be treated "the same" as Whites but rather wanted to be treated better.
I tried when I went to Vietnam and watched my friends, one brother and an Uncle die for people that would send their children to try and kill you.
I tried two years ago when I lost my job as a materials manager only to learn that I had been replaced by a California/Mexican transplant that had very little education and only limited experience.
I tried last spring when I was finishing up a political science class at CSU and a little shi* for brains White girl was in a rage that her illegal alien boyfriend had been busted and was required to follow the conditions of his visa that the State of Colorado had granted him, she called it slavery!
And I tried when I was turned down for a logistics manager’s job at Homee Depot because 70% of their workers DID NOT SPEAK ENGLISH, ONLY MEXICAN.

Yes I have tried and now screw it, I hate these criminals and I hate their sympathizers. I will do everything I can do try and get rid of them.

I heard on CNN tonight that Iran and Venezuela is forming a partnership of nations to try and bully oil-supplying nations to cut off America's oil. They also said that they are going to send terrorist squads up from Nicaragua and Venezuela across Mexico and into the US in order to bomb us. I hope some of the bleeding heart, pro-criminals are in their targets when they do.

2007-01-16 00:12:03 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

I will never never be for amnesty nor illegal immigration. I grew up learning respect, respect for our country and our laws. As I've said many times, we do not always have to like our laws, but all must respect our laws. We must never reward law breakers, and must show the whole world that if you want to come to the U. S. A., do it legally. And no way are Mexicans taking over, oh they can try, but they will get their butts kicked, just like last time.

2007-01-15 23:45:52 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 6 1

I back you whole-heartedly. I am tired, as a Caucasian American citizen, of being called racist when I say that it's stupid for people like me to pay higher taxes to fund free healthcare for illegal immigrants that come across the border. I am not opposed to immigration, my own family did it from Scotland. Do it the right way, though, legally. Do people not get the "illegal" part? I am tired of the bleeding heart nonsense that I get from the ultra liberals in this country. Did you know that a restaurant in southern California has started accepting PESOS as payment?? This should be setting off huge alarms!!! We need to stop illegal immigration now before we are literally overrun!!

2007-01-15 23:34:19 · answer #9 · answered by begeeman13 6 · 6 3

I don't realy have a view on immigration. I do believe, however, that it is not fair that some people had to go through all of the years of paper work in order to get into this country, yet others are illegally here.

I think we need to talk about it rationally.

I really don't mean to be rude or nosy, but do you really think that one of your rallies is really going to work? So many people in an unorganized manner is going to make people of your views look somewhat weak. For example, when I am about to talk to my boss, I always tuck my shirt in, fix my hair, etc. Yet when I talk to my co-workers, I am more relaxed, which doesn't really ask for as much respect.

My example is not so good, but I hope you could get the gist of what I was trying to say.

I hope I was helpful. Good luck!

2007-01-15 23:37:10 · answer #10 · answered by Nick Name 3 · 0 4

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