get a grip, the best you can.
2007-01-15 14:06:54
answer #1
answered by iroc 7
You sound worn out! I know you have a lot of work, but is it possible for you to take a break and go out and do something fun with people who support you? That will help your morale tremendously and then you can go back to work feeling better about things. I also think you should be getting more sleep, 4 am is too late and you're not going to be at your best if you're tired. If you must, it's OK to let an assignment or two slide once in a while, your teachers will understand. You might even get sick and that would be bad with the SAT coming up!
I'm so sorry you aren't getting support from family or friends, if it helps, I support you! Education is never wasted even if you feel that your grades aren't perfect. It will still be worthwhile and you shouldn't be so hard on yourself. You sound like a really smart person and I think you're doing great to be balancing all your classes. Would it be possible to get into a study group for finals or maybe find a tutor to help you out with your harder classes?
Best wishes to you, and take care.
2007-01-15 14:16:01
answer #2
answered by mom of 2 6
For right now, it seems like everything is about grades. When you have finished schooling you'll find out that whether you got an A or a B in Calculus (for ex.) didn't really matter. Here is the part that matters - it totally matters that you care about doing your best - it totally matters that you have dreams for the future...and are making short and long term goals toward those dreams...if you believe in your dreams you have a much better chance of attaining them, than focusing on your gpa. Even if you don't get your 4.0...there are many many paths toward your dreams. Another thing is this - if heaven forbid - this was the last day humankind would exist - would you want your final thoughts to be on your gpa??? If so, you should definitely talk to your parents, a counselor or another adult...if not, then I think you get my meaning. All your stress is "just for now"'re a responsible and sensitive person who has a lot to contribute to the world...and, trite as it may be...don't forget to take time to smell the roses.... you are in my thoughts :)
2007-01-15 14:12:19
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
well if you get even 1000 on your SAT you're doin better than me. sadly my IQ is that above most health care professionals. (i just suck at timed tests and also have a learning disability in math i can't get the right answer using equations) if you don't get straight a's then it really is ok as long as you did your best. just promise yourself to take it a little easier on yourself with your course load next semester. it is stressful but you will make it through. i'm sorry your family isn't very supportive. i know that must truly suck and truly make things extremely hard. just realize that it's not the end of the world. and you can always retake your SAT's all though if you do worse the second time that's the score that counts. i had a crappy SAT score but made it into a good school i chose not to finish there. actually i got bored with everything i chose i have finally found my calling and that is to be a teacher i want to eventually be a drama teacher but also specialize in special needs children. looking back every failure i have gone through (what i considered a failure) led me to where i am now and i think i will be happier in the long run. try finding a new set of friends that you can turn to. maybe even get a therapist. my sister has one and she loves having a therapist because she knows out of everyone that's one person that will never judge her. best of luck to you. i hope it all works out for you.
2007-01-15 14:12:18
answer #4
answered by butter_cream1981 4
If you did the best you could, there isn't anything more even you should ask of yourself. You are a dedicated and caring person and you will get to the place you want to be at one time or another. Just don't ever quit trying. You say you have only finals left, or is it too late to ask each teacher what there is you can do to earn a few extra points? (like extra credit from doing extra assignments or something really impressive relating to class) It never hurts to ask, only informs the teacher how seriously you are taking your grades. Teachers like that. If you don't achieve your gpa that you're striving for this semester, then you try again next semester. It's perserverance and determination that will get the job done! So perservere and stay determined! Go get 'em!
2007-01-15 14:11:39
answer #5
answered by enjoyrselves 5
i don't think of it concerns what the words are, purely that somebody cares and is gently attempting to reason with me. There are some situations we've not got any administration over, like once you're a passenger on a airplane. it fairly is once I even tend to get fairly annoying and experience slightly panicky. the floor is so very some distance under, and that i've got not got any administration over what's happening--and that i'm not a administration freak. there is purely one thing freaky approximately being in a difficulty the place there isn't lots you're able to do. It facilitates to take heed to from others who're dealing with or have been by way of comparable circumstances considering which you may get suggestion you may prepare. If it fairly is something you may plan for you would be waiting to establish the situations on your choose or a minimum of be arranged for a conceivable undesirable result. If it fairly is an unpredicted difficulty it facilitates to step returned, take a deep breath, and look at the situation in the previous taking action. i don't be attentive to if the two of those will help. This too shall bypass. What would not kill you makes you better. i wish this facilitates. :o)
2016-10-31 05:33:13
answer #6
answered by ? 4
All you can do is your best, and it sounds like you are doing wonderful. Even if you don't get an A in every class, it's not the end of the world. Sometimes, your best is a B and that's OK. You're not expected to be perfect, just to do your best. Relax, take a deep breath, and take a break from studying for awhile. Go watch a movie or play a video game. When you are done, I bet you feel a lot better, and you'll be up for studying again.
2007-01-15 14:05:08
answer #7
answered by rita_alabama 6
yes you are going to do better than you thank. you are not pathetic; just tired;overwhelmed; stressed. and just exhausted, Now take a deep breath, take 5 to 10 minute breaks every h our. walk,stretch, get a drink and relax, you are going to be just fine. Dont even think about sats right now or what if?
focus on now. and take breaks and rest some. that is what you need,
Do you best and relax. And if your best is a b don't sweat.
you are a miracle. you come this far with little encouragement or family support. I am impressed and amazed. you go.
Focus on what is important now. study smart.
next semester don't take such a heavy load. Good colleges look at the whole picture.
2007-01-15 14:21:37
answer #8
answered by tennessee 7
Wow-- you have just flashed back my own cramming student past for me here.... it was a terribly stressful time and I didn't emerge feeling like I had achieved anything much. If I had it to do over I would practice the energy therapy called "Emotional Freedom Technique"-- get released from all the negative emotions, traumas, glitches, what-have-you-- and just sail through. I've already given my "no more anxiety" testimonial somewhere else on Yahoo! Answers, but I'd like you to know that EFT is what it says it is: fast and easy to learn and apply, and one of the most effective techniques out there (that is why there are so many psychologists, NLP practitioners, hypnotists, etc., either using EFT exclusively in their practices, or as a major adjunct). You can download the free Get Started Package at, or if you want to dive in right away by purchasing the inexpensive instructional DVDs click here>>
I wish you calm and peace and satisfaction with what you learn!
2007-01-15 14:11:01
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Don't worry about getting a 4.0 GPA!!! you should enjoy your life, even if it means trying to take a break. let your mind relax once in a while, and just make sure that you have time for studying and fun. Don't work yourself to the bone. Just know that if you don't get better than 2000 on the SAT's, you know that you at least tried. Good luck, and don't get stressed!!
2007-01-15 14:10:56
answer #10
answered by .:Feliciano:. 3
Dont stress. You will do fine on your SATs, they dont reflect how your grades are. The most important thing is how your own self confidence is. You need to KNOW that you deserve the best, and KNOW that you are smart and can do anything you wish to do. Colleges really wont look at your grades, and if you are that cautious of your grades, I know you will do well in College. Once you have reached your Bachelors and Doctorate level, thats when grades really come into play. Trust me, from personal experience, you will do fine! The fact that you are so concerned says a great deal about your motivation in life and the fact that you will succeed in all you do.
2007-01-15 14:06:34
answer #11
answered by julez 6