If anyone is planning on saying rude comments PLEASE dont! This is REAL stuff and I am having REAL problems and seeking REAL help.
Both of my parents are divorced and I live with my mom, my stepdad, and my 2 sisters. I hardly even know my dad which sometimes scares me but half the time I dont even care because he played no part raising me or let alone care or love me. I moved 2 times in the last couple years but I have adjusted myself to it.
About 3 times a week I would cry myself to sleep knowing about my suicidal thoughts and thinking that I am abnormal or some mutant kid. I dont think any kid should have these thoughts. I grabbed 5-7 pills form the cabinet once and gulped them down and my mom was there and she told my dad who was once was calling my neighbor a lunatic and stuff. Around Christmas she died of drug overdose.
I do fine in school I do nothing whatsoever to make it obvious from what I feel inside. I am a straight A student and overacheiver.
16 answers
asked by
➔ Mental Health
Recently I discovered my 11year oldsister was going through the same thing. Since my parents are seperated she HATES my stepdad because she fears she will take my dad;s place. She was teased about being chubby and made fun of the way she talks (went to speech) by other kids. Last year she lost ALL of her baby fat not by goign aneroxic or anything. She excersised and ate healthy. We never had a close bond but we are coming closer.
How do I stop our depression/suicidal thoughts?
How do I tell my parents?
13:05:59 ·
update #1
And also this isnt a 24/7 thing going on here. It is on and off but sometimes I think I am being overexaggerant and overeact on things.
Sometimes I think I am crazy, other times I think its perfectly fine.
Is it also possible that I am bi-polar?
I knwo my sister (the one I was talking about earlier) does.
13:13:36 ·
update #2
I would like to give a REALLY special thanks to all the kind people who took thier time to answer this question. I went to the conselor yesterday and I am in the process of getting well, :) It was the toughest tthing I have ever done, but now I think it was worth it. I TRULY mean it with everything I got.
Love xoxo,
13:49:13 ·
update #3
I'm going through the same thing, I'm twelve and going through this too. I really hope that you will decide not to try to attempt sucicide, it would be bad. I know you're probably thinking that this is the only way to go, but it's really not. It takes only a moment to end a lifetime. You're doing good in school, and you'll be financially stable and most definitly going to end up with a good education, and home. You're not a muntant kid, not at all, but you're right, it's not a normal feeling when you feel that you want to die. Don't let your not knowing your stepdad scare you, because someday you'll meet him, and you should know that ALOT of people care for you. To me it sounds like your sisters care about you. And you probably know that you're mother wouldn't want you to do that. You you know she loved you, and still does, no parent wants to see their children upset. I know when you're depressed you can feel like nobody wants you or loves you, but you don't have to take my word for it that somebody loves you. I'm hoping you know it. You should always let people know how you are, you're not trying to please them, you're taking care of youself. You should be able to exspress you feelings in a good way. Please, don't hurt youself. You should not have to die becuase of other's burdens. Let your emotions out, it sounds like you have a little bit of a self confidence problem. Know that you ARE an overachiever, that you ARE a good kid, and that these are just normal feelings that eventually everyone goes through.Try and make the day happy, open doors, make jokes, laugh, smile. You may feel diffrent, (and don't think you're painting on a fake smile, because you're not) but just pretending can help. It can lighten your mood. Keep going, you're an A student and an overachiever, so focus on your schoolwork, (these are just some suggestions) If that does not help, you should look for a professinal (no, not a professinal wrestler :) ) but a pyschologist, or maybe sign up for some therapy sessions. Just getting it out can help. Don't bottle it up, and don't take it out on yourself. Maybe medication can work. Other times, just love and friends. You can choose many methods to help. Just remember that you do matter and the world may change a whole lot cause you're not there to smile or help. Don't let your feelings take full control there, and don't hurt youself!! You're a very special person worth taking care of. I really hope this helps, and you get better, I CARE!!!!! :))))))
2007-01-15 13:23:12
answer #1
answered by Caylan 2
First of all. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you that you should be ashamed of. Depression is a REAL medical problem that can usually be helped with a combination of counseling and perhaps seeing a psychiatrist to see if medication is necessary.
If the counseling works on its own, stay away from the medication.
Clinical studies have shown that depression is hitting people at a younger age now than was ever thought in the past.
By asking and accepting the fact that you may suffer from depression, you have taken the biggest step.
You should talk to an adult authority figure who you trust and will not betray your confidence. If you do not trust your school counselor, you should find someone who will be able to take you for diagnostic testing and interviews. This would have to be a parent/guardian who has the right to sign release forms, etc.
Dont ever feel like youre alone in this. Millions of people go through similar things every day. I do.
Never forget that others understand what you are going through, although at times you may not think so.
Keep your chin up until you can get that talk in with the counselor or whomever you may decide to talk to.
If you should ever feel like harming yourself...........call one of these numbers:
1-800-SUICIDE / 1-800-784-2433
1-800-273-TALK / 1-800-273-8255
Good luck........you can deal with it. I have for 10 years now.
2007-01-15 13:34:23
answer #2
answered by Mark C 4
Definitely depression can start early: for me it started around age 8 (40 years ago!), so age 12 is not unusual at all. Depression is practically the "common cold" of mental illnesses, so having it doesn't make you particularly strange.
First, I want to acknowledge that you have obviously gone through some suffering by seeing your folks split up, and by your father's lack of involvement, and even the lesser losses involved in relocating twice. Thank Heavens, you're a smart kid doing well in school, so you've got good skills in coping and keeping yourself functional in spite of the loss.
A loss like that can set off a first experience of depression, but depression often runs in families, so it's probably largely genetic in origin. That makes it a long-term issue, something you'll have to deal with (and "work around") over the long-term, in the way some of your classmates might deal with an allergy or asthma. That's the bad news -- but on the other hand, at least you know it's not something you caused in any way.
(If you know a lot of your relatives, consider whether some of them had or have signs of depression, such as emotional withdrawal or alcohol abuse - an attempt to medicate oneself! From what you've described of your Dad, it might be on his side of the family, if not both sides.)
The sad feelings and even suicidal thoughts are something that most people have during their adolescence anyway. On the other hand, an attempt to hurt yourself -- even if it's only a gesture -- is a serious matter.
For treatment, consider using both medication (a psychiatrist can evaluate you and prescribe appropriately) and some kind of talk-therapy for a while (the shrink can probably recommend someone).
On the self-help side, do the good healthy stuff that worked for your sister -- moderate exercise is proven to boost your mood. (Like I should talk; I'm definitely overweight!) Also, check out the book "Feeling Good" by Dr. David Burns -- it's an introduction to "cognitive therapy", a proven treatment approach.
Bottom line: you deserve MAJOR CREDIT for asking this question, and starting yourself on the road to recovery! Bravo, girl!
2007-01-15 14:26:52
answer #3
answered by weebl 2
What you're feeling is very normal and so many other youth your age are feeling the same feelings. Being young is so difficult, and you've been through so much. I'm glad you're asking for help. You can't do this alone. I want you to talk to your parents or an adult you can trust. Did you know that suicide is the 2nd most common way that young people in the US die? It's true. And the fact that you have tryed it once makes you at a higher risk.
My son died by suicide on July 6,2005, he was only 21. I can never have him back, but I have tryed to educate myself about suicide so I can maybe help another person.
here is a website I'd like you to check out :
www.metanoia.org/suicide and you can call this number if you ever feel like you need to talk to someone right away.
Please, sweetie, begin by talking to an adult you trust.
2007-01-15 13:31:42
answer #4
answered by Teresa t 5
Talk Zone 1-800-475-TALK Peer Counselors
Teen Help Line 1-800-400-0900 Help Line For Troubled Teens
Teen Hot Line 1-800-747-8336 Hot Line For Troubled Teens
VOICES In Action, Inc. 1-773-327-1500
Youth Development International 1-800-HIT-HOME (448-4663) Youth Crisis Hotline
National Crisis Line 1-800-334-4357 Crisis Help Line
National Youth Crisis Hotline 1-800-448-4663 Youth Crisis Hotline
2007-01-15 18:33:15
answer #5
answered by The Notorious Doctor Zoom Zoom 6
First of all, yes u have to tell your parents. you cant go on like that. if u really explain, and tell them how u honestly feel they will understand. they can help. second of all the thing to do is to ask your parent about seeing a phsyciatrist. u dont have to tell ne one except ur family u go, no one has to know. and just b cuz u go, doesnt mean ur "mutant". many ppl go and get medication and it helps ALOT. depression is an actual condition that MANY ppl have, u just dont realize it. a lot of ppl take medecine to make it better and thats all. its not a big deal. never take pills that the doctor didnt give u. that is the worst thing to do. and why would u even think about killing ur self. u only have one chance to live and i promise u can get through this. killing urself is the worst option b cuz when ur gone, everyone will be miserable b leeve it or not. dont do that to ur friends and family, and especially to ur self. just listen to me, and trust me. u will get through and be ok. plz post a question soon saying how everything goes and i will look for u and respond. i can be ur mentor.
2007-01-15 13:16:50
answer #6
answered by jennalovesryan 1
I have sort of the same problem. I never saw my dad untill I was five, and rarley even saw him then I stopped seeing him when I was 11 (13 now). I also have the same thoughts as you. I really think that you need to talk to your mom. Tell her how much your thoughts pain you. Ask her if you could see a doctor. you both need help, and a doctor is the one to do it. You can get help before you end up hurting yourself.
2007-01-15 14:21:37
answer #7
answered by .:Feliciano:. 3
unfortenately I can't really help you here. I wish I could but this is something that you must talk with people you love. sometimes if its very bad, the right thing to do would be to talk to family such as aunts, uncles, older cousins, grandparents etc. and close friends, then get professional help...they know what to do in order to solve problems like these.
I really wish you the best of luck, if you feel that you need to talk with someone from outside I'll be willing to help you if you need help.
remember that there will be people that love you no matter what.
remember that no nobody is equal, and that's what makes us the same.
2007-01-15 13:23:03
answer #8
answered by Brayan 3
First find an adult friend you can trust. A counselor, a teacher since you are a straight A student, there must be one person that you feel you can trust.
You have been through alot and you should not feel ashamed of your feelings, just please promise that you will speak with some one you trust that will help you to sort things out and get you the help you need.
Take care, good luck, be blessed!
2007-01-15 13:09:41
answer #9
answered by PhDiva 2
first off let me tell u god put me on this earth fora reason, there are three types of people in this owrld , peple built for them selves, people built for others, and leaders, . i am for others, 1. prey prey like theres no tommaro, i feeel for u , ur not a mutant, your probley beautiful, im so proud and touch through all that you still do good in school, and NEVER EVER SEPERATE FROM YOUR SISTER SHES ALL U GOT, keep her close tell her i said that awsome to lose wieght, MY ADVICE IS THAT U STAY STRONG, IF U GET PICKED ON OR UR SISTER DOES , DONT WORRY **** THEM , I THINK ITS NORMAL TO THINK OF SUICIDE WITH THE STUFF UR GOING THREW, DONT COMMIT SICIDE, WHAT WILL YOUR SISTER DO WITH OUT YOU, be thre for your sister and stay stong, just stay in school and DONT CUT YOUR SELF, if u cut your selve then you will think its a way to escape , and the more u do it the more u want to do it , no drugs , no cuts, go to a school consiler, trust me ive been threw a lot wors, my girl freind has to shes been raped 5 times by her dad , and recently and she got threw it and shes now living with us, stay strong, and become some who is biult for other people, and make sure ur seccseding, good look, prey
2007-01-15 13:19:13
answer #10
answered by triplesixdj 2