You can get into phychiatric help that will tie you forever with pills and therapy, or you could talk to someone who has suffered with them and can know just how you are feeling. Therapy can help, but therapists have NOT suffered panic attacks and only know what a book tells them
Good Luck
2007-01-15 11:24:14
answer #1
answered by Arizona Brit 4
I had panic attacks and anxiety and went on a very low dose of an antidepressant to get me through the worst part of it at the beginning. But I also see a therapist and that helped a lot more in my opinion. I made some huge changes in my life that helped as well. I cut out caffeine and alcohol for a while and made sure I got into bed before 10:00 every night. I made sure I got some exercise every day. I practiced breathing routines and did yoga for relaxation. I used a journal to record things that were making me anxious. I also stopped watching the news every evening because it would get me upset. I watched comedies instead, because it felt better to laugh. These things helped a lot. I don't still do all those things every day- but if I'm having a bad week or something, I go right back into the routine because I know it makes me feel better. The medication was just to get me to be able to function normally because when I first started having panic attacks I was afraid to even leave my house. But once I started working on the other stuff, I didn't need the medication anymore.
2016-03-14 06:23:39
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
You have a number of options.
1. The most popular (but damaging) option is to get drugs like Prozac. I suggest you read first before taking this option. Many times drugs don’t work and people get trapped in the cycle of trying different mind-bending drugs for years, without relief.
2. If you have an issue or problem with a certain event or situation or person, see a therapist and work through it, learning new coping skills. If seeing a therapist isn't an option, self-help books can help you to learn ways to cope with problems. Plus, there are many books on panic/anxiety and also a free online course that you take over a period of weeks at
3. If you have irrational phobias in an otherwise balanced life, and can’t understand why you get anxiety/panic in a certain situation, try self-hypnosis-type programs like
4. Calming herbs like valerian, kava-kava, chamomile or special formulas might help to take the edge off, but don't seem to eliminate the problem completely. Be wary of expensive on-line herbal formulas that promise to eliminate anxiety/panic: you can easily get the same herbs at most drug stores for a fraction of the cost.
5. Exercises like tai chi or yoga (many libraries have DVDs you can rent) are helpful to calm the breathing and mind. You can do these, and other things like walking no matter what treatment you decide on.
6. If you feel you have a more or less balanced life without any major issues, yet you're having both mental and physical symptoms, such as heart palpitations, anxiety, feeling weak, bad mood swings with anxiety-anger-depression-fear, confusion, etc. you probably have a hormone imbalance, which would take blood or saliva tests to determine. If you have a hormone imbalance (which is not the same as what they call a “chemical imbalance”) no breathing exercises or hypnosis or self-talk is going to help- the physical imbalance is in the adrenals, thyroid, and cortisol levels. This is easily corrected with bio-identical hormones. Many doctors/insurance don’t deal with this, so you’ll need a specialist.
2007-01-15 11:28:46
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
It is not necessarily required that you start on some sort of drugs or medication on a daily basis. Although some of the drugs your doctor may prescribe you can help, you've got to understand that these drugs will only suppress your issues and will not eliminate your problem. Most of these drugs will help your body to develop side effects, which your doctor may prescribe a new drug for in the near future.
I am 21 and also suffer from panic attacks, and have been for years. There are some definite physiological components like ALLERGIES that help to intensify my panic attacks, particularly at points when I am working hard and I get out of breath. As you can develop an allergy, you can also get rid of the allergy or breathing abnormality. I personally have very intense negative energy trapped inside which I have been unable to express lately. However, when I exercised on a consistent basis, I usually felt more relaxed, and my panic attacks and anxiety were at a low level, if they were there at all.
You also have to watch out for key ingredients in foods. Processed sugar is something that you should pretty much avoid completely. Some sugars are much better including honey, raw sugar, or evaporated cane juice. Its good to get your sugar from natural sources like fruits. You should also look out for Monosodium Glutamate(A.K.A. MSG), Maltodextrin, high fructose corn syrup, dextrose, Nutrisweet, aspartame and others. One of these ingredients has been proven to give some people small seizures; I believe it was aspartame.
Anyway, if you do the following things, I would imagine that your panic attacks and anxiety will subiside, and possibly vanish.
1) Have healthy/protected sex on a consistent basis with someone who shows you love, and to whom you do the same. Obviously you dont necessairly need a gf or wife, just some chic.
2) Exercise consistently. Multiple times a week.
3) Eat a healthy diet, minimize your red meat intake and try to consume more fruits, vegetables, and fish.
4) Consume a multi-vitamin tablet or whole food supplement on a daily basis. Some people say that whole food "vitamin" supplements are better than the synthetic vitamins. Go with whichever one you feel is best for you. They are the same price for the most part.
5) Join a good martial arts dojo, yoga class, Chi-Kung(Quigong), or something similar. Be weary of the bad teachers, and the little chinese men that try to rip you off. Most of the females that teach the yoga classes are cool, but there are good bit of bad martial arts instructors out there. Find one that is not.
6) Change your environment and lifestyle to correspond with the positive aspects of your life that you want to enhance. In more direct terms. If you got a lame @$$ girlfriend that wants you to spend all this money on her all the time, or if she just sucks-dump her. Take a good look at your "friends", hang out with the ones that make you feel good about yourself, not the ones that dont. Change your job, move out of the ghetto. You have the opportunity to create your life, so go do that.
2007-01-15 14:32:47
answer #4
answered by Sir 3
Hi there, I just laugh about my past 3 years of panic now. I was not able to go anywhere without carrying xanax. Fear of having another attack was the most important subject of my days.When i first found joe barry's web site i started to cry because of my happiness.
Free audio to end anxiety and panic attacks fast?
2016-05-17 13:57:39
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
You are not weird, for one thing. I suffer from them alot too, and I am only 10. It really depends on what has been going on. It could have been childhood abuse, it could've been anything. I strongly advise you to do the following whenever you have another one.
Find an object within your reach. It can be anything from a quilt on your bed to your cat sitting in the sunshine to a picture hanging on the wall.
Take hold of the object and look at it closely.
Now describe the object, out loud, in tiny detail, to an imaginary person who can't see it. Be descriptive.
I really hope that helps! : )
2007-01-15 11:31:37
answer #6
answered by Catherine M 1
When you feel an attack coming on, do some deep breathing exercises. Don't rush into it. Just take it slow. Also, biofeedback helps. Tell yourself that you know what it is, that there is nothing to worry about, that it will pass
If you are not on meds of any kind, please talk to your doctor about prescribing one of the many meds on the market for panic and anxiety.
2007-01-15 11:23:49
answer #7
answered by kartouche 4
I kinda do. My best advice is try to first figure out why your getting these. Sometimes they are a way of your body telling you somthing isnt right. If they are simply chemical or situational, learn to breath-slowly and deeply. Sit down in a quiet place like a bathroom at work or your bedroom at home or whatever and just breathe you will feel your heartrate come down. Also exercise is a must. It helps make you feel good! Good luck!
2007-01-15 11:22:09
answer #8
answered by bea1 3
I use to get those kinda alot. You just got to let it all out. Even when your not mad at someone you get them right. Find something that calms you down. Stress ball. Hitting a pillow with a racket. get a paint ball gun and shoot targets ( make targets not people) or run. Do push ups it will tire you down . You could go for a long time or do them really fast because you think you can because your pissed of . but then eventually you will get tired and just want to lay down. (and take a aspirin) and watch t.v
2007-01-15 11:26:28
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I used to. A tight feeling in my chest and it felt like I couldn't breath. It was stress related.
2007-01-15 11:28:46
answer #10
answered by One Sexy Chic 5