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Lately I have been experiencing knee pain on the inner and outer sides of the knee cap. mainly with walking or running and sometimes with a crunching sensation, Also i have had elbow soreness and i have to jolt my elbow and crack it to straighten it on occasion. Also have some wrist and ankle soreness. i have played football for many years. i'm not sure if all these are related to each other.... PLEASE HELP!

2007-01-15 09:21:55 · 6 answers · asked by Worried1 1 in Health General Health Care Pain & Pain Management

6 answers

It sounds like arthritis. See an orthopedic specialist for help.

2007-01-15 09:29:12 · answer #1 · answered by notyou311 7 · 0 0

It could be your cartilage wearing out. Please go see a doctor soon. Arthritis will cause there to be pain but not cracking. I think that you should add more calcium to your diet and try to take it easy. Football may have caused this but also may of heredity. Tylenol is the best and safest for pain relief. Take care and I hope you feel better soon!

2007-01-15 09:36:13 · answer #2 · answered by wonderwomen582000 2 · 1 0

it sounds like you joints a are in some what need of attention!

my first advice is to see a doctor as they can tell you exactly what is wrong but if you dont think that it is taht serios then i would recomend supplements

glucosamine and collegen are good for joints there are many products out there in the bodybuilding scene as this is a popular injury

check out www.bodybuilding.com has a great store and procuct descriptions

hope this finds you well

2007-01-15 09:31:42 · answer #3 · answered by chudds2003 2 · 1 0

You have some good advice above. Seeing a doctor is the right thing at this point. You may want to consider seeing a chiropractor. They deal with more than just backs and necks.

2007-01-15 09:42:06 · answer #4 · answered by Bob T 6 · 0 0

There is also the chance that is is just muscles trying to tighten and knot up. A physical or massage therapist can help if that is the cause.

2007-01-15 09:33:16 · answer #5 · answered by Keko 5 · 0 0

go to a doctor. don't delay. i waited too long before going about some shoulder pain I had, thinking the problem would just go away. Now the problem is a permanent one. good luck

2007-01-15 09:30:16 · answer #6 · answered by silverblueish 2 · 1 0

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