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I have hyperpigmentation problems with my African-American skin and have spent a lot of money trying to find a solution both with and without a Dermatologist's assistance, yet I still have not found a solutions. So, my question is for anybody with African-American skin that has found a viable (what I mean by viable is illegal, inexpensive none Hydroquinone) solution to their hyperpigmentation. I would like to know what it is? And how long before you saw results?

Please only answer if you yourself was able to get rid of your hyperpigmentation. Thanks in advance.

2007-01-15 08:37:01 · 1 answers · asked by BritLdy 5 in Health Diseases & Conditions Skin Conditions

1 answers

I have dark spots on my face. I have tried almost everthing but what really worked for me was a product from the Neutrogena advance solutions line. It's a face mask that fades discoloration. A tube of it was only about $12 at walmart.

I looked at product reviews at drugstore.com. The advanced solution line also has a peel that comes in a jar. It got a really good rating but I was cheap and bought the tube which was only half price. My skin still isn't perfect but it got alot better.

2007-01-16 22:39:31 · answer #1 · answered by a_non_ah_mus 5 · 0 0

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