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well.. ok.. im having this thing that whenever i wash my face, dryness strikes, after a while, its all oily! what am i supposed to do? does this show a sign of anything serious??

2007-01-15 07:49:16 · 3 answers · asked by pinkangel_232 2 in Health Diseases & Conditions Skin Conditions

3 answers

It just sounds like you have combination skin, which is very common. Clean & Clear and Nutrogena (amongst other brands of skincare products) have different types of face wash for people with combination skin, so look into those. ALso, if you're using any type of spot medication (directly on trouble areas), don't use it on the dry part of your face and put lotion on that area as well, but not on the oily part. This is very normal and just something that might be temporary or permanent...only time will tell.

2007-01-15 08:02:09 · answer #1 · answered by atxtallchick 3 · 0 0

Your skin becomes oily as a defense against dryness. Use a moisturizer after cleansing.

2007-01-15 07:59:43 · answer #2 · answered by ldgbt 3 · 0 0

all and sundry is probably gonna think of i'm very stupid yet it fairly is what works for me. So, I did this some months in the past because of the fact i'm not the neatest. save that for the period of ideas. zits is brought about by using bacteria growing to be in and under your dermis spectacular? So I actual theory that if Hand Sanitizer killed bacteria, why won't be able to it kill it on my face? Andddd that carry approximately me putting some small quantities of hand sanitizer in my T-zone and different useful places.I try this approximately 2-thrice an afternoon and that works fairly large for me. not greater zits. yet another element I do is, if i'm in a soften-down difficulty, I grab slightly ice and rub that anyone around the zits for a million-2 minutes. (Or till it fairly is thoroughly melted.) I additionally use this Carrot exfoliating face wash with beads in it. It smells extraordinary to me yet large to others. And leaves your face fairly gentle. specific.....very stupid tricks yet hi....it works for me

2016-10-31 04:42:06 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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