Americans do not hate Mexicans, and welcome all legal immigrants.
Americans do not like people who come in from other countries and break our laws.
Sign in, and abide by our laws and you will be welcomed with open arms.
2007-01-15 06:51:11
answer #1
answered by Linea 3
I Think The Best Way To Answer This Question Is To Say That It Is A Stereotype. Americans Are Infuriated At The Fact That It Is So Easy For A Mexican To Enter The United States And Take Advantage Of Our System. Now An Aarogant Mexican Could Say That Hundreds If Not Thousands Of Mexicans Die Each Year Trying To Cross The Border...But Whos Fault Is That. People That Were Born And Raised In The States Have To Bust Their Asses To Pay For Daily Living Expenses Let Alone, Medical Care, Taxes And What Not. But It Seems That A Majority Of The Mexicans In The Southwest Are Raping Our System. Crossing The Border Illegally, Taking Advantage Of Our Medical Care, Not Paying Taxes, Then If They Have A Child In This Country The Child And The Mother Automatically Become Citizens. And We Are Forced To See Some Of Our Taxes Go To Mexican Families. We All Understand That Mexicans Are Hard Workers And Apperently Work Cheaper Than Americans Would But What Is Sad About That Is That We Are Just Taking Advantage Of These People When They Think We Are Just Giving Them A Chance. If This Is The Way They Choose To Enter Our Country Then They Will ALWAYS Be Taken Advantage Of, Live Below The Poverty Level, Be Sitting Out In Front Of Home Depot Waiting For Some Scumbag Contractor That Needs Cheap Help, And Be Considered A Nusiance In Our Communities. Take A Look At Some Of The Penalties An American Would Pay If We Were To Illegally Cross The Border Into Mexico And Never Become A Citizen. We Could Not Own Land, Vote, Go To School, Recieve Medical Care....So On And So Forth....On Top Of That We Would Be Incarcerated Just For Being In That Country Illegally. It Is A Mess That Is Spiraling Out Of Control. And Will Continue Until...Yes I Am Going To Say It.....We Control Our Borders. I Say Build The Wall. And Build It Tall. Illegals Are No More Special Than The Millions Of Immigrants That Came To New York Through Ellis Island. California, Arizona, And Texas Must Become The New Ellis Islands And We Must Track And Monitor Any And Every Immigrant That Comes Into Our Country And Teach Them The Basics. Issue Them A Social Security Card, Teach Them Our Customs, Teach Them How To Pay Taxes And Most Of All TEACH THEM ENGLISH!!!! Im Not Going To Move To Mexico And Expect To Be Understood Speaking English. And For Those Of You That Say Americans Hate Mexicans Because You Have Better Looking Men And Women And Better Drinks Well...You May Be Right.....But That Is Not The Issue....And Your Stupidity Astounds Me. Mexicans And Americans Must Work Together To Resolve The Issue...The Bordering States To Mexico Are Becoming Flooded With Illegals Who Want To Make A Living And Illegals Who Are Felons. It Also Floods And Decreases The Value Of Our Helath Care. The Border Issue Also Brings Up Drug Trafficing Issues. And Sorry To Bring It Up....But Terrorist Issues. It IS An Epedemic And In NEEDS To Be Controlled.
2007-01-15 07:14:08
answer #2
answered by Scooter 3
Because the Mexican hate the American.
2007-01-15 07:53:28
answer #3
answered by WHITE GIRL 3
The majority of American do not "hate" Mexicans. As stated multiple times, the hatred is when people of any foreign nationality enter the country illegally, then have the nerve to demand access to government services, paid for from the taxes of law-abiding citizens. The thought that these people enter our nation and decide that they should now be taken care of without having the decency to enter according to the law is quite unnerving.
Another issue that I find insulting is that English is our national language and there is so much effort to have people learning Spanish so they can communicate with people who entered the country illegally! If you wish to come to America, follow the law, learn the language and become an American...we will welcome you with open arms. For all things in life, there is a price that needs to be paid.
2007-01-15 07:24:39
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Americans don't hate Mexicans, at least, none of the Americans I know do. What we have a problem with is illegal immigration. When you cross the border illegally, you are breaking the law.
We save our real dislike for our politicians, who refuse to enforce the immigration laws. We have to rely on local law enforcement and civilian volunteers to enforce federal law, because the federal government refuses to!
If you come here legally, we will be glad to have you - as long as you assimilate. If you are going to live here, you need to learn the language. That is another problem we have with our politicians. They are encouraging immigrants (legal and illegal) to not assimilate. When you fail to learn English, you can't function in our society. Then you start resenting the English speaking people, and then they resent you. This is the plan of our politicians. It is called divide and conquer.
2007-01-15 06:54:21
answer #5
answered by iraqisax 6
I don't hate the Mexicans, I have lived in Mex for 3 years, its a really cool place with some really nice people, its just this immigration flood is truly out of control!!!!!!!!!! I live in both Mex and Denver Colo... other than the temp change its like I'm still back in Mex. This greatly bothers me. What ever happened to a sense of MINE and YOURS? This MINE and YOURS WAS separated by a border. but MINE is now YOURS and I want MINE back!!! OK? I like you as trees but I do not like your forest overrunning MY country!!! please stop flooding my country, and if you come here and open up a business open up a BAKERY not a PANADERIA OK? open up a brightly lit dunkin donuts not a taco wagon with graffiti sprayed all over the sides OK? and if you come here please check your ghetto luggage at the border and please leave your getto ways behind! Learn how to drive like an American and not some Mex that has no concept that stop signs are not mere suggestions but actually laws that needs to be obeyed.
2007-01-15 07:21:39
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
We don't hate Mexicans. We hate people that cross over our borders illegally and then have a sense of entitlement. If they work illegally,they do not pay taxes. They drain our resources, take our jobs in a time when our own people are finding it hard to maintain employment, and they expect our government to provide for them as they would it's citizens. If you immigrate to a country, you should be prepared to learn the language and obey its laws. And right now it is against the law to cross over our borders illegally. As such any person doing it is a criminal and should be treated as such. If you want to be a citizen here, apply for citizenship just like everybody else. You are not special just because our two countries have neighboring borders.
2007-01-15 06:53:48
answer #7
answered by mischa 6
Americans do not hate Mexicans.
A few idiots here rant against Mexicans as a way to explain their miserable lives. It was the blacks in the XX Century, but since overt racism is not PC, they now play the only card left, the 'legal status', whatever that means.
2007-01-15 06:52:39
answer #8
answered by Исаак Озимов 3
We don't. Sure there may be some that do but you can't stereotype against all people.
What we don't like is those that come illegally, break the laws, use the health care system but don't pay for it which costs us all in the long run, use fake Id's to gain benefits meant for citizens, commit acts of violence, get involved in gang activity, illegally work without a green card or with a fake green card, don't pay taxes, commit identity theft including using citizens social security cards, clog up the school system while here illegally so that ESL classes drain our school dollars, expect us to put everything in their language because they want the $$$ of this country but don't want to become part of society. I could go on and on. These are what people object to.
Why don't the people of Mexico do something about their government and problems in their country? Instead they just bring some of the same problems here. Is it fair to those who wait to come into this country legally? No...
We have room for more Americans, those willing to truly become citizens, learn the language, support OUR flag and country, pay taxes and abide by our laws. We do NOT have room for illegal aliens. Illegal is illegal period.
It doesn't matter what race, creed or color we don't want illegal aliens, enter the country legally or don't enter at all. It's not the people that we hate it's the things they do that we hate.
Even my friends Father in law whose family came to this country LEGALLY from Mexico does not like what illegal immigration is doing to our country. They waited years to come here 3 generations ago. My friend doesn't even know spanish because his family did not want him discriminated against because of the bad rep of illegal aliens, they wanted to ensure he had no accent. Legal citizens of Latino decent don't want to be lumped in with illegal aliens either!
2007-01-16 02:03:24
answer #9
answered by Wicked Good 6
Americans don't HATE Mexicans. What we DON'T like are the ILLEGALS who sneak into this country and then expect to be treated like CITIZENS. We don' like ANY illegals who pull the same stuff. Do you know what would happen to an American who snuck into Mexico (Why anyone would want to do THAT is beyond me)...they would never be seen again! Yet we suck up to ILLEGALS and give them bennies our own citizens have a hard time getting.
2007-01-15 06:50:20
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
We don't hate Mexicans...they may be under the impression we do considering some of them are illegally crossing into our country, taking our tax money (while not paying them themselves)and taking up job opportunities because they are cheaper.
2007-01-15 06:49:41
answer #11
answered by Anonymous