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My brother, his family and I drove 800 miles to see my dad ( he's very ill ) We stayed Friday afternoon until Sunday afternoon. On Saturday my brother , his family & I went to lunch. My brother's wife saw a desk she wanted and had to have. She went back to my dad's found the desk in Savannah and then along with my brother and his children left to go buy this desk ( they were gone for four hours ) They could have bought it online and had it shipped for a hundred bucks. The desk & hutch came unassembled which they crammed into the minivan crowding me and the two kids. Needless to say it was a very uncomfortable ride. After the 14 hours in the car we arrive at my brothers where I walked into his house without wiping my feet. He got pissed and started in with his crap that I am ungrateful for the ride ( I had an open plane ticket all ready purchased I didn't need his ride I just thought my dad would like to see the family together ) I told him he was selfish. Was I wrong.

2007-01-15 06:35:37 · 6 answers · asked by colleen c 2 in Family & Relationships Family

6 answers

Rude and selfish. I would have gotten outta that caravan and found a different ride home. By riding back with him you really just fueled your own fire. Next time get off the Roller Coaster from hell and take the plane home. You are right he is wrong, but it is a matter of personal perspective, is it not?

Better future travels

2007-01-15 06:52:25 · answer #1 · answered by Tracylyn S 3 · 0 0

in my opinion, having grown up in a violent anti-feminist abode, I only favor different youthful little ones to be able to advance up in a non-violent abode. i do not care if there are one or 2 moms and dads, or maybe if both or one grow to be male or woman. i do not fairly care who's in a house, see you later because the little ones are secure, cared for, and loved. one way or the different, this appears previous many societies purposes, jointly with the U. S.. btw: If the overall public of households in the U. S. are literally made from unmarried moms, why does no longer the overall public of relatives issues be linked with them? even as the overall public of households were made from guys and females, and there have been infrequently any unmarried moms or fathers, weren't the overall public of relatives issues linked with male/woman households? otherwise, if the overall public of households are made from unmarried fathers, will households miraculously haven't any relatives issues? per chance all men ought to take delivery of custody of all little ones, and we will see how they manage "relatives subject matters", and we will see the stats in 10 years, with any success, all relatives issues will be lengthy previous and females will favor to artwork outdoors the houses and help the male nurturers.

2016-10-31 04:32:06 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Arent families grand? We all have them.......and deal with them in our own way........Give your bro some slack. I would bet his annoyance was more with the ordeal his wife put him thru. But it was easier to take it out on you. However, kick those shoes off at the door. It's simply an extremely nice gesture......where ever you enter.......HOME included! :)

2007-01-15 06:48:31 · answer #3 · answered by iyamacog 7 · 0 0

i dot think it was wrong to tell your brother he was sellfish...shoppig is okay but 4 hours!! with a sick father i wouldnt be goe that long! maybe like an hour or 2 but 4?? no way!

2007-01-15 06:39:38 · answer #4 · answered by Falling in Love 1 · 0 0

Ignore him, he's got a few loose screws like that desk has.

2007-01-15 06:47:30 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

if i had just driven that distance to see a sick relative i wouldnt be out shopping...her husband should have said what you did,when to look for it online when they get home..he's pissed at his wife but saying stuff to you because he wont say it to her

2007-01-15 06:43:21 · answer #6 · answered by charmel5496 6 · 0 0

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