Do you think that in a family that has 3 kids from one parent and 1 from another parent that the 1 child will have problems becuase she is consided the "step child" or the odd one out, more then the others are. Do you think that some people think that being the step child is considerd a negitive and people would more likly want to be around the other kids or side with them? If so how would you improve the situation?
10 answers
asked by
lee b
Family & Relationships
➔ Family
you can make all the kids play together but it would be nice if it wasn't forced, andmy question is do you think that the single child already starts of with a disadvantage?
06:42:12 ·
update #1
the parents should make sure that everyone feels part of the family and that everyone is included. they should not allow the 'threesome' to leave the 'odd man out'. this will take a lot of patience and work.
2007-01-15 06:26:05
answer #1
answered by it's me, julie 2
Well I have been in this situation and it sucks! No matter how much the parents try to blend everyone and make an effort for fairness, the others always have that familial bond, that the stepchild does not have. It is like always being on the outside looking in. It is hard even if the other kids are nice. That is why blended famalies don't really work and people should wait until the children are well into adulthood before remarriage.
2007-01-15 14:31:39
answer #2
answered by The OTHER Boelyn Chic 5
This type of thing happens to my daughter. When she is at her father's house. She is usually left playing alone in her room or forced to play with a much younger sibling who is "mean". This is all told to me by her of course. They do treat her different though. One thing is there are three bedrooms in the house for the kids. The youngest one has the biggest room, the oldest one has a mid sized room and she in pretty much in a utility closet.(with a hot water heater) I do not agree with this at all, and my child hates it their, but I always try and tell her it is for the best that she goes. She has had to go through allot the past 2 years and has trouble coping with different things. The eldest brother makes fun of her, and the youngest can run all over her and their is nothing done to stop it.
Yes I have spoken with her father about this, and of course "he knows best" at his house.
The only way that I can see to improve the situation is to be supportive for the child, make sure the child knows you love them, remind the child how good and wonderful and perfect they are, all around love. The sibling's should not act or speak in a different manner around him/her. If you see this happen quickly correct it. I don't agree with treating one child different or better than the other. If someone comes over with gifts for all the children but one, tell them you can't accept any gifts, unless they all get one.
Alienating a child can damage their whole life mentally. Why would anyone do that?
I wouldn't think anyone would be shitty enough to think a step child to be a negative, but then again we are talking about people in general. Who ever would treat them like that should be publicly punished. It's never and never will be a childs fault for the actions of there parents.
Single children i guess do. It would be like looking at it as a fight.
1 on 1, or 2 on 1 etc. But just keep trying and they will soon grow out of this stage. Forcing them to play together is kinda wrong, but it makes them all see, that eachone of them are a part of the whole that makes the family.
Do they fight allot?
2007-01-15 14:47:36
answer #3
answered by liquidblue 3
I honestly think the parents should make an effort to make ALL the children feel involved you are all a family now!
2007-01-15 14:29:13
answer #4
answered by Doris D 5
Hey give the kids some credit. If they are shown love. They will receive and give love. Hang in there a blended family is hard work. Just pray!! You all will be blessed and loved daily by the spirit you each have.
2007-01-15 15:28:07
answer #5
answered by justme 1
I think the child starts out at a disadvantage IF he/she is looked upon as the ODD one out. Whoever their parent is if you love him/her, Then you should love their child/children as your own. You are now a family ALL of you are equals. No more yours or mine but OURS.
2007-01-15 15:15:57
answer #6
answered by earthangel_candy 4
The new kid to the family needs to work harder at being a cool person.Try random acts of anonymous kindness. for instance, somebody has a chore to do that really sucks.Do it for them ,but DON'T let anybody know you did it.
2007-01-22 20:16:14
answer #7
answered by boatworker 4
with a mother n law like i have - there is no changing it ! she leaves mine out all the time & enjoys doing it ! i am married to a man with 3 kids .... what comes around goes around - & her day is coming !!!!!
2007-01-15 15:54:41
answer #8
answered by Barbie 6
It is the parents job to make sure that everyone is included.
2007-01-15 14:23:34
answer #9
answered by Je veux changer le monde 4
all kids are equal and should be treated as equal no matter if stp cild or not.
2007-01-15 14:28:12
answer #10
answered by nickle 5