Sounds like athlete's foot to me too. You would have a rash, cracking, as symptoms. Get some cream from the drug store and see if helps.
Could also be an allergic reaction. Try some hydro-cortisone anti-itch cream.
2007-01-15 06:21:01
answer #1
answered by chieromancer 6
This Site Might Help You.
Itchy Feet Please Help!!!?
Everytime I get out the bath I get itchy feet all over can anybody tell me why? Ive only done this the past month or so, and then I feel a little burning sensation. I dont have a rash on them, and I am using a well known brand named bath soak. Any suggestions?
2015-08-16 14:54:46
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
You sound like you have athletes foot. The foot will be very itchy particularly between the toes. Your feet will be smellier than usual, and they will become sore. Mycil power and cream used together for six weeks will remove it completely. Continue to use mycil even when the infection appears to have gone, it will return otherwise. Do not forget to bleach out your bath as it probably is living in it quite happily.
2007-01-15 06:23:47
answer #3
answered by boomedly 3
Hmm, my friend has a problem with her feet too. It's from getting poor circulation to her feet. Her feet turn red or purple if she stands too long. It's bizzare, but it could just be from your feet going from cold too hot real fast. Try wearing cotton socks, and soak your feet in some salt. It may help you.
2007-01-15 06:23:03
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
It's going to sound rather yucky or uncomfortable, but I adivse when you get out of the bath, if you wear slippers, throw some baby powder in them, and even with your shoes, doesn't matter if you wear socks, it will keep your feet dry... Thats most likely why they are itchy, is because they are moist. Good luck.
2007-01-15 06:21:24
answer #5
answered by ROOR 3
It's Athlete's Foot. It doesn't just occur between your toes.
I know this, as my sister had the exact same thing. Go to your your GP and ask him/her to prescribe something for it. The over the counter stuff just isn't strong enough.
And don't use anything in the bath! That can irritate it to high heaven!!!
Good luck x
2007-01-15 06:35:23
answer #6
answered by catwoman6942 3
It sounds like Athletes feet, you probably get it from someone else you had that bacteria. Well what I would do is go to my doctor and ask what can I take to get rid of this bacteria, especially if you have had it for a while.
2007-01-15 06:44:23
answer #7
answered by abeauty1102 2
It could be anything from athletes foot to dry skin to an allergy to the bath soak. Try a different brand of bath salts and if it continues, see a dermatologist.
2007-01-15 06:24:25
answer #8
answered by notyou311 7
A doc could diagnose athlete's foot. Lotromin will work. Also, Aquaphor is great. I put it on after the shower, then put a pair of socks on.
2007-01-15 06:20:50
answer #9
answered by Lisa V 3
Immediately after steping out of your hot bath stick your feet in ice water and leave them there for 10 min. No more itch.
2007-01-15 06:20:47
answer #10
answered by victorschool1 5