You should get to your doctors. Or call NHS Direct 0845 4647 for further advice.
2007-01-02 04:46:26
answer #1
answered by richard_beckham2001 7
That sounds like an STD or least likely a UTI. If you reccently had unprotected sex, ( 1 week), then its likely gonnorhea. You should go see a doc with your partner. Its treatable. Other worries could be chancroid though the discharge is normally green. The discharge of candidiasis is normally white though its also always accompanied by burning during urination and severe itching. The signs of syphillis dont always come on till after some time.
2007-01-02 13:35:23
answer #2
answered by emanzit 3
You more than likely have thrush Very Common Not To Worry About But Should Be Sorted To Stop The Discharge And irritation ,
So Be Sensible please see your Doctor,
Your Doctor Will prescribe You The Correct Medication,
And The Stupid arses That Answered Your Question With pathetic Answers don’t have a brain cell between
2007-01-02 12:50:59
answer #3
answered by ? 4
You wont even need to make a doctors appointment. But dont put it off. Just go or call the dr.s office and see when you can come and take a urine test. Within the hour they will call you and tell you what is wrong. Most likely its a urinary tract infection. You will take pills that will help within a day. In the meantime drink lots of water, and cranberry juice helps.
2007-01-02 12:48:01
answer #4
answered by yournotalone 6
You must see a doctor (urologist) so you don't wind up with a serious urinary infection that was left untreated. Such a situation could affect the kidney. May be it's a minor thing that is easy to treat and you will not have to worry about it. (And get us all upset for you!) Don't forget that cranberry juice, without sugar, cranberry pills, and vitamin C are considered good for the urinary tract so maybe you should start taking them now! Good luck
2007-01-02 12:56:31
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
sounds like to me u have a bladder infection or kidney infection, they are very common, so dont fret about it. drink a lot of water or cranberry juice.but if it gets worse u might want to go the doctor. i had a bladder and kidney infection at the same time and it was bad i couldnt eat, i couldnt hardly walk, I lost like 20 pounds in less than 2weeks.
I hope this info helps
2007-01-02 12:51:53
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
If you don't wear protection you get babies and or diseases. You should know that if you are old enough to have sex. Go to your doctor straight away. You need to tell everyone you have had sex with in the last two weeks. I just hope for your sake you haven't contracted H I V.
2007-01-02 12:57:43
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
sounds like a vaginal infection
go to ur deoctor asap and gt it cheked out right away at the moment ull probs be prescribed antibiotics bt leave it longer and it could get worse so get down the surgery asap!
2007-01-02 12:47:49
answer #8
answered by pwincess_blodzy 2
uv got sistitus..(mite b wrong spelling) u need to drink lots of fluids.. especially cranberry juice.. its very good.. u can also by sashes to mix wit water.. if not clearin up ask ur gp
2007-01-02 13:13:15
answer #9
answered by XxCXx 2
Galloping Knob Rot
2007-01-02 13:07:46
answer #10
answered by Anonymous