They Will Only Look Sickly If There In The Final Stages Of Aid's. Otherwise They Can Look Very Healthy Which Is Why It Spread's So Easy! Some People Don't Even Know They Have It! I Have Known People That Knew They Had It And Wanted To Spread It To As Many As They Can.
I Notice You Used The Word " HAD " I Take It Your Either Refering To Someone That Died With It Are Someone Dying With It Are Just Someone Sick! In Any Case Anyone That Ever " HAD " Aid's Died There Is No Known Cure!
2007-01-01 19:52:37
answer #1
answered by † Dark Prince † 4
There is not any way of looking at someone and tell whether or not they have HIV or AIDS.
Quite frankly they do not have to share that information with you. Their doctor does not have to tell you. If you were working in a hospital as a healthcare professional you would not have to know either. It is no ones business. Even though this disease has taken several million lives, the thing that we do know is how it is contracted. By bodily fluids, the mixing of blood, unprotected sexual intercourse ( both vaginally and anally) and so as a nation we know how not to catch it. To use safety precautions. To treat every sexual partner that you have as if they have it. Use a condom, protect your self. As a health care provider, I assume everyone has something that can potentially make me sick. So, I wash my hands, I use masks and gowns per protocol and I also use gloves when I am caring for a patient.
I do not let this run my life, I am not affraid that I will catch anything because I am compationate and careful.
Please be smart, look into this disease, get yourself edcuated on it. The reason: Education is knowledge.... also, each time this virus is passed to another person, it is mutated.... Makes it very hard for the doctors and scientist to find a way to cure it.
Good luck to you.
2007-01-01 18:52:38
answer #2
answered by Igottheanswers 3
Somebody who has full-blown AIDS will probably look sickly. In terms of just being HIV positive, there's really no way to tell just by looking at someone, since it just means they have the virus that causes AIDS, not that they have necessarily developed AIDS yet.
2007-01-01 18:30:30
answer #3
answered by KristenOne 3
First you test them for presense of the HIV virus. If infected, then you need to assess symptoms. A certain combination of symptoms is what marks the progression of an HIV infection to AIDS. Contrary to popular opinion, AIDS is the description of the set of symptoms of a latter stage HIV infection. It stands for Aquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. Technically it's not a syndrome anymore, given the cause (HIV) has been determined.
2007-01-01 17:43:57
answer #4
answered by Radagast97 6
it's hard to tell if someone has aids buy just the way they look. Ofcouse there are symptems like coughing, lose of weight, loose of hair etc. But other deseases have similar symptems. But no one can be sure unless that person gets tested for aids.
2007-01-01 16:13:49
answer #5
answered by JJ A 2
No you cannot tell someone has HIV/AIDS, unless they are in the final stages of the disease. Use protection with everyone!
2007-01-01 18:53:04
answer #6
answered by ShanaJ 4
No they will not necessarily look sick, your best bet is to ask if the person has been tested, providing that is the person you wish to become intimate with. Otherwise it shouldn't be any of your business.
2007-01-01 16:11:41
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
If someone "had" AIDS, they'd be dead and the autopsy would have shown it. If they HAVE AIDS/HIV, there may be no other way than a blood test.
2007-01-01 16:10:52
answer #8
answered by SUZI S 4
no htey can look and actually be healthy for years there is usually no signs of infections for years
2007-01-01 21:32:42
answer #9
answered by cute redhead 6
I don't know....but you don't get AIDS and get rid of maybe you mean how do you know if someone "has" AIDS.
2007-01-01 16:10:15
answer #10
answered by Hannahbelle 2