I have had sex with multiple partners but I am afraid to be in a relationship. I do not kiss the men I fool around with and I have no emotional attachmernt to them. I am 26 and been in one long term relationship in which I was faithful for the first 3 years and he ended up constantly cheating on me and hitting me. I woke up one day and was devastated. I ended up cheating on him with his brotther, cousin, and friend. That pretty much ended our drama-filled relationship but ever since then I have been unable to want to have another boyfriend. Also before I met my ex, I was messing around with multiple people. And I was in the relationship from 19-23 and am scared to have something meaningful. Any advice?
11 answers
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Family & Relationships
➔ Singles & Dating
I use condoms **** face
20:46:15 ·
update #1
I enjoy sex...id that so bad? My main concern is that I will never find a meaningful relationmship. I do not feel guilty about any of my sexual activity. If i were going to, I would not have done it.
20:48:28 ·
update #2