My fiance calls me angel and baby a lot. I love that so much. What makes me feel the best is when he tells me I'm beautiful after I just woke up or if I'm sick...not just when I'm dressed up. He always tell me he loves me and I see it in his eyes that he means it.
The sweetest things will come from your heart. No matter how cheesy or corny they might seem to you...she'll know you mean them!!
2006-12-30 18:56:39
answer #1
answered by littlerandiheather 5
Well my boyfriend has said things like..
I told him he had problems (messing around, of course..!) and he said I have problems? Yeah, I do. I'm madly in love with a girl named Jennifer. (My names Jennifer)
He will also just randomly tell me that he loves me, and that makes my day 10000000x better.
He doesn't tell me I'm hot, or sexy. He calls me beautiful, and that means so much more.
He calls me Sweetie, instead of those other degenerated pet names.
Whenever I'm down he picks me up, or holds me, and says something reassuring like, "It sounds like you think I don't care.." That's not much, but it just lifts me up inside.
Oh..what am I talking about. That's what he USED to do, anyway.
2006-12-31 02:41:52
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
the sweetest things come from the heart. we can only tell you things that sound nice.
2006-12-31 02:53:41
answer #3
answered by keith 2
I appreciate you
I am proud of you
I wish i were more like you
Not the usual an more sweet than most men think.
2006-12-31 02:44:37
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Tell her things from your heart, not pickup lines or cheesy sayings you find on Yahoo answers :)
2006-12-31 02:40:16
answer #5
answered by chemikalie08 3
omg, where to begin: i love you(depending on relationship statis), your the best thing that has happened to me, you are SO special, what would i do without you?, i will never leave you cause nobody could ever replace you, you do alot for me... depends on whats going on in the relationship too.
2006-12-31 02:44:00
answer #6
answered by loranclark 1
you are so beautiful, simple, not corny and for some reason girls love to hear it all the time, at least my girlfriend does.
2006-12-31 02:47:33
answer #7
answered by J W 2
i love it when my boyfriend say i look nice or beautiful and when he says he trusts me with his life or he repests me or that i did something well or that i did or said something smart. girls like to hear they are smart and have a good personality as well as pretty.
2006-12-31 02:41:59
answer #8
answered by burrowthroughanelephant 2
i always tell mine, "you look like sallllly the salamander" or "you are a gremlin" or "shut up yo ho" she just digs it. I would never say something like "you look beautiful."
-brian m.
2006-12-31 02:48:16
answer #9
answered by Brian M 1
Girls spend LOADS of time trying to look pretty, tell her... "I like your hair, I like your clothes, you look gorgous!" stuff like that makes every minute count!
2006-12-31 02:40:34
answer #10
answered by mecosfriend16 1