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I would like to know some ways how I can get moviated to excersise. Any ideas?

2006-12-30 14:03:45 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diet & Fitness

19 answers

I bring my Ipod and put all my Techno music on or some very upbeat music or your favorite music, I feel like it gives me a little bit more energy. Or if you like Baseball or Soccer you should join a team.

2006-12-30 14:05:50 · answer #1 · answered by 2 · 1 0

Sign up for a 5K, 10K, 1/2 or full marathon and commit to training for it. If you sign up for it (the longer the race, the further out it should be, in months) and pay for it, you will be motivated to stay with the program. A 5K is about 3 miles, which is doable within about six weeks if you start now. You can walk parts of it, you don't have to jog the whole thing. You should expect to be jogging for about a year before attempting to a marathon, but work up to it by signing up for shorter races.

I do recommend signing up for the actual race and paying the money - that way you will stick with your plan.

In a wheelchair? Disabled in some fashion? Most races have categories for disabled people, so you are not off the hook!

Good luck! Keep us posted.

2006-12-30 22:09:44 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Start with small goals. if you make large ones it will take to long to see a difference and you will get discouraged. You can also read and book or listen to music while working out. I joined a gym and picked classes and then I feel like I have to go. Also some gyms have tv's that you came watch. That night help

2006-12-30 22:15:27 · answer #3 · answered by mandrin 2 · 1 0

Not knowing how badly you might need to exercise(Overweight?) I could recommend Pelvic thrusts and grinds.

Now if you find yourself unable to find an exercise partner because you are too porcine, you now have your motivation to do harder exercises by yourself until you can find a partner to do the funner forms of exercise!

Another suggestion is find some sport or activity you like or think you might that forces you to exercise to do it!

Surfing works for me! As does Mountain Biking! Swimming, Hiking Etc.

2006-12-30 22:11:48 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It's hard. You have to commit. You won't always feel like doing it, that's why you just have to decide to do it whether you feel like it or not. Because it's more a habit thing, here's a suggestion. Join a group, or get an exercise partner. That way, you'll have less excuse to slack. (I'm in the same boat as you. Got to learn to take my own advice!)

2006-12-30 22:07:25 · answer #5 · answered by Underground Man 6 · 1 0

surprise yourself by entering all your body data online @ caloireking.com. You put in all your info and it figures how many calories you burn in an average day and even give you maximum carb, fat, calorie, and protein intake as well as how much exercise you need per day to gain, maintain or lose weight.

If you're looking to lose weight, you give it your goal and with the requirements everyday, it tells you how long it will take you to get to your goal weight.

Download it...it's free.

You'd be surprised at how many calories you take in each day, so you'll wanna get all out!

Good Luck!!

2006-12-30 22:10:33 · answer #6 · answered by Angela H 1 · 0 0

just go day by day...
if your just sitting around try and go outside and walk, or run for awhile... remember how good it feels after your done
schedule it... i know it sounds simple, but its motivating because you've already planned to work out and you basically have to do it because theres nothing else to do...
look towards the goal in the end- a longer, more enjoyable life

2006-12-30 22:19:03 · answer #7 · answered by catchingfreak51 3 · 0 0

Well, it all depends on you, your priorities, try slowly at first then add as you get more motivated, with an increase of exercise comes more energy thus more motivation as you see and feel results

2006-12-30 22:10:31 · answer #8 · answered by spunky 1 · 0 0

Join the Marines. The Drill Instructors will motovate you.

2006-12-30 22:06:33 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Think, once I'm dont exersizing, me body will look just like Jessica Simpsons body!

2006-12-30 22:08:39 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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