Huge problem! Take it from someone who got a crash course in alcoholism courtesy of her ex. ANYONE who drinks to get drunk has a serious problem. Go to and click on the heading "Is AA for you?" Have him take the quiz or answer as many as you can for him and be the judge yourself. Also, unless you have children with this guy, LEAVE NOW!! The success rate of an alcoholic's sobriety is currently only 6%! My ex is a great and wonderful guy but alcoholism will always be a daily struggle for him and it will forever compromise any relationship he tries to have.
2006-12-30 06:55:27
answer #1
answered by answergrrl3 4
You are his "punching bag" if you will...NOT that I mean he hits you but that you are who he takes his frustration out on b/c you are who is around. My ex husband was the same way, he'd drink and drink and drink and then turn into a monster. I bet you when he sobers up he appologises to you too. Here's the thing, he is in denial. You telling him he has a problem and that he needs help will never come out right, all he will here is ....there is something wrong with you. I think contacting another person who cares about him would be a good idea. You don't need to go thru this alone. Maybe his mom stepping up and telling him....look, me and (you) are worried about you and we want you to get better and we love you. I left my husband b/c I could not deal with the abuse anymore and then it started shifting over to our kids and that was the line and he crossed it. Now, he tells me he is sorry and that he should have made it better....well yea you should have but I tried to worry about you and help you but you didn't want my help so I had to worry about me and my kids. Bottom line....he's not going to change unless he wants to, no one can make him. Just be careful. Try to avoid him when he is drinking b/c yelling will turn into screaming and screaming will turn into throwing things which might turn into something worse.
2016-05-22 21:32:26
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Does he have any hobbies or interests? It sounds like he might be bored or troubled somehow. He needs something else to interest him. Why don't you suggest to do something else with him at the weekend? Like...cinema, meal, ice skating, or just in with a take away! If he loved you he would rather spend his time with you than getting 'trashed'. Otherwise, ditch him! You'll know where you stand then love x
2006-12-30 06:48:56
answer #3
answered by Fairy Dust :*:*: 2
Sim muitas pessoas têm problemas com bebidas só q acham q não,ele deveria procurar um tratamento porque a bebida em excesso sempre trás males a vida da pessoa!!!Agora pode não ser perigoso , mas com tempo a tendência é piorar cuidado , tente ajudá lo a sair dessa.
YES he have a problem , now a litle problem , after maybe a big problem for you and for he.Sorry my words because i'm brazilian people ok? Kisses and good luck !!
2006-12-30 06:52:51
answer #4
answered by Susane 3
yes i do think its a problem cuz if he just drinks 2 get trasshed then he has a problem n hes drinking 4 no reason. i hope you can solve his problem!
2006-12-30 06:51:50
answer #5
answered by l2d#7 2
This is called binge drinking is now one of the most devastating plagues involving young adults. (20/20 documentary)
It leads to long term abuse, death, and alot more problems.
2006-12-30 06:50:59
answer #6
answered by Katie 4
Definitely yes.
2006-12-30 06:47:45
answer #7
answered by NAN G 6
Huge problem. Look for someone else before you really get hurt!
2006-12-30 06:47:30
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Maybe....Are you hot. Cause if you are then this could be a serious problem. You may need me to step in and assist. If your a fatty, then don't worry about it. All 23 year olds do that for a while.
2006-12-30 06:47:11
answer #9
answered by Return Of Buckwheat 1
O yea that is a problem!!!! and to get him to stop just talk to him about it. Good luck!!
2006-12-30 06:50:19
answer #10
answered by tessss?! 2