oh trust me he has definitely thought about calling you... you just gotta give em time to think about it, coz imagine what he is thinking about, all the anxieties of calling you at the wrong time...
2006-12-30 06:44:57
answer #1
answered by Caribou 6
call her, say something like my telephone wasn't plugged in for a whilst, so i assumed i could have ignored your call how are you? Then take it from there. (Use the mobile telephone as your plugged in telephone) Hoping you have one. If no longer, say you have been away and issues have been given busy, yet you concept you're able to do the gentleman factor and make contact with her. good success
2016-10-06 05:29:28
answer #2
answered by ? 4
Have you called him He may be waiting for you to call. Find out whats wrong and whatever it is don´t blame yourself. Your doing nothing wrong.If anything he´s being an **** and if you call and find out he is, then i´m sure your too good for him.
But he should at least be decent to pick up and say hello or reply to your text . Maybe he is hiding something?
Call him and talk to him
happy new year!
2006-12-30 06:50:37
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Hey courtney,
I think he may not be interested in you anymore. Alot of times after I have kissed a girl, I will have lost interest in that girl, and perhapse he has lost interest in you.
What you should do is try to make him jelous, and make sure he knows you talk to other guys, and this way he will start to realize that you are "wanted" by other guys, and your worth will go up, and he will want you too. Trust me, and good Luck!
2006-12-30 06:43:08
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
If hes shy then you call him, BUT if hes not shy then dont call him! If you call him then ur gonna show u want and like him more than he likes u. If hes not shy then hes just another @$$hole. Forget about him. Then again you dont know if hes having family problems or suntin. But if he has a history or suntin for playin girls than just forget about him, get someone better.
2006-12-30 06:49:26
answer #5
answered by Kat 1
CHIl, I know what he is exactly doing. He is paying hard to get, i mean he is tring to make you, like desprete , It a way of guys to get girls intrested in them more. LIke he is making you want more. making you think about him. So all you need to do is chill, Dont act so despreate, and be paitent and soon, he will be beging you to talk to him...GOOD LUCK :)
2006-12-30 06:43:30
answer #6
answered by Boss 6
Don't waste your time. If he is ignoring you it's because he's only wants what he wants and when he gets it, you are of no use to him any more. Don't let him use you. Why are girls like this? You deserve better, who give a **** about some stupid guy?
2006-12-30 06:42:41
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
hey don't worry about it
don't be desperate
because he can sense it
he just doesn't know that he has to call you
he's busy
2006-12-30 06:43:16
answer #8
answered by jemba 3
Give him time to realize what happened among you... He may feel the same as you do...
2006-12-30 06:44:06
answer #9
answered by simplegirl 5
I dont think he thinks of you as a girlfriend? Sorry
2006-12-30 06:44:54
answer #10
answered by RangerWright 2