I just got dumped after a 2 1/2 yr long relationship, so I am going to spend it with a friend and enjoy the party she is taking me too :) It will be hard but is New Year's
2006-12-30 06:40:14
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Yes, my boyfriend will be at a wedding on New Year's Eve and it's a little sad, but I think it's time for everyone to stop blowing this day of the year so out of proportion. What's with all the pressure to go some place exciting or have an amazing time...it's not worth the mental energy or stress. Treat it like a normal day of the year and then you can't be disappointed.
2006-12-30 14:52:04
answer #2
answered by pingponggirl 3
YES! I'm also bummed about new years I'm gonna be all alone to my man is going out of town with his parents to a relative house and this has been a tradition for us for the past 5 years to be together to bring in the new year together. rumor has it that what ever you do on new years that's what you will be doing all year. i really hope that is not the case
2006-12-30 14:44:01
answer #3
answered by MRS.BLONDIE 3
Yes very,,, mine is in Iowa working, i am in SC, long way away, i guess i will spend it with my friends next door, watch the fireworks i bought, lol and kiss my dogs (little dogs) they help me not be so alone, but it 's hard. It will have to wait till he gets back which won't be for 3 wks maybe 4, he will make it up to me he always does. Good luck and try to have a happy new year!
2006-12-30 14:43:12
answer #4
answered by sweetemtation_123 4
I havn't spent New Years in my City for 9 years straight because we always went to a cabin up in the Mt.'s cause they always did awsome fireworks and you can ski,ect. but all the cabins are sold out this New Years so im very very mad.But cheer up,time goes by fast.In a blink of an eye will be "Happy New Years 2008!"
2006-12-30 14:45:33
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I'm in the same boat. My significant other made plans without me, so I'll just have to find someone else to kiss on new years
2006-12-30 14:39:54
answer #6
answered by smallfry912 1
I am super-mega-ultra-bummed right now... Everyone is either going somewhere or just decided to spend new year with their familyes, and i'm stuck with mom and dad. Well, i can honestly say that it could be worse.
2006-12-30 14:42:31
answer #7
answered by CrashBoy 2
don't worry you R not the only one that is bummed I am 2.
2006-12-30 14:39:42
answer #8
answered by tessss?! 2
yes, my boyfriend is at th US and I'm home at south America, and I miss him soo much... I wish I were there to kiss him on new years eve...
2006-12-30 14:39:38
answer #9
answered by Latina Hottie! W.Chocolate 2
me and my wife are apart for the holidays we are trying to complete some leagal matters and yeah it kinda sux. Hang in there.
2006-12-30 14:40:38
answer #10
answered by Sacbro 3