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I'm very confused. This guy is very different from me (he's kind of a badass, and a bit of a jerk, whereas I'm seen as a well-behaved sweetie (I'm really not, but most people don't get this)). The thing is, I thought he was pretty weird, until a couple of months ago I noticed him staring at me all the time. At first i thought i was crazy, but i know i'm right. Then he started randomly calling me about homework and stuff, but stuff i think he could've gotten from anyone. Well, i started to think maybe i liked him, as i find him hot, but then, a few weeks ago my best friends (very sweetly) told me they heard from this girl (who found out!! thanks to one of my loud mouth friends) that he said he would never get with me. This girl is known for being a huge bullshitter, but i'm afraid i believe her. But i never would've been interested if he wasn't always staring at me before. Do you think he likes me, but his friends would think it was weird? Or is he just not interested?

2006-12-30 06:36:51 · 5 answers · asked by Vivienne G 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

5 answers

When you like someone, you will often twist things around to reinforce your perception that he likes you. Instead of trying to read these signs you should put out your own signals that you would be interested in dating him, maybe he will make a move. Also, Don't trust what others tell you about his feelings, just find out for yourself how he feels. Try casually flirting with him to see how he reacts.

2006-12-30 06:46:27 · answer #1 · answered by Mike J 2 · 0 0

Wow, I wouldn't know what to do in a situation like this. But you sound so like ME!! I never get interested in a guy unless he starts something. Maybe he's a playa. Only you know though. Dang I wish I could help you out but I'm trying to find the answer to the same exact thing!

2006-12-30 06:41:23 · answer #2 · answered by Allahu Akbar 2 · 0 0

..maybe he is just wondering about you...go up and ask him why he is staring at you, and then ask him out (not expecting him to say yes)..
...badass's are generally closed to the idea of actually liking someone...and they never display it for fear of not being "so kewl"...

2006-12-30 06:41:05 · answer #3 · answered by chillie 6 · 0 0

next time he calls you, ask him if he'd like to go out and then you'll find out for sure :) :) :)

2006-12-30 06:44:46 · answer #4 · answered by sexton 6 · 0 0

he is interested all right, don't you know opposites attract.

2006-12-30 06:52:39 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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