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15 answers

Make eye contact with each man and smile at each one. Make it an individual and personal experience for each and every one of them. And they will all fall in love with you.

There are plenty of naked women on the internet, in p o r n magazines, and in p o r n movies. But none of them interact with the men looking at them. It's always a one-way experience for the men. They look at the lady but the lady doesn't look back at them.

Interact with the men non-verbally with your eyes and your smiles, and you will give them a sense of personal recognition and friendship that they cannot get from looking at pictures.

There are plenty of women who smile at men. But not many men have had the experiece of an attractive nude woman on stage smiling at them. This would be a special experience for any man.

2006-12-30 06:55:29 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Do you enjoy it anymore? If you don't like stripping anymore then even if you don't think it shows, it does. The sexy fire might be gone from your eyes, or a certain way you walk and move and present yourself. The thing I enjoy best about strippers is the way they dance. Do you enjoy stage dancing and do you have fun with it when you're up there? If you're feeling half-as*ed, it shows. There's nothing uglier or a bigger turn off then a stripper who looks like she's just "going through the motions'" it doesn't matter how hot she is. Try some new music, or some new outfits. Re-invent yourself! Do a new routine, add some pizazz, and above all FEEL sexy why your doing it. If you look like you're enjoying yourself, others will enjoy you more. Charisma and charm is everything. I'm not the best looking girl, but I've got charm coming out of my ears! WORK IT!

2006-12-30 06:43:56 · answer #2 · answered by Ivana Cracker 5 · 0 0

am a mom of two and 26 years old .About a month and a half a lost my mojo . my boyfriend was really madd. So I took time away from him so that the next time I would see him I would get my mojo back.The doc said it was stress . So sit back and relax and get on another level with the guy in life,Trust me it is way worth it .

2006-12-30 06:42:59 · answer #3 · answered by shorty 1 · 0 0

Strippers don't lose their MOJO. They just get tired and old. Time to retire.

2006-12-31 11:38:04 · answer #4 · answered by edward_the_l0ngshanks 4 · 0 0

In Guam, the strippers MADE us touch them, it was so hot. I'm not sure about the rules back here in the states, but those girls out there made a TON of money off of us. Just for grabbing our hands and putting them wherever.

2006-12-30 06:40:19 · answer #5 · answered by k 2 · 0 1

tease,suck his little man
let him feel ya brest
moan in his ear
wiggle ya tongue in his ear
and so u can get some too do the 69
{not a stripper just a freak}
and a little word of advice strippin shows men u have no respect for ya self i have a husband thats who i do all these things too
just a thought

2006-12-30 07:27:21 · answer #6 · answered by Video Phone 4 · 1 1

if you leave out the sex, there is nothing left that men want from a stripper.

2006-12-30 06:52:44 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

i heard that sex starts in the mind first. maybe try to tease alot, be erotic. Im a virgin so when i fantasize about it, that how it is for me

2006-12-31 06:17:12 · answer #8 · answered by virgin 4 · 0 0

sheesh... you're the one that should be telling us others who are NOT strippers... aren't you like the Expert!

2006-12-30 06:39:09 · answer #9 · answered by Mishee 2 · 0 1

phone sex is great!
jiggle your *** just a little bit, kinda like youre acting like your trying to fit one inside of you.....be really cute/nasty at the same time ;)
email me hardkok24_7@yahoo.com

2006-12-30 06:39:41 · answer #10 · answered by mike s 1 · 0 2

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