don't expect an answer here , you can solve your problem yourself by talking to her clearly about the situation and your feelings. all the best !
2006-12-30 22:36:22
answer #1
answered by whatever 4
Its sumthin vast... She is more of a sports girl :) so i guess u talk to her about sports much of the time... So i guess u should do things she like and make her feel that you really care for her..
not just as a friend but as some one who REALLY cares...
Just make her feel that you are always there for her... Be close to her and make her feel comfortable.. n i guess she herself will fall for you.. Now the thing which you really have to keep in ur mind is that ... she is a girl and she would NEVER initiate.... so u r gonna be the one who will say that you love her.. and want to be in a relationship with her... this is something important.. Keep in mind she would never say that she loves you in the first place.. this is purely your job :)
My perception about relationships is, that they need time... and some ample time.. so give ur relationship some time and then see that you really want her as ur partner.. and if your heart replies with a yes.. then really go 4 her... dun hesitate.. she WILL come to you... and yes.. do ask God to help you in this.. Prayer should be the best friend in these matters...
Other then all this.. my prayers and good luck wishes are with you ... :):)
2006-12-30 15:14:14
answer #2
answered by Ata ul Munim 1
You said that she is a sports person, ask her out to a game as a friend, and then after the game ask her if she would want to be your girlfriend. Seeing that she is talking to you more and you both have been saying you like each other maybe this is the right time.
2006-12-30 14:46:27
answer #3
answered by Keewani B 2
You need to talk to her. But if the relationship doesn´t work out then you may end up losing a friend. Don´t rush things ,if she´s never been with anyone then maybe she isn´t ready and all she wants is a friend. If that´s the case then that´s what you should be
2006-12-30 14:37:29
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
hi Sean i know your problem. i am too that type of girl and when my boyfriend proposed me he-too thought the same thing. u know her from 2 years and i knew my boyfriend from 4 years. yes its difficult,but one thing is clear she will never propose (even if she likes )u,this job u have to do. if its very difficult show it and leave at her to understand. i was also given clues...
give her clues and show that u like her the most.
and do what your heart tells u to
well if it works do contact me tell about her
hope this may help u
best of luck
2006-12-30 14:53:08
answer #5
answered by little 1
Tell her you are going to toss a coin if she wins you will be her boy friend if you win she has to be your girl friend. Now tell her. "Heads I win, tails you lose." And toss the coin.
Wishing you and your new girl friend a Happy New Year 2007, hope you guys will find your private Heaven
2006-12-30 17:04:17
answer #6
answered by the Tramp 6
Put the moves on her...start the New Year w/ a new attitude!! COURAGE grow up already!
2006-12-30 21:25:31
answer #7
answered by Mee-OW =^..^= 7
You just have to tell her how you feel and make a move. If you don't now, you will regret it later.
2006-12-30 14:38:04
answer #8
answered by Mike J 2
Tell her don't be afraid to talk. You will be upset when dates with somebody else.
2006-12-30 14:36:37
answer #9
answered by LIZA 4
Jus go up to her and tell her b4 it is too late...
2006-12-30 14:40:02
answer #10
answered by Anonymous