Ex'es are mean.
2006-12-30 06:38:24
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Just blow it off. He was just being a retard and your ex was proabably just jealous because you were with someone else. Sometimes guys can be really dumb. So don't take it seriously. The one who should be crying is the guy who yelled at you. He was the one who acted like a fool, not you. And your new boyfriend should defend you, if he really likes you.
2006-12-30 06:42:21
answer #2
answered by Meuy V 2
id ignore it,men are stupid, especially the ones who act like little boys! you b/f could have laughed just to diffuse the situation and end the confrontation. who knows. i really wouldnt think too much about it, this guy was obviously trying to impress his mate( your ex) by standing up for him, or some daft male logic like that. really, just enjoy your knew relationship.
2006-12-30 06:41:20
answer #3
answered by cookie 85 2
Why? cos he's a jerk and your ex obviously said something to him about you. Just ignore them and get on with enjoying the new man in your life.
2006-12-30 06:34:49
answer #4
answered by F 3
Because he has a small penis and it's probably on his head. Little boys eh? Your ex probably has a touch of the dented ego and felt a sly dig in your direction would hurt you - which it did. Ignore him and concentrate on your current squeeze.
2006-12-30 06:54:52
answer #5
answered by stephaniespectacular 2
Because your ex is a childish, immature pratt. Good on you for not demeaning yourself by getting into an arguement over it - he's just jealous that you've moved on and he hasn't!
2006-12-30 06:37:43
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
he said it because he is childish and yes,he has probably told his mates all about you and what a cow you are,,that he dumped you because you are some form of nuts or weirdo,,dont give this the time of day,,adults accept they were not compatible,,children shout across the playground,,you are well rid of him love,,smile,,dont get upset,,they are his mates not yours,let them talk.
2006-12-30 06:37:12
answer #7
answered by lex 5
You probably hurt him, dear. Sometimes guys just know when their mates are hurting. A conversation shared over a beer.
2006-12-30 06:35:47
answer #8
answered by VirtualElvis 4
Dump him...he should have defended your honor and showed that he has no respect for you by simply laughing it up. You should not want to be with a man who treats you like trash, and that is what he did by not saying or doing anything to "protect" your feelings or "defend" your honor. Best wishes to you.
2006-12-30 06:37:14
answer #9
answered by ? 6
..your ex-boyfriend's mate yelled something to your new b-friend....your ex-b-friend definately talked bad about you to his new mate...they have their own little gossip about you......
...apparently, your ex-b-friend wants to rub his new mate in your face, but does not have the balls to do it himself.....better off without him..a guy with no balls is useless....
2006-12-30 06:35:56
answer #10
answered by chillie 6
cos ur ex is probably rle jelous and his friend just wanted to try and unerve you....id just ignore it if i was you and they'll get over the fact u have a new bf
good luck
2006-12-30 06:35:07
answer #11
answered by make_a_wish995 2