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There is a mutual attraction between a man I work with and myself. We can't do anything about it right now because of his position above me, so we just exchange light flirting. For his birthday, I gave him a card from a group of people and included a $20 gift card. Of course he knew it was from me and thanked me several times. This was the beginning of October and he still has it displayed in his office. Since then he has been extra flirty and very nice to me. He chose a child to get something for Christmas for that we both know. Well, I helped this child give him a Christmas card which he filled out and drew pictures in. I even put his (the man I like) initials on the front. I asked the child later did he like the card and he told him he'd open it later. He did ask who helped him and the child told him me. He left work that day without thanking me or mentioning it or even putting it up in his office. Maybe I did too much and he didn't like it? Should I be worried?

2006-12-30 06:22:26 · 5 answers · asked by jewels 2 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

5 answers

Talk to him. he may have had something on his mind that was stressing him out and had nothing to do with you. It may help clear the situation and put your mind at ease. Remember that we´re only humans and often have things that a difficult to deal with and we don´t usually ask for direct help. Be a friend to him if he needs it but don´t get yourself all worked up if you don´t know what´s wrong

2006-12-30 06:29:24 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

You mention in the beginning that because of work you are unable to date this guy.....so what is your goal then with all this? Either it will remain flirtation or tease-ation and leave you wanting more....OR.... you'll have a forbidden affair which will likely earn you zero respect in his book and lead to no meaningful relationship.

The card.... I know you meant well, but to get that involved seems a little needy. If you were simply helping out the child, that is fine. But if you were helping the child out because you knew it was yet another way to get connected to your crush....then it was too much and you need to back off.

2006-12-30 14:44:57 · answer #2 · answered by Sam 3 · 0 0

I think he just likes flirting at work. You might be taking this too seriously. Has anything more than just the flirting happened?? If so, then I apologize, but usually, it's never good to get involved with anyone from work, especially anyone in a management position. It puts both of your jobs at risk. I say find someone else.

2006-12-30 14:25:50 · answer #3 · answered by Cindy 3 · 0 0

Maybe you should have kept the flirting directly from you to him, and not have gone through the child to get your point across to him. Maybe he is just a tad uncomfortable with the whole using the child thing, or going through anyone else period.
Maybe it is just the fact he is seeing it is really more than just harmless flirting, or has the potential to be more than he really wants.

2006-12-30 14:29:05 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You think too much.

2006-12-30 14:31:05 · answer #5 · answered by #1 3 · 1 0

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