While many cases develop spontaneously, hiccups are known to develop often in specific situations, such as eating too quickly, taking a cold drink while eating a hot meal, eating very hot or spicy food, laughing vigorously or coughing, drinking an excess of an alcoholic beverage, or electrolyte imbalance. Hiccups may be caused by pressure to the phrenic nerve by other anatomical structures, or rarely by tumors and certain kidney disease. It is reported that 30% of chemotherapy patients suffer singultus as a side effect to treatment.
Some Common ideas on how to get rid of hiccups:
eat and quickly swallow a few teaspoons of granulated sugar is always working
putting fingers in throat, or ears
standing on head
someone jumps out and scare you when you're not expecting it - a famous treatment
taking a sip of water every 4 seconds
holding breath and counting to 10
breathing deeply
trying to swallow hiccups
massaging the bottom throat between the collar bone or under both collar bones
drink as fast as possible
putting sugar on tongue
hold chocolate on your tongue
bending over and drinking from the opposite side of a glass
Hope this helps.
For further info, check out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hiccup
2006-12-30 05:50:24
answer #1
answered by jojo 3
this happens to me a lot too. i talked to my doctor about it and she said that it was most likely because i ate way to quickly and when i am eating i swallow air or something...
2006-12-30 13:40:56
answer #2
answered by moolisa8 1